Source code for discopy.hypergraph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free hypergraph category with cospans of labeled hypergraphs as arrows.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


.. admonition:: Functions

    .. autosummary::
        :template: function.rst


from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable, Mapping
from inspect import isclass

import random
from typing import Any, Iterable, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from networkx import (
    DiGraph as Graph,
from networkx.algorithms.isomorphism import is_isomorphic

from discopy import messages
from import Category
from discopy.drawing import Node
from discopy.utils import (
    from import Ty, Box, Diagram

Spider = Any
""" The labels of spiders can be of any type. """

Wires = tuple[Spider, ...]
""" Wires are n-tuples of :class:`Spider` labels. """

Boundary = tuple[Wires, Wires]
""" A boundary is a pair of input and output :class:`Wires`. """

Wiring = tuple[Wires, tuple[Boundary, ...], Wires]
The wiring of a hypergraph is given by a triple
``dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires`` where
``(dom_wires, cod_wires)`` is the :class:`Boundary` of the overall hypergraph
while ``box_wires`` are the boundaries for each of its boxes.

SpiderTypes = Union[Mapping[Spider, "Ty"], Iterable["Ty"]]
Mapping from :class:`Spider` to atomic :class:`frobenius.Ty`.

[docs] class Hypergraph(Composable, Whiskerable, NamedGeneric['category', 'functor']): """ A hypergraph is given by: - a domain, a codomain and an n-tuple of boxes - a :class:`Wiring` triple ``dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires`` where - ``(dom_wires, cod_wires)`` is the :class:`Boundary` of the hypergraph - ``box_wires: tuple[Boundary, ...]`` is the boundary of each box - an optional mapping :class:`SpiderTypes` from spiders to types A :class:`Boundary` is just a pair of input and output :class:`Wires`. :class:`Wires` are n-tuples of :class:`Spider` labels. :class:`Spider` labels can be of any type. Parameters: dom (category.ob) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod (category.ob) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. boxes (tuple[, ...]) : The boxes inside the diagram. wires (Wiring) : List of wires from ports to spiders. spider_types (SpiderTypes) : Optional mapping from spiders to atomic types, if ``None`` then this is computed from the types of ports. offsets : tuple[int | None, ...] Number of wires left of each box, used by :meth:`to_diagram`. Note ---- Abstractly, a hypergraph diagram can be seen as a cospan for the boundary:: range(len(dom)) -> range(n_spiders) <- range(len(cod)) together with a cospan for each box in boxes:: range(len(box.dom)) -> range(n_spiders) <- range(len(box.cod)) Composition of two hypergraph diagram is given by the pushout of the span:: range(self.n_spiders) <- range(len(self.cod)) -> range(other.n_spiders) Note ---- The ``Hypergraph`` class is parameterised by a ``Category``, i.e. instances of ``Hypergraph[C]`` have ``dom: C.ob`` and ``cod: C.ob`` as boundary and ``boxes: tuple[, ...]`` as generators. For example: >>> from discopy.frobenius import Hypergraph as H >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Diagram >>> assert H.category.ob == Ty and == Diagram They are also parameterised by a ``Functor`` called by :meth:`to_diagram`. >>> from discopy.frobenius import Functor >>> assert H.functor == Functor Examples -------- >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> assert @ y @ z).n_spiders == 3 >>> assert @ y @ z).wires ==((0, 1, 2), (), (0, 1, 2)) >>> assert H.swap(x, y).n_spiders == 2 >>> assert H.swap(x, y).wires == ((0, 1), (), (1, 0)) >>> assert H.spiders(1, 2, x @ y).n_spiders == 2 >>> assert H.spiders(1, 2, x @ y).wires ==((0, 1), (), (0, 1, 0, 1)) >>> assert H.spiders(0, 0, x @ y @ z).n_spiders == 3 >>> assert H.spiders(0, 0, x @ y @ z).wires == ((), (), ()) >>> from discopy.frobenius import Box >>> f, g = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph(), Box('g', y, z).to_hypergraph() >>> assert f.n_spiders == g.n_spiders == 2 >>> assert f.wires == g.wires == ((0, ), (((0, ), (1, )), ), (1, )) >>> assert (f >> g).n_spiders == 3 >>> assert (f >> g).wires == ((0,), (((0,), (1,)), ((1,), (2,))), (2,)) >>> assert (f @ g).n_spiders == 4 >>> assert (f @ g).wires == ((0, 1), (((0,), (2,)), ((1,), (3,))), (2, 3)) """ category = None functor = None def __init__( self, dom: Ty, cod: Ty, boxes: tuple[Box, ...], wires: Wiring, spider_types: SpiderTypes = None, offsets: tuple[int | None, ...] = None): assert_isinstance(dom, self.category.ob) assert_isinstance(cod, self.category.ob) for box in boxes: