Source code for discopy.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" DisCoPy utility functions. """

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from typing import (

from import compare_images
from networkx import Graph, connected_components

from discopy import messages
from discopy.config import DRAWING_DEFAULT

    from discopy.monoidal import Ty, Diagram

KT = TypeVar('KT')
VT = TypeVar('VT')
V2T = TypeVar('V2T')

class MappingOrCallable(Mapping[KT, VT]):
    A Mapping or Callable object.

    T = MappingOrCallable[int, int]
    f = T(lambda x: x + 1)
    g = T({0: 1})
    assert f[0] == g[0] == 1
    assert len(g) == 1
    assert list(g) == [0]
    def __class_getitem__(_, args: tuple[type, type]) -> type:
        source, target = args
        return Mapping[source, target] | Callable[[source], target]

    def __init__(self, mapping: MappingOrCallable[KT, VT]) -> None:
        while isinstance(mapping, MappingOrCallable):
            mapping = mapping.mapping
        self.mapping = mapping

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.mapping)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.mapping)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[KT]:
        for key in self.mapping:
            yield key

    def __getitem__(self, item: KT) -> VT:
        return self.mapping[item] if hasattr(self.mapping, "__getitem__")\
            else self.mapping(item)

    def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None:
        Sets the mapped value to a specified key.

        >>> mapping = MappingOrCallable({1: 'a', 2: 'b'})
        >>> mapping[1] = 'X'
        >>> print(mapping)
        {1: 'X', 2: 'b'}
        self.mapping[key] = value

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if isinstance(other, MappingOrCallable):
            return self.mapping == other.mapping
        return self.mapping == other

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.mapping)

    def then(self, other: MappingOrCallable[VT, V2T]
             ) -> MappingOrCallable[KT, V2T]:
        Returns the composition of the object with a dict or a Callable.

        >>> mapping = MappingOrCallable({1: 'a'})
        >>> assert mapping.then({'a': 1}) == mapping.then(len) == {1: 1}
        other = other if isinstance(other, Mapping)\
            else MappingOrCallable(other)
        if hasattr(self.mapping, "__iter__"):
            return MappingOrCallable({
                key: other[self[key]] for key in self.mapping})
        return MappingOrCallable(lambda key: other[self[key]])

def get_origin(typ):
    """ Get origin of a parameterized generic type. """
    return getattr(typ, "__origin__", typ)

