Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Interface with pytket.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


.. admonition:: Functions

    .. autosummary::
        :template: function.rst


from unittest.mock import Mock

import pytket as tk
from pytket.circuit import Bit, Op, OpType, Qubit
from pytket.utils import probs_from_counts

from discopy.quantum.circuit import Functor, Id, bit, qubit, Circuit as Diagram
from discopy.quantum.gates import (
    ClassicalGate, Controlled, QuantumGate, Bits, Bra, Digits, Ket,
    Swap, Scalar, MixedScalar, GATES, X, Rx, Ry, Rz, CRx,
    CRz, format_number, Discard, Measure)
from discopy.utils import assert_isinstance

OPTYPE_MAP = {"H": OpType.H,
              "X": OpType.X,
              "Y": OpType.Y,
              "Z": OpType.Z,
              "S": OpType.S,
              "T": OpType.T,
              "Rx": OpType.Rx,
              "Ry": OpType.Ry,
              "Rz": OpType.Rz,
              "CX": OpType.CX,
              "CZ": OpType.CZ,
              "CRx": OpType.CRx,
              "CRz": OpType.CRz,
              "Swap": OpType.SWAP,

[docs] class Circuit(tk.Circuit): """ Extend pytket.Circuit with counts post-processing. """
[docs] @staticmethod def upgrade(tk_circuit): """ Takes a :class:`pytket.Circuit`, returns a :class:`Circuit`. """ result = Circuit(tk_circuit.n_qubits, len(tk_circuit.bits)) for gate in tk_circuit: name, inputs =, gate.op.params + [ x.index[0] for x in gate.qubits + gate.bits] result.__getattribute__(name)(*inputs) return result
def __init__(self, n_qubits=0, n_bits=0, post_selection=None, scalar=None, post_processing=None): self.post_selection = post_selection or {} self.scalar = scalar or 1 self.post_processing = post_processing\ or Id(bit ** (n_bits - len(self.post_selection))) super().__init__(n_qubits, n_bits) def __repr__(self): def repr_gate(gate): name, inputs =, gate.op.params + [ x.index[0] for x in gate.qubits + gate.bits] return f"{name}({', '.join(map(str, inputs))})" str_bits = f", {len(self.bits)}" if self.bits else "" init = [f"tk.Circuit({self.n_qubits}{str_bits})"] gates = list(map(repr_gate, list(self))) post_select = [f"post_select({self.post_selection})"]\ if self.post_selection else [] scalar = [f"scale({format_number(x)})" for x in [self.scalar] if x != 1] post_process = [f"post_process({repr(d)})" for d in [self.post_processing] if d] return '.'.join(init + gates + post_select + scalar + post_process) def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() state[0].update(self.__dict__) return state def __setstate__(self, state): for attr in ['scalar', 'post_selection', 'post_processing']: setattr(self, attr, state[0].pop(attr)) super().__setstate__(state) @property def n_bits(self): """ Number of bits in a circuit. """ return len(self.bits)
[docs] def add_bit(self, unit, offset=None): """ Add a bit, update post_processing. """ if offset is not None: self.post_processing @= Id(bit) self.post_processing >>= Id(bit ** offset)\ @ Diagram.swap(self.post_processing.cod[offset:-1], bit) super().add_bit(unit)
[docs] def rename_units(self, renaming): """ Rename units in a circuit. """ bits_to_rename = [ old for old in renaming.keys() if isinstance(old, Bit) and old.index[0] in self.post_selection] post_selection_renaming = { renaming[old].index[0]: self.post_selection[old.index[0]] for old in bits_to_rename} for old in bits_to_rename: del self.post_selection[old.index[0]] self.post_selection.update(post_selection_renaming) super().rename_units(renaming)
[docs] def scale(self, number): """ Scale a circuit by a given number. """ self.scalar *= number return self
[docs] def post_select(self, post_selection): """ Post-select bits on a a given value. """ self.post_selection.update(post_selection) return self
[docs] def post_process(self, process): """ Classical post-processing. """ self.post_processing >>= process return self