assert_isinstance(box, self.dom, self.cod, self.boxes = dom, cod, boxes dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires = wires if len(dom_wires) != len(dom): raise ValueError if len(cod_wires) != len(cod): raise ValueError if len(box_wires) != len(boxes): raise ValueError for box, (box_dom_wires, box_cod_wires) in zip(boxes, box_wires): if len(box_dom_wires) != len(box.dom): raise ValueError if len(box_cod_wires) != len(box.cod): raise ValueError flat_wires = dom_wires + sum( [x + y for x, y in box_wires], ()) + cod_wires connected_spiders = set(flat_wires) if spider_types is None: spider_types = {spider: port.obj for spider, port in zip( flat_wires, self.ports)} if not isinstance(spider_types, Mapping): spider_types = dict(enumerate(spider_types)) relabeling = sorted(connected_spiders, key=flat_wires.index) relabeling += sorted(set(spider_types.keys()) - connected_spiders) self.spider_types = tuple(map( lambda typ: typ.r if getattr(typ, "z", 0) else typ, [spider_types[s] for s in relabeling])) self.flat_wires = tuple(relabeling.index(s) for s in flat_wires) self.wires = self.rebracket(self.flat_wires) self.dom_wires, self.box_wires, self.cod_wires = self.wires for obj in self.spider_types: assert_isatomic(obj, self.category.ob) for obj, wires in zip(self.spider_types, self.spider_wires): adjoint = getattr(obj, "r", obj) for i in set.union(*wires): if self.ports[i].obj not in [obj, adjoint]: raise AxiomError(messages.TYPE_ERROR.format( obj, self.ports[i].obj)) self.offsets = offsets or tuple(len(boxes) * [None]) @property def spider_wires(self) -> list[tuple[set[int], set[int]]]: """ The input and output wires for each spider of a hypergraph. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> for wires in (f >> H.spiders(1, 2, y)).spider_wires: print(wires) ({0}, {1}) ({2}, {3, 4}) """ result = [(set(), set()) for _ in range(self.n_spiders)] for port, spider in enumerate(self.dom_wires): result[spider][0].add(port) n_ports = len(self.dom) for dom_wires, cod_wires in self.box_wires: for port, spider in enumerate(dom_wires): result[spider][1].add(port + n_ports) for port, spider in enumerate(cod_wires): result[spider][0].add(port + n_ports + len(dom_wires)) n_ports += len(dom_wires + cod_wires) for port, spider in enumerate(self.cod_wires): result[spider][1].add(port + n_ports) return result @property def ports(self): """ The ports in a diagram. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> f = Box('f', x, y @ y).to_hypergraph() >>> g = Box('g', y @ y, z).to_hypergraph() >>> for port in (f >> g).ports: print(port) Node('input', i=0, obj=x) Node('dom', depth=0, i=0, obj=x) Node('cod', depth=0, i=0, obj=y) Node('cod', depth=0, i=1, obj=y) Node('dom', depth=1, i=0, obj=y) Node('dom', depth=1, i=1, obj=y) Node('cod', depth=1, i=0, obj=z) Node('output', i=0, obj=z) """ inputs = [Node("input", i=i, obj=obj) for i, obj in enumerate(self.dom)] doms_and_cods = sum([[ Node(kind, depth=depth, i=i, obj=obj) for i, obj in enumerate(typ)] for depth, box in enumerate(self.boxes) for kind, typ in [("dom", box.dom), ("cod", box.cod)]], []) outputs = [Node("output", i=i, obj=obj) for i, obj in enumerate(self.cod)] return inputs + doms_and_cods + outputs
[docs] def rebracket( self, flat_wires: list[Spider], boxes=None, dom=None): """ Rebracket a flat list of :class:`Spider` into a proper :class:`Wiring`. """ dom = self.dom if dom is None else dom boxes = self.boxes if boxes is None else boxes box_wires, i = [], len(dom) dom_wires = tuple(flat_wires[:i]) for depth, box in enumerate(boxes): box_wires.append(tuple(map(tuple, ( flat_wires[i:i + len(box.dom)], flat_wires[i + len(box.dom):i + len(box.dom @ box.cod)])))) i += len(box.dom @ box.cod) cod_wires = tuple(flat_wires[i:]) return (dom_wires, tuple(box_wires), cod_wires)
@property def n_spiders(self): """ The number of spiders in a hypergraph diagram. """ return len(self.spider_types) @property def scalar_spiders(self): """ The zero-legged spiders in a hypergraph diagram. """ return [ i for i, (x, y) in enumerate(self.spider_wires) if not x and not y] @classmethod def id(cls, dom=None) -> Hypergraph: dom = cls.category.ob() if dom is None else dom dom_wires = cod_wires = tuple(range(len(dom))) return cls(dom, dom, (), (dom_wires, (), cod_wires)) twist = id
