# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ZX-calculus diagrams.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
from math import pi
from discopy import cat, rigid, tensor, quantum
from discopy.cat import factory
from discopy.frobenius import Category
from discopy.quantum.circuit import qubit, Circuit
from discopy.quantum.gates import (
Bra, Ket, Rz, Rx, CX, CZ, Controlled, format_number)
from discopy.quantum.gates import Scalar as GatesScalar
from discopy.rigid import Sum, PRO
from discopy.utils import factory_name
class Diagram(tensor.Diagram[complex]):
""" ZX Diagram. """
ty_factory = PRO
def swap(left, right):
left = left if isinstance(left, PRO) else PRO(left)
right = right if isinstance(right, PRO) else PRO(right)
return tensor.Diagram.swap.__func__(Diagram, left, right)
def permutation(perm, dom=None):
dom = PRO(len(perm)) if dom is None else dom
return tensor.Diagram.permutation.__func__(Diagram, perm, dom)
def cup_factory(left, right):
del left, right
return Z(2, 0)
def grad(self, var, **params) -> rigid.Sum:
Gradient with respect to `var`.
var : sympy.Symbol
Differentiated variable.
>>> from sympy.abc import phi
>>> assert Z(1, 1, phi).grad(phi) == scalar(pi) @ Z(1, 1, phi + .5)
return super().grad(var, **params)
def to_pyzx(self):
Returns a :class:`pyzx.Graph`.
>>> bialgebra = Z(1, 2, .25) @ Z(1, 2, .75)\\
... >> Id(1) @ SWAP @ Id(1) >> X(2, 1, .5) @ X(2, 1, .5)
>>> graph = bialgebra.to_pyzx()
>>> assert len(graph.vertices()) == 8
>>> assert (graph.inputs(), graph.outputs()) == ((0, 1), (6, 7))
>>> from pyzx import VertexType
>>> assert graph.type(2) == graph.type(3) == VertexType.Z
>>> assert graph.phase(2) == 2 * .25 and graph.phase(3) == 2 * .75
>>> assert graph.type(4) == graph.type(5) == VertexType.X
>>> assert graph.phase(4) == graph.phase(5) == 2 * .5
>>> assert graph.graph == {
... 0: {2: 1},
... 1: {3: 1},
... 2: {0: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
... 3: {1: 1, 4: 1, 5: 1},
... 4: {2: 1, 3: 1, 6: 1},
... 5: {2: 1, 3: 1, 7: 1},
... 6: {4: 1},
... 7: {5: 1}}
from pyzx import Graph, VertexType, EdgeType
graph, scan = Graph(), []
for i, _ in enumerate(self.dom):
node, hadamard = graph.add_vertex(VertexType.BOUNDARY), False
scan.append((node, hadamard))
graph.set_inputs(graph.inputs() + (node,))
graph.set_position(node, i, 0)
for row, (box, offset) in enumerate(zip(self.boxes, self.offsets)):
if isinstance(box, Spider):
node = graph.add_vertex(
VertexType.Z if isinstance(box, Z) else VertexType.X,
phase=box.phase * 2 if box.phase else None)
graph.set_position(node, offset, row + 1)
for i, _ in enumerate(box.dom):
source, hadamard = scan[offset + i]
etype = EdgeType.HADAMARD if hadamard else EdgeType.SIMPLE
graph.add_edge((source, node), etype)
scan = scan[:offset] + len(box.cod) * [(node, False)]\
+ scan[offset + len(box.dom):]
elif isinstance(box, Swap):
scan = scan[:offset] + [scan[offset + 1], scan[offset]]\
+ scan[offset + 2:]
elif isinstance(box, Scalar):
elif box == H:
node, hadamard = scan[offset]
scan[offset] = (node, not hadamard)
raise NotImplementedError
for i, _ in enumerate(self.cod):
target = graph.add_vertex(VertexType.BOUNDARY)
source, hadamard = scan[i]
etype = EdgeType.HADAMARD if hadamard else EdgeType.SIMPLE
graph.add_edge((source, target), etype)
graph.set_position(target, i, len(self) + 1)
graph.set_outputs(graph.outputs() + (target,))
return graph
def from_pyzx(graph):
Takes a :class:`pyzx.Graph` returns a :class:`zx.Diagram`.