[docs] def get_counts(self, *others, backend=None, **params): """ Runs a circuit on a backend and returns the counts. """ n_shots = params.get("n_shots", 2**10) scale = params.get("scale", True) post_select = params.get("post_select", True) compilation = params.get("compilation", None) normalize = params.get("normalize", True) measure_all = params.get("measure_all", False) seed = params.get("seed", None) if measure_all: for circuit in (self, ) + others: circuit.measure_all() if compilation is not None: for circuit in (self, ) + others: compilation.apply(circuit) handles = backend.process_circuits( (self, ) + others, n_shots=n_shots, seed=seed) counts = [backend.get_result(h).get_counts() for h in handles] if normalize: counts = list(map(probs_from_counts, counts)) if post_select: for i, circuit in enumerate((self, ) + others): post_selected = dict() for bitstring, count in counts[i].items(): if all(bitstring[index] == value for index, value in circuit.post_selection.items()): key = tuple( value for index, value in enumerate(bitstring) if index not in circuit.post_selection) post_selected.update({key: count}) counts[i] = post_selected if scale: for i, circuit in enumerate((self, ) + others): for bitstring in counts[i]: counts[i][bitstring] *= circuit.scalar return counts
[docs] def to_tk(circuit): """ Takes a :class:`discopy.quantum.Circuit`, returns a :class:`Circuit`. """ # bits and qubits are lists of register indices, at layer i we want # len(bits) == circuit[:i].cod.count(bit) and same for qubits tk_circ, bits, qubits = Circuit(), [], [] circuit = circuit.init_and_discard() def remove_ket1(box): if not isinstance(box, Ket): return box x_gates = Id().tensor(*(X if x else Id(qubit) for x in box.bitstring)) return Ket(*(len(box.bitstring) * (0, ))) >> x_gates def prepare_qubits(qubits, box, offset): renaming = dict() start = tk_circ.n_qubits if not qubits else 0\ if not offset else qubits[offset - 1] + 1 for i in range(start, tk_circ.n_qubits): old = Qubit('q', i) new = Qubit('q', i + len(box.cod)) renaming.update({old: new}) tk_circ.rename_units(renaming) tk_circ.add_blank_wires(len(box.cod)) return qubits[:offset] + list(range(start, start + len(box.cod)))\ + [i + len(box.cod) for i in qubits[offset:]] def prepare_bits(bits, box, offset): renaming = dict() start = tk_circ.n_bits if not bits else 0\ if not offset else bits[offset - 1] + 1 for i in range(start, tk_circ.n_bits): old = Bit(i) new = Bit(i + len(box.cod)) renaming.update({old: new}) tk_circ.rename_units(renaming) for i in range(start, start + len(box.cod)): tk_circ.add_bit(Bit(i), offset=offset + i - start) return bits[:offset] + list(range(start, start + len(box.cod)))\ + [i + len(box.cod) for i in bits[offset:]] def measure_qubits(qubits, bits, box, bit_offset, qubit_offset): if isinstance(box, Measure) and box.override_bits: for j, _ in enumerate(box.dom[:len(box.dom) // 2]): i_bit = bits[bit_offset + j] i_qubit = qubits[qubit_offset + j] tk_circ.Measure(i_qubit, i_bit) return bits, qubits for j, _ in enumerate(box.dom): i_bit, i_qubit = len(tk_circ.bits), qubits[qubit_offset + j] offset = len(bits) if isinstance(box, Measure) else None tk_circ.add_bit(Bit(i_bit), offset=offset) tk_circ.Measure(i_qubit, i_bit) if isinstance(box, Bra): tk_circ.post_select({i_bit: box.bitstring[j]}) if isinstance(box, Measure): bits = bits[:bit_offset + j] + [i_bit] + bits[bit_offset + j:] if isinstance(box, Bra)\ or isinstance(box, Measure) and box.destructive: qubits = qubits[:qubit_offset]\ + qubits[qubit_offset + len(box.dom):] return bits, qubits def swap(i, j, unit_factory=Qubit): old, tmp, new =\ unit_factory(i), unit_factory('tmp', 0), unit_factory(j) tk_circ.rename_units({old: tmp}) tk_circ.rename_units({new: old}) tk_circ.rename_units({tmp: new}) def add_gate(qubits, box, offset): i_qubits = [qubits[offset + j] for j in range(len(box.dom))] if isinstance(box, (Rx, Ry, Rz)): op = Op.create(OPTYPE_MAP[[:2]], 2 * box.phase) elif isinstance(box, Controlled): i_qubits = [] idx = offset if box.distance > 0 else offset - box.distance curr_box = box while isinstance(curr_box, Controlled): i_qubits.append(qubits[idx]) idx += curr_box.distance curr_box = curr_box.controlled i_qubits.append(qubits[idx]) name ='(')[0] if in ('CX', 'CZ', 'CCX'): op = Op.create(OPTYPE_MAP[name]) elif name in ('CRx', 'CRz'): op = Op.create(OPTYPE_MAP[name], 2 * box.phase) elif in OPTYPE_MAP: op = Op.create(OPTYPE_MAP[]) else: raise NotImplementedError if box.is_dagger: op = op.dagger tk_circ.add_gate(op, i_qubits) circuit = Functor(ob=lambda x: x, ar=remove_ket1)(circuit) for left, box, _ in circuit.inside: if isinstance(box, Ket): qubits = prepare_qubits(qubits, box, left.count(qubit)) elif isinstance(box, Digits) and box._dim == 2 and