[docs] @unbiased def then(self, other: Hypergraph): """ Composition of two hypergraph diagrams, i.e. their :func:`pushout`. """ if not self.cod == other.dom: raise AxiomError dom, cod = self.dom, other.cod boxes, offsets = self.boxes + other.boxes, self.offsets + other.offsets left, right = pushout( self.n_spiders, other.n_spiders, self.cod_wires, other.dom_wires) relabel = lambda d, ls: tuple(d[i] for i in ls) dom_wires = relabel(left, self.dom_wires) box_wires = tuple( (relabel(left, x), relabel(left, y)) for x, y in self.box_wires) box_wires += tuple( (relabel(right, x), relabel(right, y)) for x, y in other.box_wires) cod_wires = relabel(right, other.cod_wires) wires = (dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires) spider_types = { left[i]: t for i, t in enumerate(self.spider_types)} spider_types.update({ right[i]: t for i, t in enumerate(other.spider_types)}) return type(self)(dom, cod, boxes, wires, spider_types, offsets)
[docs] @unbiased def tensor(self, other: Hypergraph): """ Tensor of two hypergraph diagrams, i.e. their disjoint union. """ dom, cod = self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod boxes, offsets = self.boxes + other.boxes, self.offsets + other.offsets shift = lambda w: tuple(self.n_spiders + i for i in w) dom_wires = self.dom_wires + shift(other.dom_wires) box_wires = self.box_wires + tuple( (shift(x), shift(y)) for x, y in other.box_wires) cod_wires = self.cod_wires + shift(other.cod_wires) wires = dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires spiders = self.spider_types + other.spider_types return type(self)(dom, cod, boxes, wires, spiders, offsets)
[docs] def dagger(self): """ Dagger of a hypergraph diagram, called with :code:`[::-1]`. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> g = Box('g', y, z).to_hypergraph() >>> assert (f >> g)[::-1] == g[::-1] >> f[::-1] >>> assert H.spiders(1, 2, x @ y)[::-1] == H.spiders(2, 1, x @ y) """ dom, cod = self.cod, self.dom boxes = tuple(box.dagger() for box in self.boxes[::-1]) box_wires = tuple((y, x) for x, y in self.box_wires[::-1]) wires = self.cod_wires, box_wires, self.dom_wires return type(self)( dom, cod, boxes, wires, self.spider_types, self.offsets[::-1])
@classmethod def swap(cls, left, right): dom, cod, boxes = left @ right, right @ left, () dom_wires = tuple(range(len(dom))) cod_wires = tuple(range(len(left), len(dom))) + tuple(range(len(left))) return cls(dom, cod, boxes, (dom_wires, (), cod_wires)) braid = swap @classmethod def spiders(cls, n_legs_in, n_legs_out, typ): dom, cod = typ ** n_legs_in, typ ** n_legs_out boxes, spider_types = (), tuple(typ) dom_wires = n_legs_in * tuple(range(len(typ))) cod_wires = n_legs_out * tuple(range(len(typ))) return cls(dom, cod, boxes, (dom_wires, (), cod_wires), spider_types) @classmethod def copy(cls, typ, n=2) -> Hypergraph: return cls.spiders(1, n, typ) @classmethod def merge(cls, typ, n=2) -> Hypergraph: return cls.spiders(n, 1, typ) cup_factory = classmethod(lambda cls, left, right: cls.from_box(, right))) cap_factory = classmethod(lambda cls, left, right: cls.from_box(, right))) @classmethod def cups(cls, left, right): if not getattr(left, 'r', left[::-1]) == right: raise AxiomError dom_wires = tuple(range(len(left))) + tuple(reversed(range(len(left)))) return cls(left @ right, cls.category.ob(), (), (dom_wires, (), ())) @classmethod def caps(cls, left, right): if not getattr(left, 'r', left[::-1]) == right: raise AxiomError cod_wires = tuple(range(len(left))) + tuple(reversed(range(len(left)))) return cls(cls.category.ob(), left @ right, (), ((), (), cod_wires))
[docs] def transpose(self, left=False): """ The transpose of a hypergraph diagram. """ return, left)
[docs] def rotate(self, left=False): """ The half-turn rotation of a hypergraph, called with ``.l`` and ``.r``. """ dom, cod = (x.l if left else x.r for x in (self.cod, self.dom)) boxes = tuple(box.l if left else box.r for box in self.boxes[::-1]) dom_wires = self.cod_wires[::-1] box_wires = tuple((x[::-1], y[::-1]) for x, y in self.box_wires[::-1]) cod_wires = self.dom_wires[::-1] wires = dom_wires, box_wires, cod_wires return type(self)( dom, cod, boxes, wires, self.spider_types, self.offsets[::-1])
l = property(lambda self: self.rotate(left=True)) r = property(lambda self: self.rotate(left=False))
[docs] def explicit_trace(self, left=False): """ The trace of a hypergraph with explicit boxes (trace, cup or cap). Parameters: left : Whether to trace on the left or right. Note ---- When ```` is a subclass of ````, e.g. for symmetric diagrams, then the result is just one big trace box wrapped up as a hypergraph. Otherwise, we assume that the trace factory is a class method, e.g. for compact diagrams, in which case we use this method to introduce cup and cap boxes. """ factory = if isclass(factory) and issubclass(factory, return self.from_box(factory(self.to_diagram(), left)) return factory.__func__(type(self), self, left)
