# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The category of matrices with the Kronecker product as monoidal product.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
from discopy import (
cat, monoidal, rigid, symmetric, frobenius)
from discopy.cat import factory, assert_iscomposable
from discopy.frobenius import Dim, Cup, Category
from discopy.matrix import ( # noqa: F401
Matrix, backend, set_backend, get_backend)
from discopy.utils import (
factory_name, assert_isinstance, product, assert_isatomic, NamedGeneric)
import sympy
import tensornetwork
import quimb
class Tensor(Matrix):
A tensor is a :class:`Matrix` with dimensions as domain and codomain and
the Kronecker product as tensor.
inside : The array inside the tensor.
dom : The domain dimension.
cod : The codomain dimension.
.. admonition:: Summary
.. autosummary::
>>> m = Tensor([0, 1, 1, 0], Dim(2), Dim(2))
>>> v = Tensor([0, 1], Dim(1), Dim(2))
>>> v >> m >> v.dagger()
Tensor[int64]([0], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(1))
Tensors can have sympy symbols as free variables.
>>> from sympy import Expr
>>> from sympy.abc import phi, psi
>>> v = Tensor[Expr]([phi, psi], Dim(1), Dim(2))
>>> d = v >> v.dagger()
>>> assert v >> v.dagger() == Tensor[Expr](
... [phi * phi.conjugate() + psi * psi.conjugate()], Dim(1), Dim(1))
These can be substituted and lambdifed.
>>> v.subs(phi, 0).lambdify(psi, dtype=int)(1)
Tensor[int]([0, 1], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(2))
We can also use jax.numpy using :func:`backend`.
>>> with backend('jax'):
... f = lambda *xs: d.lambdify(phi, psi, dtype=float)(*xs).array
... import jax
... assert jax.grad(f)(1., 2.) == 2.
def __init__(self, array, dom: Dim, cod: Dim):
assert_isinstance(dom, Dim)
assert_isinstance(cod, Dim)
super().__init__(array, product(dom.inside), product(cod.inside))
self.array = self.array.reshape(dom.inside + cod.inside)
self.dom, self.cod = dom, cod
def id(cls, dom=Dim(1)) -> Tensor:
return cls(Matrix.id(product(dom.inside)).array, dom, dom)
def then(self, other: Tensor = None, *others: Tensor) -> Tensor:
if other is None or others:
return super().then(other, *others)
assert_isinstance(other, type(self))
assert_iscomposable(self, other)
with backend() as np:
array = np.tensordot(self.array, other.array, len(self.cod))\
if self.array.shape and other.array.shape\
else self.array * other.array
return type(self)(array, self.dom, other.cod)
def tensor(self, other: Tensor = None, *others: Tensor) -> Tensor:
if other is None or others:
return Diagram.tensor(self, other, *others)
assert_isinstance(other, Tensor)
dom, cod = self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod
source = range(len(dom @ cod))
target = [
i if i < len(self.dom) or i >= len(self.dom @ other.dom @ self.cod)
else i - len(self.cod) if i >= len(self.dom @ self.cod)
else i + len(other.dom) for i in source]
with backend() as np:
array = np.tensordot(self.array, other.array, 0)\
if self.array.shape and other.array.shape\
else self.array * other.array
array = np.moveaxis(array, source, target)
return type(self)(array, dom, cod)
def dagger(self) -> Tensor:
source = range(len(self.dom @ self.cod))
target = [i + len(self.cod) if i < len(self.dom) else
i - len(self.dom) for i in range(len(self.dom @ self.cod))]
with backend() as np:
array = np.conjugate(np.moveaxis(self.array, source, target))
return type(self)(array, self.cod, self.dom)
def cup_factory(cls, left: Dim, right: Dim) -> Tensor:
assert_isinstance(left, Dim)
assert_isinstance(right, Dim)
return cls(cls.id(left).array, left @ right, Dim(1))
def cups(cls, left: Dim, right: Dim) -> Tensor:
return rigid.nesting(cls, cls.cup_factory)(left, right)
def caps(cls, left: Dim, right: Dim) -> Tensor:
return cls.cups(left, right).dagger()
def swap(cls, left: Dim, right: Dim) -> Tensor:
dom, cod = left @ right, right @ left
array = cls.id(dom).array
source = range(len(dom), 2 * len(dom))
target = [i + len(right) if i < len(dom @ left)
else i - len(left) for i in source]
with backend() as np:
return cls(np.moveaxis(array, source, target), dom, cod)
def spider_factory(cls, n_legs_in: int, n_legs_out: int,
typ: Dim, phase=None) -> Tensor:
if phase is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
assert_isatomic(typ, Dim)
n, = typ.inside
dom, cod = typ ** n_legs_in, typ ** n_legs_out
with backend('numpy'):
result = cls.zero(dom, cod)
for i in range(n):
result.array[len(dom @ cod) * (i, )] = 1
return result
def spiders(cls, n_legs_in: int, n_legs_out: int, typ: Dim, phase=None
) -> Tensor:
The tensor of interleaving spiders.