>>> bialgebra = Z(1, 2, .25) @ Z(1, 2, .75)\\
... >> Id(1) @ SWAP @ Id(1) >> X(2, 1, .5) @ X(2, 1, .5)
>>> graph = bialgebra.to_pyzx()
>>> assert Diagram.from_pyzx(graph) == bialgebra
Raises :code:`ValueError` if either:
* a boundary node is not in :code:`graph.inputs() + graph.outputs()`,
* or :code:`set(graph.inputs()).intersection(graph.outputs())`.
from pyzx import VertexType, EdgeType
def node2box(node, n_legs_in, n_legs_out):
if graph.type(node) not in {VertexType.Z, VertexType.X}:
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
return \
(Z if graph.type(node) == VertexType.Z else X)( # noqa: E721
n_legs_in, n_legs_out, graph.phase(node) * .5)
def move(scan, source, target):
if target < source:
swaps = Id(target)\
@ Diagram.swap(source - target, 1)\
@ Id(len(scan) - source - 1)
scan = scan[:target] + (scan[source],)\
+ scan[target:source] + scan[source + 1:]
elif target > source:
swaps = Id(source)\
@ Diagram.swap(1, target - source)\
@ Id(len(scan) - target - 1)
scan = scan[:source] + scan[source + 1:target]\
+ (scan[source],) + scan[target:]
swaps = Id(len(scan))
return scan, swaps
def make_wires_adjacent(scan, diagram, inputs):
if not inputs:
return scan, diagram, len(scan)
offset = scan.index(inputs[0])
for i, _ in enumerate(inputs[1:]):
source, target = scan.index(inputs[i + 1]), offset + i + 1
scan, swaps = move(scan, source, target)
diagram = diagram >> swaps
return scan, diagram, offset
missing_boundary = any(
graph.type(node) == VertexType.BOUNDARY # noqa: E721
and node not in graph.inputs() + graph.outputs()
for node in graph.vertices())
if missing_boundary:
raise ValueError
duplicate_boundary = set(graph.inputs()).intersection(graph.outputs())
if duplicate_boundary:
raise ValueError
diagram, scan = Id(len(graph.inputs())), graph.inputs()
for node in [v for v in graph.vertices()
if v not in graph.inputs() + graph.outputs()]:
inputs = [v for v in graph.neighbors(node) if v < node
and v not in graph.outputs() or v in graph.inputs()]
outputs = [v for v in graph.neighbors(node) if v > node
and v not in graph.inputs() or v in graph.outputs()]
scan, diagram, offset = make_wires_adjacent(scan, diagram, inputs)
hadamards = Id().tensor(*[
H if graph.edge_type((i, node)) == EdgeType.HADAMARD
else Id(1) for i in scan[offset: offset + len(inputs)]])
box = node2box(node, len(inputs), len(outputs))
diagram = diagram >> Id(offset) @ (hadamards >> box)\
@ Id(len(diagram.cod) - offset - len(inputs))
scan = scan[:offset] + len(outputs) * (node,)\
+ scan[offset + len(inputs):]
for target, output in enumerate(graph.outputs()):
node, = graph.neighbors(output)
etype = graph.edge_type((node, output))
hadamard = H if etype == EdgeType.HADAMARD else Id(1)
scan, swaps = move(scan, scan.index(node), target)
diagram = diagram >> swaps\
>> Id(target) @ hadamard @ Id(len(scan) - target - 1)
return diagram
class Box(tensor.Box[complex], Diagram):
A ZX box is a tensor box in a ZX diagram.
name (str) : The name of the box.
dom (rigid.PRO) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input.
cod (rigid.PRO) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (tensor.Box, )
class Sum(tensor.Sum[complex], Box):
A formal sum of ZX diagrams with the same domain and codomain.
terms (tuple[Diagram, ...]) : The terms of the formal sum.
dom (Dim) : The domain of the formal sum.