[docs] def trace(self, n=1, left=False): """ The trace of a hypergraph is its pre- and post-composition with cups and caps to form a feedback loop. Parameters: n : The number of wires to trace. left : Whether to trace on the left or right. """ assert_istraceable(self, n, left) dom, cod = (self.dom[n:], self.cod[n:]) if left\ else (self.dom[:-n], self.cod[:-n]) traced_wires = self.dom[:n] if left else self.dom[len(self.dom) - n:] traced_wires_r = getattr(traced_wires, "r", traced_wires[::-1]) return self.caps(traced_wires_r, traced_wires) @ dom\ >> traced_wires_r @ self\ >> self.cups(traced_wires_r, traced_wires) @ cod if left\ else dom @ self.caps(traced_wires, traced_wires_r)\ >> self @ traced_wires_r\ >> cod @ self.cups(traced_wires, traced_wires_r)
[docs] def interchange(self, i: int, j: int) -> Hypergraph: """ Interchange boxes at indices ``i`` and ``j``. Parameters: i : The index of the first box. j : The index of the second box. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', Ty(), x).to_hypergraph() >>> g = Box('g', x, Ty()).to_hypergraph() >>> print((f >> g).interchange(0, 1)) Cap(x, x) >> g @ x >> f @ x >> Cup(x, x) """ boxes, offsets = list(self.boxes), list(self.offsets) boxes[i], boxes[j] = boxes[j], boxes[i] offsets[i], offsets[j] = offsets[j], offsets[i] boxes, offsets = tuple(boxes), tuple(offsets) box_wires = list(self.box_wires) box_wires[i], box_wires[j] = box_wires[j], box_wires[i] wires = self.dom_wires, tuple(box_wires), self.cod_wires return type(self)( self.dom, self.cod, boxes, wires, self.spider_types, offsets)
[docs] def simplify(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Simplify by applying interchangers eagerly until the length of the diagram is minimal, takes quadratic time. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', Ty(), x).to_hypergraph() >>> g = Box('g', x, Ty()).to_hypergraph() >>> assert (f >> g).interchange(0, 1).simplify() == f >> g """ for i in range(len(self.boxes)): for j in range(len(self.boxes)): result = self.interchange(i, j) if len(result.to_diagram()) < len(self.to_diagram()): return result.simplify() return self
def __getitem__(self, key): if key == slice(None, None, -1): return self.dagger() raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other: Any): if not isinstance(other, Hypergraph): return False return self.is_parallel(other) and is_isomorphic( self.to_graph(), other.to_graph(), lambda x, y: x == y) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.dom, self.cod, weisfeiler_lehman_graph_hash( self.to_graph(), node_attr="box"))) def __repr__(self): spider_types = f", spider_types={self.spider_types}"\ if self.scalar_spiders else "" return factory_name(type(self))\ + f"(dom={repr(self.dom)}, cod={repr(self.cod)}, " \ f"boxes={repr(self.boxes)}, " \ f"wires={repr(self.wires)}{spider_types})" def __str__(self): return str(self.to_diagram()) @property def bijection(self): """ Bijection between ports. Raises ------ ValueError : If the hypergraph is not bijective. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y = map(Ty, "xy") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> for i, port in enumerate(f.ports): print(i, port) 0 Node('input', i=0, obj=x) 1 Node('dom', depth=0, i=0, obj=x) 2 Node('cod', depth=0, i=0, obj=y) 3 Node('output', i=0, obj=y) >>> for i, j in enumerate(f.bijection): print(f"{i} -> {j}") 0 -> 1 1 -> 0 2 -> 3 3 -> 2 """ if not self.is_bijective: raise ValueError result, flat_wires = {}, list(self.flat_wires) for i, spider in enumerate(flat_wires): if spider not in flat_wires[i + 1:]: continue j = flat_wires[i + 1:].index(spider) + i + 1 result[i], result[j] = j, i return [result[i] for i in sorted(result)] @property def is_bijective(self) -> bool: """ Checks bijectivity, i.e. each spider is connected to two or zero ports. In that case, the diagram actually lives in a compact-closed category, i.e. it can be drawn using only swaps, cups and caps. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y = map(Ty, "xy") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> assert f.is_bijective and f.transpose().is_bijective >>> assert H.cups(x, x).is_bijective and H.caps(x, x).is_bijective >>> assert H.spiders(0, 0, x).is_bijective >>> assert not H.spiders(1, 2, x).is_bijective """ return all(len(x | y) in [0, 2] for x, y in self.spider_wires) @property def is_monogamous(self) -> bool: """ Checks monogamy, i.e. each input connects to exactly one output, formally whether :code:`self.wires` induces a bijection:: len(self.dom) + sum(len(box.dom) for box in boxes) == self.n_spiders - len(self.scalar_spiders) == sum(len(box.cod) for box in boxes) + len(self.dom) In that case, the diagram actually lives in a traced category. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y = map(Ty, "xy") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> assert f.is_monogamous >>> assert (f >> f[::-1]).is_monogamous >>> assert H.spiders(0, 0, x).is_monogamous >>> cycle = H.caps(x, x) >> x @ (f >> f[::-1]) >> H.cups(x, x) >>> assert cycle.is_monogamous >>> assert not f.transpose().is_monogamous >>> assert not H.cups(x, x).is_monogamous >>> assert not H.spiders(1, 2, x).is_monogamous >>> assert not H.spiders(2, 3, x).is_monogamous """ for input_wires, output_wires in self.spider_wires: if len(input_wires) != len(output_wires): return False if len(input_wires) + len(output_wires) not in [0, 2]: return False return True @property def is_left_monogamous(self) -> bool: """ Checks left monogamy, i.e. if each non-scalar spider is connected to exactly one output port. """ return all(len(x) == 1 for x, y in self.spider_wires if x.union(y)) @property def is_causal(self) -> bool: """ Checks causality, i.e. if each spider is connected to exactly one output port and to zero or more input ports all with higher indices. If the diagram is causal then it lives in a symmetric monoidal category with a supply of commutative comonoids. If the diagram is causal and monogamous then it actually lives in a symmetric monoidal category, i.e. it can be drawn using only swaps. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y = map(Ty, "xy") >>> f = Box('f', x, y).to_hypergraph() >>> assert f.is_causal >>> assert (f >> H.spiders(1, 0, y)).is_causal >>> assert (H.spiders(1, 2, x) >> f @ f).is_causal >>> cycle = H.caps(x, x) >> H.cups(x, x) >>> assert not cycle.is_causal >>> assert not H.cups(x, x).is_causal """ return all(len(input_wires) == 1 and all( u < v for u in input_wires for v in output_wires) for input_wires, output_wires in self.spider_wires)
[docs] def make_bijective(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Introduces spider boxes to make self bijective. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Spider, Hypergraph as H >>> spider = H.spiders(3, 2, Ty('x')).make_bijective() >>> assert spider.boxes == (Spider(3, 2, Ty('x')), ) >>> assert spider.wires == ((0, 1, 2), (((0, 1, 2), (3, 4)),), (3, 4)) >>> copy = H.spiders(1, 2, Ty('x', 'y')).make_bijective() >>> assert copy.boxes == (Spider(1, 2, Ty('x')), Spider(1, 2, Ty('y'))) >>> unit = H.spiders(0, 1, Ty('x', 'y')).make_bijective() >>> assert unit.boxes == (Spider(0, 1, Ty('y')), Spider(0, 1, Ty('x'))) """ boxes = list(self.boxes) f_wires = list(self.flat_wires) spider_types = list(self.spider_types) for spider, (typ, (input_wires, output_wires)) in reversed(list( enumerate(zip(spider_types, self.spider_wires)))): n_legs = len(input_wires) + len(output_wires) if n_legs in [0, 2]: continue if input_wires: node = self.ports[max(input_wires)] depth = 0 if node.kind == "input" else node.depth + 1 else: node = self.ports[min(output_wires)] depth = len(boxes) if node.kind == "output" else node.depth boxes = boxes[:depth] + [ len(input_wires), len(output_wires), typ)] + boxes[depth:] offsets = self.offsets[:depth] + (None, ) + self.offsets[depth:] for j, port in enumerate(input_wires.union(output_wires)): f_wires[port] = len(spider_types) + j i = len(self.dom) + len( sum([sum(ports, ()) for ports in self.box_wires[:depth]], ())) f_wires = f_wires[:i] + list(range( len(spider_types), len(spider_types) + n_legs)) + f_wires[i:] spider_types += n_legs * [typ] del spider_types[spider] f_wires = [w - 1 if w > spider else w for w in f_wires] wires = self.rebracket(f_wires, boxes=boxes) return type(self)( self.dom, self.cod, tuple(boxes), wires, spider_types, offsets).make_bijective() return self
[docs] def make_monogamous(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Introduce :class:`Cup` and :class:`Cap` boxes to make self monogamous. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Cup, Cap, Spider >>> x = Ty('x') >>> h = Box('f', x, x).transpose().to_hypergraph().make_monogamous() >>> assert list(zip(h.boxes, h.box_wires)) == [ ... (Cap(x, x), ((), (1, 2))), ... (Box('f', x, x), ((1,), (3,) )), ... (Cup(x, x), ((0, 3), () ))] """ if not self.is_bijective: return self.make_bijective().make_monogamous() for kinds, cups_or_caps in [ (["input", "cod"], "cups"), (["dom", "output"], "caps")]: for source, spider in [ (source, spider) for source, (spider, port) in enumerate(zip(self.flat_wires, self.ports)) if port.kind in kinds]: if spider not in self.flat_wires[source + 1:]: continue target = ( self.flat_wires[source + 1:].index(spider) + source + 1) if self.ports[target].kind in kinds: spider_types = dict(enumerate(self.spider_types)) typ = spider_types[spider] left, right = len(spider_types), len(spider_types) + 1 fwires = list(self.flat_wires) fwires[source], fwires[target] = left, right if cups_or_caps == "cups": boxes = self.boxes + (, typ), ) offsets = self.offsets + (None, ) fwires = fwires[:len(fwires) - len(self.cod)] + [ left, right] + fwires[len(fwires) - len(self.cod):] else: boxes = (, typ), ) + self.boxes offsets = (None, ) + self.offsets fwires = fwires[:len(self.dom)] + [ left, right] + fwires[len(self.dom):] wires = self.rebracket(fwires, boxes=boxes) spider_types[left] = spider_types[right] = typ del spider_types[spider] return type(self)( self.dom, self.cod, boxes, wires, spider_types, offsets ).make_monogamous() return self
