# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The free compact category on a symmetric traced category, or more generally the
free ribbon category on a balanced traced category.
Concretely, this is a "glorification of the construction of the integers from
the natural numbers". This so-called Int-construction first appeared in Joyal,
Street & Verity :cite:p:`JoyalEtAl96`. It is sometimes called the "geometry of
interaction" construction, see :cite:t:`Abramsky96`.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
.. admonition:: Functions
.. autosummary::
:template: function.rst
>>> from discopy.grammar import pregroup
>>> from discopy.grammar.pregroup import Word, Cup, Diagram, Functor
>>> s, n = map(pregroup.Ty, "sn")
>>> Alice, loves, Bob\\
... = Word('Alice', n), Word('loves', n.r @ s @ n.l), Word('Bob', n)
>>> who = Word('who', n.r @ n @ (n.r @ s).l)
>>> noun_phrase = Alice @ who @ loves @ Bob\\
... >> Cup(n, n.r) @ n @ Diagram.cups((n.r @ s).l, n.r @ s) @ Cup(n.l, n)
>>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box, Category, Swap
>>> S, N = map(T, "SN")
>>> F = Functor(
... ob={s: Ty[T](S), n: Ty[T](N)},
... ar={Alice: Box('A', T(), N),
... who: Box('W', S @ N, N @ N),
... loves: Box('L', N @ N, S),
... Bob: Box('B', T(), N)},
... cod=Int(Category(T, D)))
>>> image = F(noun_phrase).inside.to_hypergraph().interchange(1, 3)\\
... .to_diagram().interchange(1, 2).naturality(2, left=False)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(noun_phrase, image, symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/int/alice-loves-interaction.png")
.. image:: /_static/int/alice-loves-interaction.png
:align: center
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps
from discopy import (
from discopy.cat import Composable, assert_iscomposable
from discopy.monoidal import Whiskerable
from discopy.utils import (
NamedGeneric, unbiased, assert_isinstance, factory_name)
class Ty(NamedGeneric['natural']):
An integer type is a pair of :attr:`natural` types.
positive : The positive half of the type.
negative : The negative half of the type.
Integer types are parameterised by natural types, e.g.
>>> assert Ty == Ty[pivotal.Ty] and Ty[int].natural == int
The prefix operator ``-`` reverses positive and negative, e.g.
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty[int], [1, 2, 3])
>>> assert x @ -y @ z == Ty[int](1 + 3, 2)
natural = pivotal.Ty
positive: natural
negative: natural
def __init__(self, positive: natural = None, negative: natural = None):
positive, negative = (
self.natural() if x is None else x for x in (positive, negative))
positive, negative = (
x if isinstance(x, type(self).natural) else type(self).natural(x)
for x in (positive, negative))
self.positive, self.negative = positive, negative
def __iter__(self):
yield self.positive
yield self.negative
def __repr__(self):
pos, neg = repr(self.positive), repr(self.negative)
return f"interaction.Ty[{factory_name(self.natural)}]"\
f"(positive={pos}, negative={neg})"
def __str__(self):
return " @ ".join(list(map(str, self.positive)) + [
f"-{x}" for x in reversed(self.negative)])
except TypeError: # e.g. when Ty.natural == int
return repr(self)
def tensor(self, *others: Ty):
if any(not isinstance(other, Ty) for other in others):
return NotImplemented
unit = type(self).natural()
positive = sum([x.positive for x in (self, ) + others], unit)
negative = sum([x.negative for x in reversed((self, ) + others)], unit)
return type(self)(positive, negative)
__matmul__ = __add__ = tensor
def __neg__(self):
positive, negative = self
return type(self)(negative, positive)
l = r = property(__neg__)
class Diagram(Composable[Ty], Whiskerable, NamedGeneric['natural']):
An integer diagram from ``x`` to ``y`` is a :attr:`natural` diagram
from ``x.positive @ y.negative`` to ``x.negative @ y.positive``.
inside : The natural diagram inside.
dom : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input.
cod : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output.