[docs] class NamedGeneric(Generic[TypeVar('T')]): """ A ``NamedGeneric`` is a ``Generic`` where the type parameter has a name. Parameters: attr : The name of the type parameter. Note ---- In a standard ``Generic`` class, the type parameter disappears when the member of the class is instantiated, e.g. >>> assert list[int]([1, 2, 3])\\ ... == list[float]([1, 2, 3])\\ ... == [1, 2, 3] In a ``NamedGeneric``, the type parameter is attached to the members of the class so that we have access to it. Example ------- >>> from dataclasses import dataclass >>> @dataclass ... class L(NamedGeneric["dtype"]): ... inside: list >>> assert L[int]([1, 2, 3]).dtype == int >>> assert L[int]([1, 2, 3]) != L[float]([1, 2, 3]) """ _cache = dict() def __class_getitem__(_, attributes): if not isinstance(attributes, tuple): attributes = (attributes,) G = Generic.__class_getitem__(tuple(map(TypeVar, attributes))) class Result(G): def __class_getitem__(cls, values): if hasattr(cls, "__is_named_generic__"): cls = cls.__bases__[0] values = values if isinstance(values, tuple) else (values,) cls_values = tuple( getattr(cls, attr, None) for attr in attributes) if cls not in NamedGeneric._cache: NamedGeneric._cache[cls] = {cls_values: cls} if values not in NamedGeneric._cache[cls]: origin = get_origin(cls) class C(origin): __is_named_generic__ = True # We need this to fix pickling of nested classes # def __reduce__(self): func, args, data = super().__reduce__() # Check if class name is of the form: # *ClassName*[*type*] if '[' in args[0].__name__: args = (origin, ) + args[1:] data |= {"__class_getitem__values__": values} return func, args, data C.__module__ = origin.__module__ names = [getattr(v, "__name__", str(v)) for v in values] C.__name__ = C.__qualname__ = origin.__name__\ + f"[{', '.join(names)}]" C.__origin__ = cls for attr, value in zip(attributes, values): setattr(C, attr, value) NamedGeneric._cache[cls][values] = C return NamedGeneric._cache[cls][values] __name__ = __qualname__\ = f"NamedGeneric[{', '.join(map(repr, attributes))}]" for attr in attributes: setattr(Result, attr, getattr(Result, attr, None)) return Result def __setstate__(self, state): if "__class_getitem__values__" in state: new_cls = self.__class__[state["__class_getitem__values__"]] self.__class__ = new_cls
def product(xs: list, unit=1): """ The left-fold product of a ``unit`` with list of ``xs``. Example ------- >>> assert product([1, 2, 3]) == 6 >>> assert product([1, 2, 3], unit=[42]) == 6 * [42] """ return unit if not xs else product(xs[1:], unit * xs[0]) def factory_name(cls: type) -> str: """ Returns a string describing a DisCoPy class. Example ------- >>> from discopy.grammar.pregroup import Word >>> assert factory_name(Word) == "grammar.pregroup.Word" """ module = cls.__module__.removeprefix('discopy.') return f"{module}.{cls.__name__}".removeprefix('builtins.') def from_tree(tree: dict): """ Import DisCoPy and decode a serialised object. Parameters: tree : The serialisation of a DisCoPy object. Example ------- >>> tree = {'factory': 'cat.Arrow', ... 'inside': [ { 'factory': 'cat.Box', ... 'name': 'f', ... 'dom': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'x'}, ... 'cod': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'y'}, ... 'data': 42}, ... { 'factory': 'cat.Box', ... 'name': 'f', ... 'dom': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'y'}, ... 'cod': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'x'}, ... 'is_dagger': True, ... 'data': 42}], ... 'dom': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'x'}, ... 'cod': {'factory': 'cat.Ob', 'name': 'x'}} >>> from import Box >>> f = Box('f', 'x', 'y', data=42) >>> assert from_tree(tree) == f >> f[::-1] """ *modules, factory = tree['factory'].removeprefix('discopy.').split('.') import discopy module = discopy for attr in modules: module = getattr(module, attr) return getattr(module, factory).from_tree(tree)
