# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Gates in a :class:`discopy.quantum.circuit.Circuit`.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
.. admonition:: Functions
.. autosummary::
:template: function.rst
import copy
from math import e, pi
from discopy import messages
from discopy.cat import rsubs
from discopy.matrix import get_backend
from discopy.quantum.circuit import (
Circuit, Digit, Ty, bit, qubit, Box, Swap, Sum, Id)
from discopy.tensor import backend
from discopy.utils import factory_name, assert_isinstance
def format_number(data):
""" Tries to format a number. """
return f'{data:.3g}'
except TypeError:
return data
class SelfConjugate(Box):
""" A self-conjugate box, i.e. where the transpose is the dagger. """
def conjugate(self):
return self
def rotate(self, left=False):
del left
return self.dagger()
class AntiConjugate(Box):
""" An anti-conjugate box, i.e. where the conjugate is the dagger. """
def conjugate(self):
return self.dagger()
def rotate(self, left=False):
del left
return self
class Discard(SelfConjugate):
Discard n qubits. If :code:`dom == bit` then marginal distribution.
draw_as_discards = True
def __init__(self, dom=1):
if isinstance(dom, int):
dom = qubit ** dom
f"Discard({dom})", dom, qubit ** 0, is_mixed=True)
self.n_qubits = len(dom)
def dagger(self):
return MixedState(self.dom)
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[Discard()] * self.n_qubits)
class MixedState(SelfConjugate):
Maximally-mixed state on n qubits.
If :code:`cod == bit` then uniform distribution.
draw_as_discards = True
def __init__(self, cod=1):
if isinstance(cod, int):
cod = qubit ** cod
f"MixedState({cod})", qubit ** 0, cod, is_mixed=True)
self.drawing_name = "MixedState"
if cod == bit:
self.drawing_name = ""
self.draw_as_spider, self.color = True, "black"
def dagger(self):
return Discard(self.cod)
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[MixedState()] * len(self.cod))
class Measure(SelfConjugate):
Measure n qubits into n bits.
n_qubits : int
Number of qubits to measure.
destructive : bool, optional
Whether to do a non-destructive measurement instead.
override_bits : bool, optional
Whether to override input bits, this is the standard behaviour of tket.
draw_as_measures = True
def __init__(self, n_qubits=1, destructive=True, override_bits=False):
dom, cod = qubit ** n_qubits, bit ** n_qubits
name = f"Measure({'' if n_qubits == 1 else n_qubits})"
if not destructive:
cod = qubit ** n_qubits @ cod
name = name\
.replace("()", "(1)").replace(')', ", destructive=False)")
if override_bits:
dom = dom @ bit ** n_qubits
name = name\
.replace("()", "(1)").replace(')', ", override_bits=True)")
super().__init__(name, dom, cod, is_mixed=True)
self.destructive, self.override_bits = destructive, override_bits
self.n_qubits = n_qubits
self.draw_as_measures = True
def dagger(self):
return Encode(self.n_qubits,
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[
override_bits=self.override_bits)] * self.n_qubits)
class Encode(SelfConjugate):
Controlled preparation, i.e. encode n bits into n qubits.
n_bits : int
Number of bits to encode.
constructive : bool, optional
Whether to do a classically-controlled correction instead.
reset_bits : bool, optional
Whether to reset the bits to the uniform distribution.
draw_as_measures = True
def __init__(self, n_bits=1, constructive=True, reset_bits=False):
dom, cod = bit ** n_bits, qubit ** n_bits
name = Measure(n_bits, constructive, reset_bits).name\
.replace("Measure", "Encode")\
.replace("destructive", "constructive")\
.replace("override_bits", "reset_bits")
super().__init__(name, dom, cod, is_mixed=True)
self.constructive, self.reset_bits = constructive, reset_bits
self.n_bits = n_bits
def dagger(self):
return Measure(self.n_bits,
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[
reset_bits=self.reset_bits)] * self.n_bits)
class QuantumGate(Box):
""" Quantum gates, i.e. unitaries on n qubits. """
is_mixed = False
is_classical = False
def __init__(self, name: str, dom: Ty, cod: Ty, data=None, **params):
if data is not None and hasattr(data, "__len__"):
data = [complex(v) for v in data]
super().__init__(name, dom, cod, data, **params)
def __setstate__(self, state):
if "_array" in state and not state["_array"] is None:
state["data"] = state['_array'].flatten().tolist()
if "_name" in state:
if state["_name"] in GATES and hasattr(
GATES[state["_name"]], "data"):
state["data"] = copy.deepcopy(GATES[state["_name"]].data)
state["_z"] = GATES[state["_name"]].z
class ClassicalGate(SelfConjugate):
Classical gates, i.e. from digits to digits.
