Source code for discopy.grammar.categorial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A categorial grammar is a free closed category with words as boxes.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


.. admonition:: Functions

    .. autosummary::
        :template: function.rst


import re

from discopy import closed, messages
from import factory
from discopy.grammar import thue
from discopy.closed import Ty, Over, Under
from discopy.utils import (

[docs] @factory class Diagram(closed.Diagram): """ A categorial diagram is a closed diagram with rules and words as boxes. """ def to_pregroup(self): from discopy.grammar import pregroup return Functor( ob=lambda x: pregroup.Ty(x.inside[0].name), ar=lambda f: pregroup.Box(, Diagram.to_pregroup(f.dom), Diagram.to_pregroup(f.cod)), cod=pregroup.Category())(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def fa(left, right): """ Forward application. """ return FA(left << right)
[docs] @staticmethod def ba(left, right): """ Backward application. """ return BA(left >> right)
[docs] @staticmethod def fc(left, middle, right): """ Forward composition. """ return FC(left << middle, middle << right)
[docs] @staticmethod def bc(left, middle, right): """ Backward composition. """ return BC(left >> middle, middle >> right)
[docs] @staticmethod def fx(left, middle, right): """ Forward crossed composition. """ return FX(left << middle, right >> middle)
[docs] @staticmethod def bx(left, middle, right): """ Backward crossed composition. """ return BX(middle << left, middle >> right)
[docs] class Box(closed.Box, Diagram): """ A categorial box is a grammar rule in a categorial diagram. """
[docs] class Word(thue.Word, Box): """ A categorial word is a rule with a ``name``, a grammatical type as ``cod`` and an optional domain ``dom``. Parameters: name (str) : The name of the word. cod (closed.Ty) : The grammatical type of the word. dom (closed.Ty) : An optional domain for the word, empty by default. """
class Eval(closed.Eval, Box): """ Evaluation box in a categorial grammar, equivalent to :class:``FA``. """ class Curry(closed.Curry, Box): """ The currying of a categorial diagram. """ def unaryBoxConstructor(attr): class Constructor: @classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree): return cls(from_tree(tree[attr])) def to_tree(self): return { 'factory': factory_name(type(self)), attr: getattr(self, attr).to_tree()} return Constructor
[docs] class FA(unaryBoxConstructor("over"), Box): """ Forward application rule. """ def __init__(self, over): assert_isinstance(over, Over) self.over = over dom, cod = over @ over.exponent, over.base Box.__init__(self, f"FA{over}", dom, cod) def __repr__(self): return f"FA({repr(self.dom[:1])})"
[docs] class BA(unaryBoxConstructor("under"), Box): """ Backward application rule. """ def __init__(self, under): assert_isinstance(under, Under) self.under = under dom, cod = under.exponent @ under, under.base Box.__init__(self, f"BA{under}", dom, cod) def __repr__(self): return f"BA({repr(self.dom[1:])})"
[docs] class FC(BinaryBoxConstructor, Box): """ Forward composition rule. """ def __init__(self, left, right): assert_isinstance(left, Over) assert_isinstance(right, Over) if left.exponent != right.base: raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_COMPOSABLE.format( left, right, left.exponent, right.base)) name = f"FC({left}, {right})" dom, cod = left @ right, left.base << right.exponent Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod) BinaryBoxConstructor.__init__(self, left, right)
[docs] class BC(BinaryBoxConstructor, Box): """ Backward composition rule. """ def __init__(self, left, right): assert_isinstance(left, Under) assert_isinstance(right, Under) if left.base != right.exponent: raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_COMPOSABLE.format( left, right, left.base, right.exponent)) name = f"BC({left}, {right})" dom, cod = left @ right, left.exponent >> right.base Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod) BinaryBoxConstructor.__init__(self, left, right)
[docs] class FX(BinaryBoxConstructor, Box): """ Forward crossed composition rule. """ def __init__(self, left, right): assert_isinstance(left, Over) assert_isinstance(right, Under) if left.exponent != right.base: raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_COMPOSABLE.format( left, right, left.exponent, right.base)) name = f"FX({left}, {right})" dom, cod = left @ right, right.exponent >> left.base Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod) BinaryBoxConstructor.__init__(self, left, right)
[docs] class BX(BinaryBoxConstructor, Box): """ Backward crossed composition rule. """ def __init__(self, left, right): assert_isinstance(left, Over) assert_isinstance(right, Under) if left.base != right.exponent: raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_COMPOSABLE.format( left, right, left.base, right.exponent)) name = f"BX({left}, {right})" dom, cod = left @ right, right.base << left.exponent Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod) BinaryBoxConstructor.__init__(self, left, right)
[docs] class Functor(closed.Functor): """ A categorial functor is a closed functor with a predefined mapping for categorial rules. Parameters: ob (Mapping[Ty, Ty]) : Map from atomic :class:`Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain of the functor. """ dom = cod = closed.Category(Ty, Diagram) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FA): left, right = other.over.left, other.over.right return, self(right)) if isinstance(other, BA): left, right = other.under.left, other.under.right return, self(right)) for cls, method in [(FC, 'fc'), (BC, 'bc')]: if isinstance(other, cls): left = other.dom.inside[0].left middle = other.dom.inside[0].right right = other.dom.inside[1].right return getattr(, method)( self(left), self(middle), self(right)) if isinstance(other, FX): left = other.dom.inside[0].left middle = other.dom.inside[0].right right = other.dom.inside[1].left return, self(middle), self(right)) if isinstance(other, BX): left = other.dom.inside[0].right middle = other.dom.inside[0].left right = other.dom.inside[1].right return, self(middle), self(right)) return super().__call__(other)
[docs] def cat2ty(string: str) -> Ty: """ Translate the string representation of a CCG category into DisCoPy. Parameters: string : The string with slashes representing a CCG category. """ def unbracket(string): return string[1:-1] if string[0] == '(' else string def remove_modifier(string): return re.sub(r'\[[^]]*\]', '', string) def split(string): par_count = 0 for i, char in enumerate(string): if char == "(": par_count += 1 elif char == ")": par_count -= 1 elif char in ["\\", "/"] and par_count == 0: return unbracket(string[:i]), char, unbracket(string[i + 1:]) return remove_modifier(string), None, None left, slash, right = split(string) if slash == '\\': return cat2ty(right) >> cat2ty(left) if slash == '/': return cat2ty(left) << cat2ty(right) return Ty(left)
[docs] def tree2diagram(tree: dict, dom=Ty()) -> Diagram: """ Translate a depccg.Tree in JSON format into DisCoPy. Parameters: tree : The tree to translate. dom : The domain for the word boxes, empty by default. """ if 'word' in tree: return Word(tree['word'], cat2ty(tree['cat']), dom=dom) children = list(map(tree2diagram, tree['children'])) dom = Ty().tensor(*[child.cod for child in children]) cod = cat2ty(tree['cat']) if tree['type'] == 'ba': box = BA(dom.inside[1]) elif tree['type'] == 'fa': box = FA(dom.inside[0]) elif tree['type'] == 'fc': box = FC(dom.inside[0], dom.inside[1]) else: box = Box(tree['type'], dom, cod) return Id().tensor(*children) >> box
Id = Diagram.curry_factory = Curry Diagram.eval_factory = Eval