n_legs_in : The number of legs in for each spider.
n_legs_out : The number of legs out for each spider.
typ : The type of the spiders.
return frobenius.Diagram.spiders.__func__(
cls, n_legs_in, n_legs_out, typ, phase)
def copy(cls, x: Dim, n: int) -> Tensor:
Constructs spiders of dimension `x` with one leg in and `n` legs out.
x : The type of the spiders.
n : The number of legs out for each spider.
>>> from discopy import markov
>>> n = markov.Ty('n')
>>> F = Functor(ob={n: Dim(2)}, ar={}, dom=markov.Category())
>>> assert F(markov.Copy(n, 2)) == Tensor[int].copy(Dim(2), 2)\\
... == Tensor[int]([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], Dim(2), Dim(2, 2))
return cls.spiders(1, n, x)
def transpose(self, left=False) -> Tensor:
Returns the diagrammatic transpose.
This is *not* the same as the algebraic transpose for non-atomic dims.
return type(self)(
self.array.transpose(), self.cod[::-1], self.dom[::-1])
l = r = property(transpose)
def conjugate(self, diagrammatic=True) -> Tensor:
Returns the conjugate of a tensor.
diagrammatic : bool, default: True
Whether to use the diagrammatic or algebraic conjugate.
if not diagrammatic:
with backend() as np:
return Tensor[self.dtype](
np.conjugate(self.array), self.dom, self.cod)
# reverse the wires for both inputs and outputs
source = range(len(self.dom @ self.cod))
target = [
len(self.dom) - i - 1 for i in range(len(self.dom @ self.cod))]
with backend() as np:
array = np.conjugate(np.moveaxis(self.array, source, target))
return type(self)(array, self.dom[::-1], self.cod[::-1])
def zero(cls, dom: Dim, cod: Dim) -> Tensor:
Returns the zero tensor of a given shape.
>>> assert Tensor.zero(Dim(2), Dim(2))\\
... == Tensor([0, 0, 0, 0], Dim(2), Dim(2))
with backend() as np:
return cls(np.zeros((dom @ cod).inside, dtype=cls.dtype or int),
dom, cod)
def jacobian(self, *variables: "list[sympy.Symbol]", **params) -> Tensor:
Jacobian with respect to :code:`variables`.
variables : The list of variables to differentiate.
tensor : Tensor
with :code:`tensor.dom == self.dom`
and :code:`tensor.cod == Dim(len(variables)) @ self.cod`.
>>> from sympy import Expr
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
>>> vector = Tensor[Expr]([x ** 2, y * z], Dim(1), Dim(2))
>>> vector.jacobian(x, y, z)
Tensor[Expr]([2*x, 0, 0, z, 0, y], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(3, 2))
dim = Dim(len(variables) or 1)
result = self.zero(self.dom, dim @ self.cod)
for i, var in enumerate(variables):
onehot = self.zero(Dim(1), dim)
onehot.array[i] = 1
result += onehot @ self.grad(var)
return result
class Functor(frobenius.Functor):
A tensor functor is a frobenius functor with a domain category ``dom``
and ``Category(Dim, Tensor[dtype])`` as codomain for a given ``dtype``.
ob : The object mapping.
ar : The arrow mapping.
dom : The domain of the functor.
dtype : The datatype for the codomain ``Category(Dim, Tensor[dtype])``.