>>> from sympy import symbols
>>> array = symbols("a b c d")
>>> f = ClassicalGate('f', bit, bit, array)
>>> f.data
(a, b, c, d)
>>> f.lambdify(*array)(1, 2, 3, 4).data
(1, 2, 3, 4)
is_mixed = False
is_classical = True
class Copy(ClassicalGate):
""" Takes a bit, returns two copies of it. """
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("Copy", bit, bit ** 2, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
self.draw_as_spider, self.color = True, "black"
self.drawing_name = ""
def dagger(self):
return Match()
class Match(ClassicalGate):
""" Takes two bits in, returns them if they are equal. """
def __init__(self):
super().__init__("Match", bit ** 2, bit, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
self.draw_as_spider, self.color = True, "black"
self.drawing_name = ""
def dagger(self):
return Copy()
class Digits(ClassicalGate):
Classical state for a given string of digits of a given dimension.
>>> from discopy.tensor import Dim, Tensor
>>> assert Digits(2, dim=4).eval()\\
... == Tensor[complex](dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(4), array=[0, 0, 1, 0])
draw_as_brakets = True
def __init__(self, *digits, dim=None, is_dagger=False):
if not isinstance(dim, int):
raise TypeError(int, dim)
self._digits, self._dim = digits, dim
str_digits = ', '.join(map(str, digits))
name = f"Digits({str_digits}, dim={dim})" if dim != 2 \
else f"Bits({str_digits})"
dom, cod = Ty(), Ty(Digit(dim)) ** len(digits)
dom, cod = (cod, dom) if is_dagger else (dom, cod)
super().__init__(name, dom, cod, is_dagger=is_dagger)
def __repr__(self):
return self.name + (".dagger()" if self.is_dagger else "")
def dim(self):
The dimension of the information units.
>>> assert Bits(1, 0).dim == 2
return self._dim
def digits(self):
""" The digits of a classical state. """
return list(self._digits)
bitstring = digits
def array(self):
with backend('numpy') as np:
array = np.zeros(len(self._digits) * (self._dim, ))
array[self._digits] = 1
return array
def dagger(self):
return Digits(*self.digits, dim=self.dim, is_dagger=not self.is_dagger)
def to_drawing(self):
result = QuantumGate.to_drawing(self)
result.draw_as_brakets, result._digits = True, self._digits
return result
def Bits(*bitstring, is_dagger=False):
return Digits(*bitstring, dim=2, is_dagger=is_dagger)
class Ket(SelfConjugate, QuantumGate):
Implements qubit preparation for a given bitstring.
>>> from discopy.tensor import Dim, Tensor
>>> assert Ket(1, 0).cod == qubit ** 2
>>> assert Ket(1, 0).eval()\\
... == Tensor[complex](dom=Dim(1), cod=Dim(2, 2), array=[0, 0, 1, 0])
to_drawing = Digits.to_drawing
array = Digits.array
def __init__(self, *bitstring):
if not all([bit in [0, 1] for bit in bitstring]):
raise Exception('Bitstring can only contain integers 0 or 1.')
dom, cod = qubit ** 0, qubit ** len(bitstring)
name = f"Ket({', '.join(map(str, bitstring))})"
super().__init__(name, dom, cod)
self._digits, self._dim, self.draw_as_brakets = bitstring, 2, True
def bitstring(self):
""" The bitstring of a Ket. """
return list(self._digits)
def dagger(self):
return Bra(*self.bitstring)
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[Ket(b) for b in self.bitstring])
class Bra(SelfConjugate, QuantumGate):
Implements qubit post-selection for a given bitstring.