[docs] def make_left_monogamous(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Introduce spider boxes to make self left monogamous. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H, Spider >>> h = H.spiders(2, 3, Ty('x')).make_left_monogamous() >>> assert h.boxes == (Spider(2, 1, Ty('x')), ) >>> assert h.wires == ((0, 1), (((0, 1), (2,)),), (2, 2, 2)) """ for spider, (typ, (input_wires, output_wires)) in enumerate( zip(self.spider_types, self.spider_wires)): if len(input_wires) == 1: continue depth = getattr(self.ports[max(input_wires)], "depth", -1) + 1\ if input_wires else 0 boxes = self.boxes[:depth] + ( len(input_wires), 1, typ), ) + self.boxes[depth:] offsets = self.offsets[:depth] + (None, ) + self.offsets[depth:] fwires = list(self.flat_wires) for j, port in enumerate(input_wires): fwires[port] = self.n_spiders + j i = len(self.dom) + len( sum([sum(fwires, []) for wires in self.box_wires[:depth]], [])) fwires = fwires[:i] + list(range( self.n_spiders, self.n_spiders + len(input_wires)) ) + [spider] + fwires[i:] wires = self.rebracket(fwires, boxes=boxes) spider_types = self.spider_types + len(input_wires) * (typ, ) return type(self)( self.dom, self.cod, boxes, wires, spider_types, offsets ).make_left_monogamous() return self
[docs] def make_causal(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Introduce trace boxes to make self causal. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Cup, Cap >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', x @ x, x @ x).to_hypergraph() >>> assert f.trace().make_causal().boxes\\ ... == (Cap(x, x), f.boxes[0], Cup(x, x)) >>> from discopy.frobenius import Hypergraph as H, Spider >>> assert H.spiders(2, 1, x).make_causal().boxes\\ ... == (Spider(2, 1, x),) """ if not self.is_left_monogamous: return self.make_left_monogamous().make_causal() for input_spider, (typ, (input_wires, output_wires)) in enumerate( zip(self.spider_types, self.spider_wires)): if not input_wires: assert not output_wires dom, cod, boxes = self.dom @ typ, self.cod @ typ, self.boxes dom_wires = self.dom_wires + (input_spider, ) cod_wires = self.cod_wires + (input_spider, ) wires = (dom_wires, self.box_wires, cod_wires) arg = type(self)( dom, cod, boxes, wires, self.spider_types, self.offsets) return arg.make_causal().explicit_trace() input_wire, = input_wires for output_wire in output_wires: if input_wire < output_wire: continue dom, cod = self.dom @ typ, self.cod @ typ spider_types = self.spider_types + (typ, ) output_spider = len(spider_types) - 1 fwires = list(self.flat_wires) fwires[output_wire] = output_spider fwires = fwires[:len(self.dom)] + [output_spider]\ + fwires[len(self.dom):] + [input_spider] wires = self.rebracket(fwires, dom=dom) arg = type(self)( dom, cod, self.boxes, wires, spider_types, self.offsets) return arg.make_causal().explicit_trace() return self
[docs] @classmethod def from_box(cls, box: Box) -> Hypergraph: """ Turn a box into a hypergraph with binary spiders for each wire. Parameters: box : The box to turn into a hypergraph. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> for p in Box('f', x, y @ z).to_hypergraph().ports: print(p) Node('input', i=0, obj=x) Node('dom', depth=0, i=0, obj=x) Node('cod', depth=0, i=0, obj=y) Node('cod', depth=0, i=1, obj=z) Node('output', i=0, obj=y) Node('output', i=1, obj=z) """ spider_types = tuple(box.dom @ box.cod) left = tuple(range(len(box.dom))) right = tuple(range(len(box.dom), len(box.dom @ box.cod))) wires = (left, ((left, right), ), right) return cls(box.dom, box.cod, (box, ), wires, spider_types)
[docs] @classmethod def from_diagram(cls, old: Diagram) -> Hypergraph: """ Turn a :class:`Diagram` into a :class:`Hypergraph`. Parameters: old : The planar diagram to encode as hypergraph. Example ------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y = map(Ty, "xy") >>> back_n_forth = lambda d: H.from_diagram(d.to_diagram()) >>> for d in [H.spiders(0, 0, x), ... H.spiders(2, 3, x), ... H.spiders(1, 2, x @ y)]: ... assert back_n_forth(d) == d """ return cls.functor( ob=lambda typ: typ, ar=cls.from_box, dom=Category(old.ty_factory, type(old)), cod=Category(old.ty_factory, cls))(old)