>>> n, s = map(rigid.Ty, "ns")
>>> Alice = rigid.Box('Alice', rigid.Ty(), n)
>>> loves = rigid.Box('loves', rigid.Ty(), n.r @ s @ n.l)
>>> Bob = rigid.Box('Bob', rigid.Ty(), n)
>>> diagram = Alice @ loves @ Bob\\
... >> rigid.Cup(n, n.r) @ s @ rigid.Cup(n.l, n)
>>> F = Functor(
... ob={s: 1, n: 2},
... ar={Alice: [0, 1], loves: [0, 1, 1, 0], Bob: [1, 0]},
... dom=rigid.Category(), dtype=bool)
>>> F(diagram)
Tensor[bool]([True], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(1))
>>> rewrite = diagram\\
... .transpose_box(2).transpose_box(0, left=True).normal_form()
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(diagram, rewrite).draw(
... figsize=(8, 3), path='docs/_static/tensor/rewrite.png')
.. image :: /_static/tensor/rewrite.png
:align: center
>>> assert F(diagram) == F(rewrite)
dom, cod = frobenius.Category(), Category(Dim, Tensor)
def __init__(
self, ob: dict[cat.Ob, Dim], ar: dict[cat.Box, list],
dom: cat.Category = None, dtype: type = int):
self.dtype = dtype
cod = Category(type(self).cod.ob, type(self).cod.ar[dtype])
super().__init__(ob, ar, dom=dom or type(self).dom, cod=cod)
def __repr__(self):
return factory_name(type(self)) + f"(ob={self.ob}, ar={self.ar}, "\
+ f"dom={self.dom}, dtype={self.dtype.__name__})"
def __call__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Dim):
return other
if isinstance(other, Bubble):
return self(other.arg).map(other.func)
if isinstance(other, (cat.Ob, cat.Box)):
return super().__call__(other)
assert_isinstance(other, monoidal.Diagram)
dim = lambda scan: len(self(scan))
scan, array = other.dom, Tensor.id(self(other.dom)).array
for box, off in zip(other.boxes, other.offsets):
if isinstance(box, symmetric.Swap):
source = range(
dim(other.dom @ scan[:off]),
dim(other.dom @ scan[:off] @ box.dom))
target = [
i + dim(box.right)
if i < dim(other.dom @ scan[:off]) + dim(box.left)
else i - dim(box.left) for i in source]
with backend() as np:
array = np.moveaxis(array, list(source), list(target))
scan = scan[:off] @ box.cod @ scan[off + len(box.dom):]
left = dim(scan[:off])
source = list(range(dim(other.dom) + left,
dim(other.dom) + left + dim(box.dom)))
target = list(range(dim(box.dom)))
with backend() as np:
array = np.tensordot(array, self(box).array, (source, target))
source = range(len(array.shape) - dim(box.cod), len(array.shape))
target = range(dim(other.dom) + left,
dim(other.dom) + left + dim(box.cod))
with backend() as np:
array = np.moveaxis(array, list(source), list(target))
scan = scan[:off] @ box.cod @ scan[off + len(box.dom):]
return self.cod.ar(array, self(other.dom), self(other.cod))
class Diagram(NamedGeneric['dtype'], frobenius.Diagram):
A tensor diagram is a frobenius diagram with tensor boxes.
>>> vector = Box('vector', Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> diagram = vector[::-1] >> vector @ vector
>>> print(diagram)
vector[::-1] >> vector >> Dim(2) @ vector
ty_factory = Dim
def eval(self, contractor: Callable = None, dtype: type = None) -> Tensor:
Evaluate a tensor diagram as a :class:`Tensor`.
contractor : Use ``tensornetwork`` or :class:`Functor` by default.
dtype : Used for spiders.
>>> vector = Box('vector', Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> assert (vector >> vector[::-1]).eval().array == 1
>>> from tensornetwork.contractors import auto
>>> assert (vector >> vector[::-1]).eval(auto).array == 1
dtype = dtype or self.dtype
if contractor is None:
return Functor(
ob=lambda x: x, ar=lambda f: f.array, dtype=dtype)(self)
array = contractor(*self.to_tn(dtype=dtype)).tensor
return Tensor[dtype](array, self.dom, self.cod)
def to_quimb(self, dtype: type = None) -> "quimb.tensor.Tensor":
Convert a tensor diagram to a quimb tensor.
dtype : Used for spiders.
>>> vector = Box('vector', Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> t_net = (vector >> vector[::-1]).to_quimb()
>>> assert t_net.contract(preserve_tensor=True).data == 1
import quimb.tensor as qtn
inputs = [
d=getattr(dim, 'dim', dim),
inds=(f'inp{i}', f'inp{i}_end')
) for i, dim in enumerate(self.dom.inside)]
tensors = inputs[:]
scan = [(t, 1) for t in inputs]
for i, (box, off) in enumerate(zip(self.boxes, self.offsets)):
if isinstance(box, Swap):
scan[off], scan[off + 1] = scan[off + 1], scan[off]
in_inds = [f't{i}_i{j}' for j in range(len(box.dom))]
out_inds = [f't{i}_o{j}' for j in range(len(box.cod))]
t = qtn.Tensor(
inds=in_inds + out_inds,
for j in range(len(box.dom)):
other_t, other_ind = scan[off + j]
qtn.connect(other_t, t, other_ind, j)
scan[off:off + len(box.dom)] = [
(t, len(box.dom) + ind) for ind in range(len(out_inds))
tensor_net = qtn.TensorNetwork(tensors)
t.inds[j]: f'out{i}' for i, (t, j) in enumerate(scan)
}, inplace=True)
return tensor_net
def to_tn(self, dtype: type = None) -> tuple[
list["tensornetwork.Node"], list["tensornetwork.Edge"]]:
Convert a tensor diagram to :code:`tensornetwork`.