>>> from discopy.tensor import Dim, Tensor
>>> assert Bra(1, 0).dom == qubit ** 2
>>> assert Bra(1, 0).eval()\\
... == Tensor[complex](dom=Dim(2, 2), cod=Dim(1), array=[0, 0, 1, 0])
to_drawing = Digits.to_drawing
array = Digits.array
def __init__(self, *bitstring):
if not all([bit in [0, 1] for bit in bitstring]):
raise Exception('Bitstring can only contain integers 0 or 1.')
name = f"Bra({', '.join(map(str, bitstring))})"
dom, cod = qubit ** len(bitstring), qubit ** 0
super().__init__(name, dom, cod)
self._digits, self._dim, self.draw_as_brakets = bitstring, 2, True
def bitstring(self):
""" The bitstring of a Bra. """
return list(self._digits)
def dagger(self):
return Ket(*self.bitstring)
def _decompose(self):
return Id().tensor(*[Bra(b) for b in self.bitstring])
class Controlled(QuantumGate):
Abstract class for controled quantum gates.
controlled : QuantumGate
Gate to control, e.g. :code:`CX = Controlled(X)`.
distance : int, optional
Number of qubits from the control to the target, default is :code:`0`.
If negative, the control is on the right of the target.
draw_as_controlled = True
def __init__(self, controlled, distance=1):
assert_isinstance(controlled, QuantumGate)
if not distance:
raise ValueError(messages.ZERO_DISTANCE_CONTROLLED)
self.controlled, self.distance = controlled, distance
n_qubits = len(controlled.dom) + abs(distance)
name = f'C{controlled}'
dom = cod = qubit ** n_qubits
QuantumGate.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, data=controlled.data)
def dagger(self):
return Controlled(self.controlled.dagger(), distance=self.distance)
def conjugate(self):
controlled_conj = self.controlled.conjugate()
return Controlled(controlled_conj, distance=-self.distance)
def lambdify(self, *symbols, **kwargs):
c_fn = self.controlled.lambdify(*symbols)
return lambda *xs: type(self)(c_fn(*xs), distance=self.distance)
def subs(self, *args):
controlled = self.controlled.subs(*args)
return type(self)(controlled, distance=self.distance)
def __repr__(self):
return f'Controlled({self.controlled!r}, distance={self.distance!r})'
def __str__(self):
return self.name if self.distance == 1\
else f'Controlled({self.controlled}, distance={self.distance})'
def __eq__(self, other):
return not isinstance(other, Box) and super().__eq__(other)\
or isinstance(other, Controlled)\
and self.distance == other.distance\
and self.controlled == other.controlled
def phase(self):
return self.controlled.phase
__hash__ = QuantumGate.__hash__
l = r = property(conjugate)
def _decompose_grad(self):
controlled, distance = self.controlled, self.distance
if isinstance(controlled, (Rx, Rz)):
phase = self.phase
decomp = Controlled(X, distance=distance)\
>> qubit ** distance @ Rz(-phase / 2) @ qubit ** -distance\
>> Controlled(X, distance=distance)\
>> qubit ** distance @ Rz(phase / 2) @ qubit ** -distance
if isinstance(controlled, Rx):
decomp <<= qubit ** distance @ H @ qubit ** -distance
decomp >>= qubit ** distance @ H @ qubit ** -distance
return decomp
return self
def _decompose(self):
controlled, distance = self.controlled, self.distance
n_qubits = len(self.dom)
if distance == 1:
return self
skipped_qbs = n_qubits - (1 + len(controlled.dom))
if distance > 0:
pattern = [0,
*range(skipped_qbs + 1, n_qubits),
*range(1, skipped_qbs + 1)]
pattern = [n_qubits - 1, *range(n_qubits - 1)]
perm = Circuit.permutation(pattern)
diagram = (perm
>> type(self)(controlled) @ Id(skipped_qbs)
>> perm[::-1])
return diagram
def grad(self, var, **params):
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return Sum([], self.dom, self.cod)
decomp = self._decompose_grad()
if decomp == self:
raise NotImplementedError()
return decomp.grad(var, **params)
def array(self):
controlled, distance = self.controlled, self.distance
n_qubits = len(self.dom)
with backend() as np:
if distance == 1:
d = 1 << n_qubits - 1
part1 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
part2 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
array = np.kron(part1, np.eye(d))\
+ np.kron(part2, np.array(controlled.array.reshape(d, d)))
array = self._decompose().eval().array
return array.reshape(*[2] * 2 * n_qubits)
def to_drawing(self):
result = super().to_drawing()
result.distance, result.controlled = self.distance, self.controlled
return result
class Parametrized(Box):
Abstract class for parametrized boxes in a quantum circuit.
name : str
Name of the parametrized class, e.g. :code:`"CRz"`.
dom, cod : discopy.quantum.circuit.Ty
Domain and codomain.
data : any
Data of the box, potentially with free symbols.