[docs] def to_diagram(self, make_causal_first: bool = False) -> Diagram: """ Downgrade to :class:`Diagram`, called by :code:`print`. Parameters: make_causal_first : The order in which we downgrade. Note ---- Hypergraphs can be translated to planar diagrams in two different ways: * either we first :meth:`make_bijective` (introducing spiders) then :meth:`make_monogamous` (introducing cups and caps) and finally :meth:`make_causal` (introducing traces) * or we first :meth:`make_left_monogamous` (introducing merges) then :meth:`make_causal` (introducing traces) and finally :meth:`make_bijective` (introducing copies). Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x = Ty('x') >>> v = Box('v', Ty(), x @ x).to_hypergraph() >>> print(v >> H.swap(x, x) >> v[::-1]) v >> Swap(x, x) >> v[::-1] >>> print(x @ H.swap(x, x) >> v[::-1] @ x) x @ Swap(x, x) >> v[::-1] @ x """ if not self.is_causal or not self.is_monogamous: if make_causal_first: return self.make_causal().make_bijective().to_diagram() else: return self.make_monogamous().make_causal().to_diagram() diagram, scan =, self.dom_wires for depth, (box, offset) in enumerate(zip(self.boxes, self.offsets)): dom_wires, cod_wires = self.box_wires[depth] for i, obj in enumerate(box.dom): j = scan.index(dom_wires[i]) if i == 0 and offset is None: offset = j elif j > offset + i: diagram >>= diagram.cod[:offset + i] @ diagram.swap( diagram.cod[offset + i:j], diagram.cod[j] ) @ diagram.cod[j + 1:] scan = (scan[:offset + i] + scan[j:j + 1]) + ( scan[offset + i:j] + scan[j + 1:]) elif j < offset + i: diagram >>= diagram.cod[:j] @ diagram.swap( diagram.cod[j], diagram.cod[j + 1:offset + i] ) @ diagram.cod[offset + i:] scan = (scan[:j] + scan[j + 1:offset + i]) + ( scan[j:j + 1] + scan[offset + i:]) offset -= 1 assert len(scan) == len(diagram.cod) offset = 0 if offset is None else offset scan = scan[:offset] + cod_wires + scan[offset + len(box.dom):] diagram >>= diagram.cod[:offset] @ box @ diagram.cod[ offset + len(box.dom):] for i, spider in enumerate(self.cod_wires): j = scan.index(spider) if i < j: diagram >>= diagram.cod[:i] @ diagram.swap( diagram.cod[i:j], diagram.cod[j:j + 1] ) @ diagram.cod[j + 1:] scan = scan[:i] + scan[j:j + 1] + scan[i:j] + scan[j + 1:] return diagram
[docs] @classmethod def from_callable(cls, dom: Ty, cod: Ty) -> Callable[Callable, Hypergraph]: """ Turns an arbitrary Python function into a causal hypergraph. Parameters: dom : The domain of the hypergraph. cod : The codomain of the hypergraph. """ def decorator(func): graph, box_nodes, spider_nodes = Graph(), [], [] def apply(box, *inputs, offset=None): for node in inputs: assert_isinstance(node, Node) if len(inputs) != len(box.dom): raise AxiomError(f"Expected {len(box.dom)} inputs, " f"got {len(inputs)} instead.") depth = len(box_nodes) box_node = Node("box", box=box, depth=depth, offset=offset) box_nodes.append(box_node) graph.add_node(box_node) for i, obj in enumerate(box.dom): if inputs[i].obj != obj: raise AxiomError(f"Expected {obj} as input, " f"got {inputs[i].obj} instead.") dom_node = Node("dom", obj=obj, i=i, depth=depth) graph.add_edge(inputs[i], dom_node) graph.add_edge(dom_node, box_node) outputs = [] for i, obj in enumerate(box.cod): cod_node = Node("cod", obj=obj, i=i, depth=depth) spider = Node("spider", obj=obj, i=len(spider_nodes)) graph.add_edge(box_node, cod_node) graph.add_edge(cod_node, spider) spider_nodes.append(spider) outputs.append(spider) return untuplify(outputs) = apply for i, obj in enumerate(dom): input_node = Node("input", obj=obj, i=i) input_spider = Node("spider", obj=obj, i=i) spider_nodes.append(input_spider) graph.add_edge(input_node, input_spider) for i, spider in enumerate(tuplify(func(*spider_nodes))): assert_isinstance(spider, Node) node = Node("output", obj=spider.obj, i=i) graph.add_edge(spider, node) del result = cls.from_graph(graph) if result.cod != cod: raise AxiomError(f"Expected diagram.cod == {cod}, " f"got {result.cod} instead.") return result return decorator
[docs] @classmethod def from_graph(cls, graph: Graph) -> Hypergraph: """ The inverse of :meth:`to_graph`. """ def predecessor(node): result, = graph.predecessors(node) return result def successor(node): result, = graph.successors(node) return result inputs, outputs, box_nodes, spider_nodes = [], [], [], [] for node in graph.nodes: for kind, nodelist in zip( ["input", "output", "box", "spider"], [inputs, outputs, box_nodes, spider_nodes]): if node.kind == kind: nodelist.append(node) dom = sum([n.obj for n in inputs], cls.category.ob()) cod = sum([n.obj for n in outputs], cls.category.ob()) boxes = tuple( for n in box_nodes) offsets = tuple(n.offset for n in box_nodes) spider_types = {n: n.obj for n in spider_nodes} wires = tuple(map(successor, sorted(inputs, key=lambda node: node.i))) for box_node in box_nodes: wires += tuple(map(predecessor, sorted( graph.predecessors(box_node), key=lambda node: node.i))) wires += tuple(map(successor, sorted( graph.successors(box_node), key=lambda node: node.i))) wires += tuple(map( predecessor, sorted(outputs, key=lambda node: node.i))) wires = Hypergraph.rebracket(None, wires, dom=dom, boxes=boxes) return cls(dom, cod, boxes, wires, spider_types, offsets)