[docs] def dumps(obj, **kwargs): """ Serialise a DisCoPy object as JSON. Parameters: obj : The DisCoPy object to serialise. kwargs : Passed to ``json.dumps``. Example ------- >>> from import Box, Id >>> f = Box('f', 'x', 'y', data=42) >>> print(dumps(f[::-1] >> Id('x'), indent=4)) { "factory": "cat.Arrow", "inside": [ { "factory": "cat.Box", "name": "f", "dom": { "factory": "cat.Ob", "name": "y" }, "cod": { "factory": "cat.Ob", "name": "x" }, "is_dagger": true, "data": 42 } ], "dom": { "factory": "cat.Ob", "name": "y" }, "cod": { "factory": "cat.Ob", "name": "x" } } """ return json.dumps(obj.to_tree(), **kwargs)
[docs] def loads(raw): """ Loads a serialised DisCoPy object. Example ------- >>> raw = '{"factory": "cat.Ob", "name": "x"}' >>> from import Ob >>> assert loads(raw) == Ob('x') >>> assert dumps(loads(raw)) == raw >>> assert loads(dumps(Ob('x'))) == Ob('x') """ obj = json.loads(raw) if isinstance(obj, list): return [from_tree(o) for o in obj] return from_tree(obj)
def rmap(func, data): """ Apply :code:`func` recursively to :code:`data`. Example ------- >>> data = {'A': [0, 1, 2], 'B': ({'C': 3, 'D': [4, 5, 6]}, {7, 8, 9})} >>> rmap(lambda x: x + 1, data) {'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': ({'C': 4, 'D': [5, 6, 7]}, {8, 9, 10})} """ if isinstance(data, Mapping): return {key: rmap(func, value) for key, value in data.items()} if isinstance(data, Iterable): return type(data)([rmap(func, elem) for elem in data]) return func(data) def rsubs(data, *args): """ Substitute recursively along nested data. """ from sympy import lambdify if isinstance(args, Iterable) and not isinstance(args[0], Iterable): args = (args, ) keys, values = zip(*args) return rmap(lambda x: lambdify(keys, x)(*values), data) def load_corpus(url): """ Load a corpus hosted at a given ``url``. """ import urllib.request as urllib import zipfile fd, _ = urllib.urlretrieve(url) zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(fd, 'r') first_file = zip_file.namelist()[0] with as f: return loads( def is_tuple(typ: type) -> bool: """ Whether a given type is tuple or a paramaterised tuple. Parameters: typ : The type to check for equality with tuple. """ return get_origin(typ) is tuple def assert_isinstance(object_, cls: type | tuple[type, ...]): """ Raise ``TypeError`` if ``object`` is not instance of ``cls``. """ classes = cls if isinstance(cls, tuple) else (cls, ) cls_name = ' | '.join(map(factory_name, classes)) if not any(isinstance(object_, cls) for cls in classes): raise TypeError(messages.TYPE_ERROR.format( cls_name, factory_name(type(object_)))) def unbiased(binary_method): """ Turn a biased method with signature (self, other) to an unbiased one, i.e. with signature (self, *others), see the `nLab`_. .. _nLab: """ @wraps(binary_method) def method(self, *others, **params): result = self for other in others: result = binary_method(result, other, **params) return result return method def inductive(induction_step): """ Turn a method with no input () to one with input (n_steps=1). """ @wraps(induction_step) def method(self, n_steps=1): assert_isinstance(n_steps, int) if n_steps < 0: raise ValueError if n_steps == 0: return self return method(induction_step(self), n_steps - 1) return method Pushout = tuple[dict[int, int], dict[int, int]]
[docs] def pushout( left: int, right: int, left_boundary: Collection[int], right_boundary: Collection[int]) \ -> Pushout: """ Computes the pushout of two finite mappings using connected components. Parameters: left : The size of the left set. right : The size of the right set. left_boundary : The mapping from boundary to left. right_boundary : The mapping from boundary to right. Examples -------- >>> assert pushout(2, 3, [1], [0]) == ({0: 0, 1: 1}, {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3}) """ if len(left_boundary) != len(right_boundary): raise ValueError components, left_pushout, right_pushout = set(), {}, {} left_proper = sorted(set(range(left)) - set(left_boundary)) left_pushout.update({j: i for i, j in enumerate(left_proper)}) graph = Graph([ (("middle", i), ("left", j)) for i, j in enumerate(left_boundary)] + [ (("middle", i), ("right", j)) for i, j in enumerate(right_boundary)]) for i, component in enumerate(connected_components(graph)): components.add(i) for case, j in component: if case == "left": left_pushout[j] = len(left_proper) + i if case == "right": right_pushout[j] = len(left_proper) + i right_proper = set(range(right)) - set(right_boundary) right_pushout.update({ j: len(left_proper) + len(components) + i for i, j in enumerate(right_proper)}) return left_pushout, right_pushout