>>> from sympy.abc import phi
>>> from sympy import pi, exp, I
>>> assert Rz(phi).array[0,0] == exp(-1.0 * I * pi * phi)
>>> c = Rz(phi) >> Rz(-phi)
>>> assert c.lambdify(phi)(.25) == Rz(.25) >> Rz(-.25)
def __init__(self, name, dom, cod, data=None, **params):
self.drawing_name = f'{name}({data})'
Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, data=data, **params)
def modules(self):
if self.free_symbols:
import sympy
return sympy
return get_backend()
def subs(self, *args):
data = rsubs(self.data, *args)
return type(self)(data)
def lambdify(self, *symbols, **kwargs):
from sympy import lambdify
with backend() as np:
data = lambdify(symbols, self.data, dict(kwargs, modules=np))
return lambda *xs: type(self)(data(*xs))
def __str__(self):
if isinstance(self, Controlled):
# Ensure `Controlled(Rx(0.5))` and `CRx(0.5)` are printed the same.
return Controlled.__str__(self)
return f'{self.name}({format_number(self.data)})'
def __repr__(self):
return factory_name(type(self)) + f"({format_number(self.data)})"
class Rotation(Parametrized, QuantumGate):
""" Abstract class for rotation gates. """
n_qubits = 1
def __init__(self, phase, z=0):
name, n_qubits = type(self).__name__, type(self).n_qubits
dom = cod = qubit ** n_qubits
QuantumGate.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, z=z)
Parametrized.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, is_mixed=False, data=phase)
def from_tree(cls, tree: dict):
return cls(tree['data'], tree.get('z', 0))
def phase(self):
""" The phase of a rotation gate. """
return self.data
def dagger(self):
return type(self)(-self.phase)
def rotate(self, left=False):
del left
return type(self)(self.phase, z=int(not self.z))
def grad(self, var, **params):
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return Sum([], self.dom, self.cod)
gradient = self.phase.diff(var)
gradient = complex(gradient) if not gradient.free_symbols else gradient
with backend() as np:
if params.get('mixed', True):
if len(self.dom) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError
s = scalar(np.pi * gradient, is_mixed=True)
t1 = type(self)(self.phase + .25)
t2 = type(self)(self.phase - .25)
return s @ (t1 + scalar(-1, is_mixed=True) @ t2)
return scalar(np.pi * gradient) @ type(self)(self.phase + .5)
class Rx(AntiConjugate, Rotation):
""" X rotations. """
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
half_theta = np.array(self.modules.pi * self.phase, dtype=complex)
sin = self.modules.sin(half_theta)
cos = self.modules.cos(half_theta)
return np.stack((cos, -1j * sin, -1j * sin, cos)).reshape(2, 2)
class Ry(SelfConjugate, Rotation):
""" Y rotations. """
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
half_theta = np.array(self.modules.pi * self.phase)
sin = self.modules.sin(half_theta)
cos = self.modules.cos(half_theta)
return np.stack((cos, sin, -sin, cos)).reshape(2, 2)
class Rz(AntiConjugate, Rotation):
""" Z rotations. """
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
half_theta = np.array(self.modules.pi * self.phase)
e1 = self.modules.exp(-1j * half_theta)
e2 = self.modules.exp(1j * half_theta)
z = np.array(0)
return np.stack((e1, z, z, e2)).reshape(2, 2)
class U1(AntiConjugate, Rotation):
""" Z rotation, differ from :class:`Rz` by a global phase. """
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
theta = np.array(2 * self.modules.pi * self.phase)
return np.stack(
(1, 0, 0, self.modules.exp(1j * theta))).reshape(2, 2)
class ControlledRotation(Controlled, Rotation):
""" Controlled rotation gate. """
def __init__(self, phase, distance=1):
Controlled.__init__(self, self.controlled(phase), distance)
lambdify = Rotation.lambdify
subs = Rotation.subs