[docs] def to_graph(self) -> Graph: """ Translate a hypergraph into a labeled graph with nodes for inputs, outputs, boxes, domain, codomain and spiders. """ graph = Graph() graph.add_nodes_from( (Node("spider", i=i, obj=obj), dict(box=None)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.spider_types)) graph.add_nodes_from( (Node("input", i=i, obj=obj), dict(i=i, box=None)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.dom)) graph.add_edges_from( (Node("input", i=i, obj=obj), Node("spider", i=j, obj=obj)) for i, (j, obj) in enumerate( zip(self.dom_wires, self.dom))) for i, (box, (dom_wires, cod_wires)) in enumerate( zip(self.boxes, self.box_wires)): box_node = Node("box", box=box, i=i) graph.add_node(box_node, box=box) for case, wires in [("dom", dom_wires), ("cod", cod_wires)]: for j, spider in enumerate(wires): obj = self.spider_types[spider] spider_node = Node("spider", i=spider, obj=obj) port_node = Node(case, i=i, j=j) graph.add_node(port_node, j=j, box=None) if case == "dom": graph.add_edge(spider_node, port_node) graph.add_edge(port_node, box_node) else: graph.add_edge(box_node, port_node) graph.add_edge(port_node, spider_node) graph.add_nodes_from( (Node("output", i=i, obj=obj), dict(i=i, box=None)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.cod)) graph.add_edges_from( (Node("spider", i=j, obj=obj), Node("output", i=i, obj=obj)) for i, (j, obj) in enumerate(zip(self.cod_wires, self.cod))) return graph
[docs] def depth(self) -> int: """ The depth of a causal hypergraph. """ return dag_longest_path_length(self.make_causal().to_graph()) // 4
[docs] def spring_layout(self, seed=None, k=None): """ Computes a layout using a force-directed algorithm. """ if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) graph, pos = self.to_graph().to_undirected(), {} height = len(self.boxes) + self.n_spiders width = max(len(self.dom), len(self.cod)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.dom): pos[Node("input", i=i, obj=obj)] = (i, height) for i, (dom_wires, cod_wires) in enumerate(self.box_wires): box_node = Node("box", i=i, box=self.boxes[i]) pos[box_node] = ( random.uniform(-width / 2, width / 2), random.uniform(0, height)) for kind, wires in [("dom", dom_wires), ("cod", cod_wires)]: for j, spider in enumerate(wires): pos[Node(kind, i=i, j=j)] = pos[box_node] for i, obj in enumerate(self.spider_types): pos[Node("spider", i=i, obj=obj)] = ( random.uniform(-width / 2, width / 2), random.uniform(0, height)) for i, obj in enumerate(self.cod): pos[Node("output", i=i, obj=obj)] = (i, 0) fixed = self.ports[:len(self.dom)] + self.ports[ len(self.ports) - len(self.cod):] or None pos = spring_layout(graph, pos=pos, fixed=fixed, k=k, seed=seed) return graph, pos
[docs] def draw(self, seed=None, k=.25, path=None): """ Draw a hypegraph using a force-based layout algorithm. Examples -------- >>> from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Box, Hypergraph as H >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> f = Box('f', x, y @ z).to_hypergraph() >>> f.draw( ... path='docs/_static/hypergraph/box.png', seed=42) .. image:: /_static/hypergraph/box.png :align: center >>> (H.spiders(2, 2, x) >> f @ x).draw( ... path='docs/_static/hypergraph/diagram.png', seed=42) .. image:: /_static/hypergraph/diagram.png :align: center """ graph, pos = self.spring_layout(seed=seed, k=k) for i, (box, (dom_wires, cod_wires)) in enumerate( zip(self.boxes, self.box_wires)): box_node = Node("box", i=i, box=box) for kind, wires in [("dom", dom_wires), ("cod", cod_wires)]: for j, spider in enumerate(wires): port_node = Node(kind, i=i, j=j) x, y = pos[box_node] if not getattr(box, "draw_as_spider", False): y += .25 if kind == "dom" else -.25 x -= .25 * (len(wires[:-1]) / 2 - j) pos[port_node] = x, y labels = { node: self.spider_types[node.i] if node.kind == "spider" else self.boxes[node.i].name if node.kind == "box" else "" for node in graph.nodes} nodelist = list(graph.nodes) node_size = [ 300 if node.kind in ["spider", "box"] else 0 for node in nodelist] draw_networkx( graph, pos=pos, labels=labels, nodelist=nodelist, node_size=node_size, node_color="white", edgecolors="black") if path is not None: plt.savefig(path) plt.close()