By default we take ``natural = ribbon.Diagram`` but this can be any class
with the methods for a balanced traced category. For example, the category
of boolean matrices with the direct sum has a trace given by reflexive
transitive closure. We can use it to check the snake equations:
>>> from discopy.matrix import Matrix
>>> T, D = Ty[int], Diagram[Matrix[bool]]
>>> assert D.id(T(2, 2)).transpose()\\
... == D.id(T(2, 2))\\
... == D.id(T(2, 2)).transpose(left=True)
natural = ribbon.Diagram
inside: natural
dom: Ty
cod: Ty
def __init__(self, inside: natural, dom: Ty, cod: Ty):
assert_isinstance(inside, self.natural)
if inside.dom != dom.positive + cod.negative:
raise ValueError(messages.WRONG_DOM.format(
dom.positive + cod.negative, inside.dom))
if inside.cod != cod.positive + dom.negative:
raise ValueError(messages.WRONG_COD.format(
cod.positive + dom.negative, inside.cod))
self.inside, self.dom, self.cod = inside, dom, cod
def then(self, other: Diagram):
The composition of two integer diagrams.
other : The other diagram with which to compose.
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box as B
>>> x0, y0, z0 = map(T, [obj + "0" for obj in "xyz"])
>>> x1, y1, z1 = map(T, [obj + "1" for obj in "xyz"])
>>> X, Y, Z = Ty[T](x0, x1), Ty[T](y0, y1), Ty[T](z0, z1)
>>> f = Diagram[D](B('f', x0 @ y1, y0 @ x1), X, Y)
>>> g = Diagram[D](B('g', y0 @ z1, z0 @ y1), Y, Z)
>>> (f >> g).draw(path='docs/_static/int/composition.png')
.. image:: /_static/int/composition.png
:align: center
In the compact case, composition is equivalent to symmetric feedback:
>>> from discopy.interaction import *
>>> from discopy.compact import Ty, Box, Swap, Cup, Cap
>>> f_, g_ = Box('f', x0 @ y1, x1 @ y0), Box('g', y0 @ z1, y1 @ z0)
>>> caps = (x0 @ Cap(y1, y1.r) @ Cap(y0.r, y0) @ z1).foliation()
>>> cups = (x1 @ Cup(y0, y0.r) @ Cup(y1.r, y1) @ z0).foliation()
>>> symmetric_feedback =\\
... caps >> (f_ @ Swap(y1.r, y0.r) @ g_).foliation() >> cups
>>> symmetric_feedback.draw(
... path='docs/_static/int/symmetric-feedback.png')
.. image:: /_static/int/symmetric-feedback.png
:align: center
assert_iscomposable(self, other)
x, u = self.dom
y, v = self.cod
z, w = other.cod
braid = self.natural.braid
dom, cod = type(self.dom)(x, u), type(self.cod)(z, w)
inside = (
x @ braid(w, v)
>> self.inside @ w
>> y @ braid(w, u).dagger()
>> other.inside @ u
>> z @ braid(v, u)).trace(n=v if isinstance(v, int) else len(v))
return type(self)(inside, dom, cod)
def id(cls, dom: Ty = None) -> Diagram:
The identity on an integer type.
dom : The integer type on which to take the identity.
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box as B
>>> x, y, u, v = map(Ty[T], "xyuv")
>>> f = Diagram[D](B('f', T('x', 'v'), T('y', 'u')), x @ -u, y @ -v)
>>> (Diagram[D].id(x @ -u) >> f).draw(path='docs/_static/int/idl.png')
.. image:: /_static/int/idl.png
:align: center
>>> (f >> Diagram[D].id(y @ -v)).draw(path='docs/_static/int/idr.png')
.. image:: /_static/int/idr.png
:align: center
dom = Ty[cls.natural.ty_factory]() if dom is None else dom
positive, negative = dom
inside = cls.natural.id(positive) @ cls.natural.twist(negative)
return cls(inside, dom, dom)
def tensor(self, other):
The tensor of two integer diagrams.
other : The other diagram to tensor.
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box as B
>>> x, y, u, v = map(Ty[T], "xyuv")
>>> x_, y_, u_, v_ = map(lambda x: Ty[T](x + '_'), "xyuv")
>>> f = Diagram[D](B('f', T('x', 'v'), T('y', 'u')), x @ -u, y @ -v)
>>> f_ = Diagram[D](
... B('f_', T('x_', 'v_'), T('y_', 'u_')), x_ @ -u_, y_ @ -v_)
>>> (f @ f_).draw(path='docs/_static/int/tensor.png')
.. image:: /_static/int/tensor.png
:align: center
x, u, y, v = tuple(self.dom) + tuple(self.cod)
x_, u_, y_, v_ = tuple(other.dom) + tuple(other.cod)
_braid = self.natural.braid
inside = _braid(x, x_) @ _braid(v, v_).dagger()\
>> x_ @ self.inside @ v_\
>> _braid(y, x_).dagger() @ _braid(v_, u).dagger()\
>> y @ other.inside @ u
return type(self)(inside, self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod)
def braid(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Diagram:
The braid of integer diagrams is given by the following diagram:
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box as B
>>> x, u, y, v = map(Ty[T], "xuyv")
>>> Diagram.braid(x @ -u, y @ -v).draw(
... path="docs/_static/int/braid.png")
.. image:: /_static/int/braid.png
:align: center
left : The left input of the braid.