dtype : Used for spiders.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from tensornetwork import Node, Edge
>>> vector = Box('vector', Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> nodes, output_edge_order = vector.to_tn()
>>> node, = nodes
>>> assert node.name == "vector" and np.all(node.tensor == [0, 1])
>>> assert output_edge_order == [node[0]]
import tensornetwork as tn
if dtype is None:
dtype = self.dtype
nodes = [
tn.CopyNode(2, getattr(dim, 'dim', dim), f'input_{i}', dtype=dtype)
for i, dim in enumerate(self.dom.inside)]
inputs, outputs = [n[0] for n in nodes], [n[1] for n in nodes]
for box, offset in zip(self.boxes, self.offsets):
if isinstance(box, Swap):
outputs[offset], outputs[offset + 1]\
= outputs[offset + 1], outputs[offset]
if isinstance(box, (Cup, Spider)):
dims = (len(box.dom), len(box.cod))
if dims == (1, 1): # identity
elif dims == (2, 0): # cup
tn.connect(*outputs[offset:offset + 2])
del outputs[offset:offset + 2]
node = tn.CopyNode(
sum(dims), outputs[offset].dimension, dtype=dtype)
array = box.eval(dtype=dtype).array
node = tn.Node(array, str(box))
for i, _ in enumerate(box.dom):
tn.connect(outputs[offset + i], node[i])
outputs[offset:offset + len(box.dom)] = node[len(box.dom):]
return nodes, inputs + outputs
def grad(self, var, **params):
""" Gradient with respect to :code:`var`. """
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return self.sum_factory((), self.dom, self.cod)
left, box, right, tail = tuple(self.inside[0]) + (self[1:], )
t1 = self.id(left) @ box.grad(var, **params) @ self.id(right) >> tail
t2 = self.id(left) @ box @ self.id(right) >> tail.grad(var, **params)
return t1 + t2
def jacobian(self, variables, **params) -> Diagram:
Diagrammatic jacobian with respect to :code:`variables`.
variables : List[sympy.Symbol]
Differentiated variables.
tensor : Tensor
with :code:`tensor.dom == self.dom`
and :code:`tensor.cod == Dim(len(variables)) @ self.cod`.
>>> from sympy import Expr
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
>>> vector = Box("v", Dim(1), Dim(2), [x ** 2, y * z])
>>> vector.jacobian([x, y, z]).eval(dtype=Expr)
Tensor[Expr]([2*x, 0, 0, z, 0, y], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(3, 2))
dim = Dim(len(variables) or 1)
result = Sum((), self.dom, dim @ self.cod)
for i, var in enumerate(variables):
onehot = Tensor.zero(Dim(1), dim)
onehot.array[i] = 1
result += Box(str(var), Dim(1), dim, onehot.array) @ self.grad(var)
return result
class Box(frobenius.Box, Diagram):
A tensor box is a frobenius box with an array as data.
name : The name of the box.
dom : The domain of the box, i.e. its input dimension.
cod : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output dimension.
data : The array inside the tensor box.
>>> b1 = Box('sauce_0', Dim(1), Dim(2), data=[0.84193562, 0.91343221])
>>> b1.eval()
Tensor[float64]([0.84193562, 0.91343221], dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(2))
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (frobenius.Box, )
def __setstate__(self, state):
NamedGeneric.__setstate__(self, state)
if "data" not in state and state.get("_array", None) is not None:
state['data'] = state['_array']
del state["_array"]
if self.dtype is None and self.data is not None:
self.data, self.dtype = self._get_data_dtype(self.data)
self.__class__ = self.__class__[self.dtype]
def __new__(
cls, name=None, dom=None, cod=None, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
if cls.dtype is not None or data is None:
return object.__new__(cls)
data, dtype = cls._get_data_dtype(data)
return cls.__new__(
cls[dtype], name, dom, cod, data, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_data_dtype(data):
with backend() as np:
data = np.array(data)
# The dtype of an np.arrays is a class that contains a type
# attribute that is the actual type. However, other backends
# have different structures, so this is the easiest option:
dtype = getattr(data.dtype, "type", data.dtype)
return data, dtype
def array(self):
if self.data is not None:
with backend() as np:
return np.array(self.data).reshape(
self.dom.inside + self.cod.inside)
def grad(self, var, **params):
return self.bubble(
func=lambda x: getattr(x, "diff", lambda _: 0)(var),
drawing_name=f"$\\partial {var}$")
class Cup(frobenius.Cup, Box):
A tensor cup is a frobenius cup in a tensor diagram.