not box.is_dagger: if 1 in box.bitstring: raise NotImplementedError bits = prepare_bits(bits, box, left.count(bit)) elif isinstance(box, (Measure, Bra)): bits, qubits = measure_qubits( qubits, bits, box, left.count(bit), left.count(qubit)) elif isinstance(box, Discard): bits = bits[:left.count(bit)]\ + bits[left.count(bit) + box.dom.count(bit):] qubits = qubits[:left.count(qubit)]\ + qubits[left.count(qubit) + box.dom.count(qubit):] elif isinstance(box, Swap): if box == Swap(qubit, qubit): off = left.count(qubit) swap(qubits[off], qubits[off + 1]) elif box == Swap(bit, bit): off = left.count(bit) if tk_circ.post_processing: right = Id(tk_circ.post_processing.cod[off + 2:]) tk_circ.post_process( Id(bit ** off) @ Swap(bit, bit) @ right) else: swap(bits[off], bits[off + 1], unit_factory=Bit) else: # pragma: no cover continue # bits and qubits live in different registers. elif isinstance(box, Scalar): tk_circ.scale( box.array if box.is_mixed else abs(box.array) ** 2) elif isinstance(box, ClassicalGate)\ or isinstance(box, Digits) and box._dim == 2\ and box.is_dagger: off = left.count(bit) right = Id(tk_circ.post_processing.cod[off + len(box.dom):]) tk_circ.post_process(Id(bit ** off) @ box @ right) elif isinstance(box, QuantumGate): add_gate(qubits, box, left.count(qubit)) else: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError return tk_circ
[docs] def from_tk(tk_circuit): """ Translates from tket to discopy. """ assert_isinstance(tk_circuit, tk.Circuit) if not isinstance(tk_circuit, Circuit): tk_circuit = Circuit.upgrade(tk_circuit) n_bits = tk_circuit.n_bits - len(tk_circuit.post_selection) n_qubits = tk_circuit.n_qubits def box_from_tk(tk_gate): name = if name == 'Rx': return Rx(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2) if name == 'Ry': return Ry(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2) if name == 'Rz': return Rz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2) if name == 'CRx': return CRx(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2) if name == 'CRz': return CRz(tk_gate.op.params[0] / 2) if name in GATES: return GATES[name] if name.removesuffix('dg') in GATES: return GATES[name.removesuffix('dg')].dagger() raise NotImplementedError def make_units_adjacent(tk_gate): offset = tk_gate.qubits[0].index[0] swaps = Id(qubit ** n_qubits @ bit ** n_bits) for i, tk_qubit in enumerate(tk_gate.qubits[1:]): source, target = tk_qubit.index[0], offset + i + 1 if source < target: left, right = swaps.cod[:source], swaps.cod[target:] swap = Diagram.swap( swaps.cod[source:source + 1], swaps.cod[source + 1:target]) if source <= offset: offset -= 1 elif source > target: left, right = swaps.cod[:target], swaps.cod[source + 1:] swap = Diagram.swap( swaps.cod[target: target + 1], swaps.cod[target + 1: source + 1]) else: # pragma: no cover continue # units are adjacent already swaps = swaps >> Id(left) @ swap @ Id(right) return offset, swaps circuit = Id().tensor(*(n_qubits * [Ket(0)] + n_bits * [Bits(0)])) bras = {} for tk_gate in tk_circuit.get_commands(): if == "Measure": offset = tk_gate.qubits[0].index[0] bit_index = tk_gate.bits[0].index[0] if bit_index in tk_circuit.post_selection: bras[offset] = tk_circuit.post_selection[bit_index] continue # post selection happens at the end box = Measure(destructive=False, override_bits=True) swaps = Id(circuit.cod[:offset + 1]) swaps = swaps @ Diagram.swap( circuit.cod[offset + 1:n_qubits + bit_index], circuit.cod[n_qubits:][bit_index: bit_index + 1])\ @ Id(circuit.cod[n_qubits + bit_index + 1:]) else: box = box_from_tk(tk_gate) offset, swaps = make_units_adjacent(tk_gate) left, right = swaps.cod[:offset], swaps.cod[offset + len(box.dom):] circuit = circuit >> swaps >> Id(left) @ box @ Id(right) >> swaps[::-1] circuit = circuit >> Id().tensor(*( Bra(bras[i]) if i in bras else Discard() if == 'qubit' else Id(bit) for i, x in enumerate(circuit.cod))) if tk_circuit.scalar != 1: circuit = circuit @ MixedScalar(tk_circuit.scalar) return circuit >> tk_circuit.post_processing
def mockBackend(*counts): """ Takes a list of counts, returns a mock backend that outputs them. """ def get_result(i): result = Mock() result.get_counts.return_value = counts[i] return result mock = Mock() mock.process_circuits.return_value = list(range(len(counts))) mock.get_result = get_result return mock