right : The right input of the braid.
_braid, _twist = cls.natural.braid, cls.natural.twist
x, u = left
y, v = right
braids = _braid(x, y) @ _braid(v, u).dagger()\
>> y @ (_braid(v, x).dagger() >> _braid(x, v).dagger()) @ u
twists = y @ x @ _twist(v).dagger() @ _twist(u).dagger()
return cls(braids >> twists, left @ right, right @ left)
def cups(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Diagram:
The integer cups are given by natural identities.
left : The left-hand side of the cups.
right : The right-hand side of the cups.
This is what the snake equations look like:
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> x = Ty('x')
>>> Equation(
... Diagram.caps(x, -x) @ x >> x @ Diagram.cups(-x, x),
... Diagram.id(x),
... x @ Diagram.caps(-x, x) >> Diagram.cups(x, -x) @ x).draw(
... path="docs/_static/int/int-snake-equations.png")
.. image:: /_static/int/int-snake-equations.png
:align: center
rigid.Ty.assert_isadjoint(left, right)
inside = cls.natural.id(left.positive + left.negative)
return cls(inside, left @ right, type(left)())
def caps(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Diagram:
The integer caps are given by natural identities.
left : The left-hand side of the caps.
right : The right-hand side of the caps.
rigid.Ty.assert_isadjoint(right, left)
inside = cls.natural.id(left.negative + left.positive)
return cls(inside, type(left)(), left @ right)
def dagger(self):
The dagger of an integer diagram is given by the dagger of its inside.
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Box as B
>>> x, y, u, v = map(Ty[T], "xyuv")
>>> f = Diagram[D](B('f', T('x', 'v'), T('y', 'u')), x @ -u, y @ -v)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(f, f[::-1], symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/int/dagger.png")
.. image:: /_static/int/dagger.png
:align: center
return type(self)(self.inside.dagger(), self.cod, self.dom)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == slice(None, None, -1):
return self.dagger()
raise IndexError
def draw(self, **params):
""" The drawing of an integer diagram is the drawing of its inside. """
return self.inside.draw(**params)
def simplify(self):
Simplify by going back and forth to :class:`Hypergraph`.
>>> from discopy import frobenius
>>> x = Ty[frobenius.Ty]('x')
>>> D = Diagram[frobenius.Diagram]
>>> left_snake = D.id(-x).transpose(left=True)
>>> right_snake = D.id(-x).transpose(left=False)
>>> assert left_snake.simplify() == D.id(x) == right_snake.simplify()
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(left_snake, Equation(
... D.id(x), right_snake, symbol="$\\\\leftarrow$"),
... symbol="$\\\\rightarrow$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/int/simplify.png")
.. image:: /_static/int/simplify.png
:align: center
return type(self)(self.inside.simplify(), self.dom, self.cod)
def naturality(self, i: int, left=True, down=True, braid=None) -> Diagram:
return type(self)(
self.inside.naturality(i, left, down, braid), self.dom, self.cod)
trace = traced.Diagram.trace
trace_factory = classmethod(pivotal.Diagram.trace_factory.__func__)
transpose = rigid.Diagram.transpose
boxes = property(lambda self: self.inside.boxes)
to_drawing = lambda self: self.inside.to_drawing()
def Int(category: traced.Category) -> ribbon.Category:
The Int construction, i.e. the free ribbon category on a given balanced
traced `category`, with :class:`interaction.Ty` as objects and
:class:`interaction.Diagram` as arrows.
category : A balanced traced category.
>>> from discopy.ribbon import Ty as T, Diagram as D, Category
>>> assert Int(Category(T, D)) == Category(Ty[T], Diagram[D])
return ribbon.Category(Ty[category.ob], Diagram[category.ar])
Id = Diagram.id