class BinaryBoxConstructor: """ Box constructor with attributes ``left`` and ``right`` as input. Parameters: left : Some attribute on the left. right : Some attribute on the right. """ def __init__(self, left, right): self.left, self.right = left, right def __setstate__(self, state): if "_name" in state: state["_name"] = type(self).__name__ + ( f"({state['right']}, {state['left']})" if state.get("_is_dagger", False) else f"({state['left']}, {state['right']})" ) super().__setstate__(state) def __repr__(self): return factory_name(type(self))\ + f"({repr(self.left)}, {repr(self.right)})" def to_tree(self) -> dict: """ Serialise a binary box constructor. """ left, right = self.left.to_tree(), self.right.to_tree() return dict(factory=factory_name(type(self)), left=left, right=right) @classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree: dict) -> BinaryBoxConstructor: """ Decode a serialised binary box constructor. """ return cls(*map(from_tree, (tree['left'], tree['right']))) def draw_and_compare(file, folder, tol, **params): """ Draw a given diagram and compare the result with a baseline. """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(): diagram = func() draw = params.get('draw', type(diagram).draw) true_path = os.path.join(folder, file) test_path = os.path.join(folder, '_' + file) draw(diagram, path=test_path, show=False, **params) test = compare_images(true_path, test_path, tol) assert test is None os.remove(test_path) return wrapper return decorator def tikz_and_compare(file, folder, **params): """ Tikz a given diagram and compare the result with a baseline. """ def decorator(func): def wrapper(): diagram = func() draw = params.get('draw', type(diagram).draw) true_paths = [os.path.join(folder, file)] test_paths = [os.path.join(folder, '_' + file)] if params.get("use_tikzstyles", DRAWING_DEFAULT['use_tikzstyles']): true_paths.append( true_paths[0].replace('.tikz', '.tikzstyles')) test_paths.append( test_paths[0].replace('.tikz', '.tikzstyles')) draw(diagram, path=test_paths[0], **dict(params, to_tikz=True)) for true_path, test_path in zip(true_paths, test_paths): with open(true_path, "r") as true: with open(test_path, "r") as test: assert == os.remove(test_path) return wrapper return decorator def tuplify(stuff: any) -> tuple: """ Turns anything into a tuple, do nothing if it is already. Parameters: stuff : The stuff to turn into a tuple. """ return stuff if isinstance(stuff, tuple) else (stuff, ) def untuplify(stuff: tuple) -> any: """ Takes the element out of a tuple if it has length 1, otherwise do nothing. Parameters: stuff : The tuple out of which to take the element. Important --------- This is the inverse of :func:`tuplify`, except on tuples of length 1. """ return stuff[0] if len(stuff) == 1 else stuff T = TypeVar('T')
[docs] class Composable(ABC, Generic[T]): """ Abstract class implementing the syntactic sugar :code:`>>` and :code:`<<` for forward and backward composition with some method :code:`then`. Example ------- >>> class List(list, Composable): ... def then(self, other): ... return self + other >>> assert List([1, 2]) >> List([3]) == List([1, 2, 3]) >>> assert List([3]) << List([1, 2]) == List([1, 2, 3]) """ factory: Type[Composable] sum_factory: Type[Composable] ty_factory: Type[T] dom: T cod: T
[docs] @abstractmethod def then(self, other: Optional[Composable[T]], *others: Composable[T] ) -> Composable[T]: """ Sequential composition, to be instantiated. Parameters: other : The other composable object to compose sequentially. """
[docs] def is_composable(self, other: Composable) -> bool: """ Whether two objects are composable, i.e. the codomain of the first is the domain of the second. Parameters: other : The other composable object. """ return self.cod == other.dom
[docs] def is_parallel(self, other: Composable) -> bool: """ Whether two composable objects are parallel, i.e. they have the same domain and codomain. Parameters: other : The other composable object. """ return (self.dom, self.cod) == (other.dom, other.cod)