cod (Dim) : The codomain of the formal sum.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (tensor.Sum, )
class Swap(tensor.Swap[complex], Box):
""" Swap in a ZX diagram. """
def __repr__(self):
return "SWAP"
__str__ = __repr__
class Spider(tensor.Spider[complex], Box):
""" Abstract spider box. """
def __init__(self, n_legs_in, n_legs_out, phase=0):
super().__init__(n_legs_in, n_legs_out, PRO(1), phase)
factory_str = type(self).__name__
phase_str = f", {self.phase}" if self.phase else ""
self.name = f"{factory_str}({n_legs_in}, {n_legs_out}{phase_str})"
def __setstate__(self, state):
if "_name" in state and state["_name"] == type(self).__name__:
phase = state.get("_data", None)
phase_str = f', {phase}' if phase else ''
state["_name"] = (
type(self).__name__ +
f"({state['_dom'].n}, {state['_cod'].n}{phase_str})"
def __repr__(self):
return str(self).replace(type(self).__name__, factory_name(type(self)))
def subs(self, *args):
phase = cat.rsubs(self.phase, *args)
return type(self)(len(self.dom), len(self.cod), phase=phase)
def grad(self, var, **params):
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return Sum((), self.dom, self.cod)
gradient = self.phase.diff(var)
gradient = complex(gradient) if not gradient.free_symbols else gradient
return Scalar(pi * gradient)\
@ type(self)(len(self.dom), len(self.cod), self.phase + .5)
def dagger(self):
return type(self)(len(self.cod), len(self.dom), -self.phase)
def rotate(self, left=False):
del left
return type(self)(len(self.cod), len(self.dom), self.phase)
def array(self):
return None
class Z(Spider):
""" Z spider. """
tikzstyle_name = 'Z'
color = 'green'
class Y(Spider):
""" Y spider. """
tikzstyle_name = 'Y'
color = "blue"
class X(Spider):
""" X spider. """
tikzstyle_name = 'X'
color = "red"
class Scalar(Box):
""" Scalar in a ZX diagram. """
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__("scalar", PRO(0), PRO(0), data=data)
self.drawing_name = format_number(data)
def __str__(self):
return f"scalar({format_number(self.data)})"
def subs(self, *args):
data = cat.rsubs(self.data, *args)
return Scalar(data)
def dagger(self):
return Scalar(self.data.conjugate())
def grad(self, var, **params):
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return Sum((), self.dom, self.cod)
return Scalar(self.data.diff(var))
def scalar(data):
""" Returns a scalar. """
return Scalar(data)
root2 = scalar(2 ** 0.5)
def gate2zx(box):
""" Turns gates into ZX diagrams. """
if isinstance(box, (Bra, Ket)):
dom, cod = (1, 0) if isinstance(box, Bra) else (0, 1)
spiders = [X(dom, cod, phase=.5 * bit) for bit in box.bitstring]
return Id().tensor(*spiders) @ scalar(pow(2, -len(box.bitstring) / 2))
if isinstance(box, (Rz, Rx)):
return (Z if isinstance(box, Rz) else X)(1, 1, box.phase)
if isinstance(box, Controlled) and box.name.startswith('CRz'):
return Z(1, 2) @ Z(1, 2, box.phase / 2)\
>> Id(1) @ (X(2, 1) >> Z(1, 0, -box.phase / 2)) @ Id(1) @ root2
if isinstance(box, Controlled) and box.name.startswith('CRx'):
return X(1, 2) @ X(1, 2, box.phase / 2)\
>> Id(1) @ (Z(2, 1) >> X(1, 0, -box.phase / 2)) @ Id(1) @ root2
if isinstance(box, quantum.CU1):
return Z(1, 2, box.phase) @ Z(1, 2, box.phase)\
>> Id(1) @ (X(2, 1) >> Z(1, 0, -box.phase)) @ Id(1)
if isinstance(box, GatesScalar):
if box.is_mixed:
raise NotImplementedError
return scalar(box.data)
if isinstance(box, Controlled) and box.distance != 1:
return circuit2zx(box._decompose())
standard_gates = {
quantum.H: H,
quantum.Z: Z(1, 1, .5),
quantum.X: X(1, 1, .5),
quantum.Y: Z(1, 1, .5) >> X(1, 1, .5) @ scalar(1j),
quantum.S: Z(1, 1, .25),
quantum.T: Z(1, 1, .125),
CZ: Z(1, 2) @ Id(1) >> Id(1) @ H @ Id(1) >> Id(1) @ Z(2, 1) @ root2,
CX: Z(1, 2) @ Id(1) >> Id(1) @ X(2, 1) @ root2}
return standard_gates[box]
circuit2zx = quantum.circuit.Functor(
ob={qubit: PRO(1)}, ar=gate2zx,
dom=Category(quantum.circuit.Ty, Circuit), cod=Category(PRO, Diagram))
H = Box('H', PRO(1), PRO(1))
H.dagger = lambda: H
H.draw_as_spider = True
H.drawing_name, H.tikzstyle_name, = '', 'H'
H.color, H.shape = "yellow", "rectangle"
SWAP = Swap(PRO(1), PRO(1))
Diagram.braid_factory, Diagram.sum_factory = Swap, Sum
Id = Diagram.id