left (Dim) : The atomic type.
right (Dim) : Its adjoint.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (frobenius.Cup, )
class Cap(frobenius.Cap, Box):
A tensor cap is a frobenius cap in a tensor diagram.
left (Dim) : The atomic type.
right (Dim) : Its adjoint.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (frobenius.Cap, )
class Swap(frobenius.Swap, Box):
A tensor swap is a frobenius swap in a tensor diagram.
left (Dim) : The type on the top left and bottom right.
right (Dim) : The type on the top right and bottom left.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (frobenius.Swap, )
class Spider(frobenius.Spider, Box):
A tensor spider is a frobenius spider in a tensor diagram.
n_legs_in (int) : The number of legs in.
n_legs_out (int) : The number of legs out.
typ (Dim) : The dimension of the spider.
data : The phase of the spider.
>>> vector = Box('vec', Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> spider = Spider(1, 2, Dim(2))
>>> assert (vector >> spider).eval() == (vector @ vector).eval()
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(vector >> spider, vector @ vector).draw(
... path='docs/_static/tensor/frobenius-example.png', figsize=(3, 2))
.. image:: /_static/tensor/frobenius-example.png
:align: center
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (frobenius.Spider, )
class Sum(monoidal.Sum, Box):
A formal sum of tensor diagrams with the same domain and codomain.
terms (tuple[Diagram, ...]) : The terms of the formal sum.
dom (Dim) : The domain of the formal sum.
cod (Dim) : The codomain of the formal sum.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Sum, )
class Bubble(monoidal.Bubble, Box):
Bubble in a tensor diagram, applies a function elementwise.
inside : tensor.Diagram
The diagram inside the bubble.
func : callable
The function to apply, default is :code:`lambda x: int(not x)`.
>>> men = Box("men", Dim(1), Dim(2), [0, 1])
>>> mortal = Box("mortal", Dim(2), Dim(1), [1, 1])
>>> men_are_mortal = (men >> mortal.bubble()).bubble()
>>> assert men_are_mortal.eval(dtype=bool)
>>> men_are_mortal.draw(wire_labels=False,
... path='docs/_static/tensor/men-are-mortal.png')
.. image:: /_static/tensor/men-are-mortal.png
:align: center
>>> from sympy import Expr
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> f = Box('f', Dim(2), Dim(2), [1, 0, 0, x])
>>> g = Box('g', Dim(2), Dim(2), [-x, 0, 0, 1])
>>> def grad(diagram, var):
... return diagram.bubble(
... func=lambda x: getattr(x, "diff", lambda _: 0)(var),
... drawing_name=f"d${var}$" )
>>> lhs = grad(f >> g, x)
>>> rhs = (grad(f, x) >> g) + (f >> grad(g, x))
>>> assert lhs.eval(dtype=Expr) == rhs.eval(dtype=Expr)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(lhs, rhs).draw(figsize=(5, 2), wire_labels=False,
... path='docs/_static/tensor/product-rule.png')
.. image:: /_static/tensor/product-rule.png
:align: center
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Bubble, )
def __init__(self, inside, func=lambda x: int(not x), **params):
self.func = func
super().__init__(inside, **params)
def grad(self, var, **params):
The gradient of a bubble is given by the chain rule.
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> g = Box('g', Dim(2), Dim(2), [2 * x, 0, 0, x + 1])
>>> f = lambda d: d.bubble(func=lambda x: x ** 2, drawing_name="f")
>>> lhs, rhs = Box.grad(f(g), x), f(g).grad(x)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(lhs, rhs).draw(wire_labels=False,
... path='docs/_static/tensor/chain-rule.png')
.. image:: /_static/tensor/chain-rule.png
:align: center
from sympy import Symbol
tmp = Symbol("tmp")
name = "$\\frac{{\\partial {}}}{{\\partial {}}}$"
return Spider(1, 2, self.dom)\
>> self.arg.bubble(
func=lambda x: self.func(tmp).diff(tmp).subs(tmp, x),
drawing_name=name.format(self.drawing_name, var))\
@ self.arg.grad(var) >> Spider(2, 1, self.cod)
Diagram.sum_factory, Diagram.braid_factory = Sum, Swap
Diagram.cup_factory, Diagram.cap_factory = Cup, Cap
Diagram.spider_factory, Diagram.bubble_factory = Spider, Bubble
Id = Diagram.id