__rshift__ = __llshift__ = lambda self, other: self.then(other) __lshift__ = __lrshift__ = lambda self, other: other.then(self)
[docs] def factory(cls: Type[Composable]) -> Type[Composable]: """ Allows the identity and composition of an :class:`Arrow` subclass to remain within the subclass. Parameters: cls : Some subclass of :class:`Arrow`. Note ---- The factory method pattern (`FMP`_) is used all over DisCoPy. .. _FMP: Example ------- Let's create :code:`Circuit` as a subclass of :class:`Arrow` with an :class:`Ob` subclass :code:`Qubit` as domain and codomain. >>> from import Ob, Arrow, Box >>> class Qubit(Ob): ... pass >>> @factory ... class Circuit(Arrow): ... ty_factory = Qubit The :code:`Circuit` subclass itself has a subclass :code:`Gate` as boxes. >>> class Gate(Box, Circuit): ... pass The identity and composition of :code:`Circuit` is again a :code:`Circuit`. >>> X = Gate('X', Qubit(), Qubit()) >>> assert isinstance(X >> X, Circuit) >>> assert isinstance(, Circuit) >>> assert isinstance(, Qubit) """ cls.factory = cls return cls
[docs] class Whiskerable(ABC): """ Abstract class implementing the syntactic sugar :code:`@` for whiskering and parallel composition with some method :code:`tensor`. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def id(cls, dom: any) -> Whiskerable: """ Identity on a given domain, to be instantiated. Parameters: dom : The object on which to take the identity. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def tensor(self, other: Whiskerable) -> Whiskerable: """ Parallel composition, to be instantiated. Parameters: other : The other diagram to compose in parallel. """
[docs] @classmethod def whisker(cls, other: any) -> Whiskerable: """ Apply :meth:`` if :code:`other` is not tensorable else do nothing. Parameters: other : The whiskering object. """ return other if isinstance(other, Whiskerable) else
def __matmul__(self, other): return self.tensor(self.whisker(other)) def __rmatmul__(self, other): return self.whisker(other).tensor(self)
class AxiomError(Exception): """ The gods of category theory are not happy. """ def assert_iscomposable(left: Composable, right: Composable): """ Raise :class:`AxiomError` if two objects are not composable, i.e. the domain of ``other`` is not the codomain of ``self``. Parameters: left : A composable object. right : Another composable object. """ if not left.is_composable(right): raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_COMPOSABLE.format( left, right, left.cod, right.dom)) def assert_isparallel(left: Composable, right: Composable): """ Raise :class:`AxiomError` if two composable objects do not have the same domain and codomain. Parameters: left : A composable object. right : Another composable object. """ if not left.is_parallel(right): raise AxiomError(messages.NOT_PARALLEL.format(left, right)) def assert_isatomic(typ: Ty, cls: type = None): """ Raise :class:`AxiomError` if a type does not have length one. """ cls = cls or type(typ) assert_isinstance(typ, cls) if not typ.is_atomic: raise ValueError(messages.NOT_ATOMIC.format( factory_name(cls), len(typ))) def assert_istraceable(arg: Diagram, n=1, left=False): """ Raise :class:`AxiomError` if a diagram is not traceable. """ traced_dom, traced_cod = (arg.dom[:n], arg.cod[:n]) if left\ else (arg.dom[len(arg.dom) - n:], arg.cod[len(arg.cod) - n:]) if traced_dom != traced_cod: raise AxiomError( messages.NOT_TRACEABLE.format(traced_dom, traced_cod)) class classproperty(object): """ Adapted from """ def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def __get__(self, _, x): return self.f(x) class Node: """ Node in a :class:`networkx.Graph`, can hold arbitrary data. """ def __init__(self, kind, **data): self.kind, = kind, data for key, value in data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Node)\ and (self.kind, == (other.kind, def __repr__(self): return f"""Node({repr(self.kind)}, {", ".join( f"{key}={value}" for key, value in sorted(})""" def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def shift_i(self, i): return Node(self.kind, **dict(, i=self.i + i)) def shift_j(self, j): return Node(self.kind, **dict(, j=self.j + j))
[docs] class Point(NamedTuple): """ A point is a pair of floats for the x and y coordinates. """ x: float y: float def shift(self, x=0, y=0): return Point(self.x + x, self.y + y)