class CU1(ControlledRotation):
""" Controlled U1 rotations. """
controlled = U1
class CRz(ControlledRotation):
""" Controlled Z rotations. """
controlled = Rz
class CRx(ControlledRotation):
""" Controlled X rotations. """
controlled = Rx
class Scalar(Parametrized):
""" Scalar, i.e. quantum gate with empty domain and codomain. """
def __init__(self, data, name=None, is_mixed=False):
self.drawing_name = format_number(data)
name = "scalar" if name is None else name
dom, cod = qubit ** 0, qubit ** 0
super().__init__(name, dom, cod, is_mixed=is_mixed, data=data, z=None)
def __setstate__(self, state):
state["_z"] = None
def __repr__(self):
return super().__repr__()[:-1] + (
', is_mixed=True)' if self.is_mixed else ')')
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
return np.array(self.data)
def grad(self, var, **params):
if var not in self.free_symbols:
return Sum([], self.dom, self.cod)
return Scalar(self.data.diff(var))
def dagger(self):
return Scalar(self.data.conjugate(), self.name, self.is_mixed)
class MixedScalar(Scalar):
""" Mixed scalar, i.e. where the Born rule has already been applied. """
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__(data, is_mixed=True)
class Sqrt(Scalar):
""" Square root. """
def __init__(self, data):
super().__init__(data, name="sqrt")
self.drawing_name = f"sqrt({format_number(data)})"
def __setstate__(self, state):
if self.is_dagger is None:
self.is_dagger = False
def array(self):
with backend() as np:
return np.array(self.data ** .5)
def dagger(self):
return self
def sqrt(expr):
""" Returns a 0-qubit quantum gate that scales by a square root. """
return Sqrt(expr)
def scalar(expr, is_mixed=False):
""" Returns a 0-qubit quantum gate that scales by a complex number. """
return Scalar(expr, is_mixed=is_mixed)
SWAP = Swap(qubit, qubit)
H = QuantumGate(
'H', qubit, qubit,
data=[2 ** -0.5 * x for x in [1, 1, 1, -1]], is_dagger=None, z=None)
S = QuantumGate('S', qubit, qubit, [1, 0, 0, 1j])
T = QuantumGate('T', qubit, qubit, [1, 0, 0, e ** (1j * pi / 4)])
X = QuantumGate('X', qubit, qubit, [0, 1, 1, 0], is_dagger=None, z=None)
Y = QuantumGate('Y', qubit, qubit, [0, 1j, -1j, 0], is_dagger=None)
Z = QuantumGate('Z', qubit, qubit, [1, 0, 0, -1], is_dagger=None, z=None)
CX = Controlled(X)
CY = Controlled(Y)
CZ = Controlled(Z)
CCX = Controlled(CX)
CCZ = Controlled(CZ)
'H': H,
'S': S,
'T': T,
'X': X,
'Y': Y,
'Z': Z,
'CZ': CZ,
'CY': CY,
'CX': CX,
'Rx': Rx,
'Ry': Ry,
'Rz': Rz,
'U1': U1,
'CRx': CRx,
'CRz': CRz,
'CU1': CU1,
for attr, gate in GATES.items():
def closure(attr=attr, gate=gate):
""" Easiest way around the Python late binding gotcha. """
if isinstance(gate, Controlled)\
and isinstance(gate.controlled, Controlled):
def method(self, i: int, j: int, k: int) -> Circuit:
Apply {} gate to a circuit given qubit indices.
i : First control index.
j : Second control index.
k : Target index.
return self.apply_controlled(
gate.controlled.controlled, i, j, k)
elif isinstance(gate, Controlled):
def method(self, i: int, j: int) -> Circuit:
Apply {} gate to a circuit given qubit indices.
i : Control index.
j : Target index.
return self.apply_controlled(gate.controlled, i, j)
elif isinstance(gate, Box):
def method(self, i: int) -> Circuit:
Apply {} gate to a circuit given qubit index.
i : Target index.
return self.apply_controlled(gate, i)
elif issubclass(gate, Rotation) and issubclass(gate, Controlled):
def method(self, phi: float, i: int, j: int) -> Circuit:
Apply :class:`{}` to a circuit given phase and indices.
phi : Phase.
i : Control index.
j : Target index.
return self.apply_controlled(gate.controlled(phi), i, j)
elif issubclass(gate, Rotation):
def method(self, phi: float, i: int) -> Circuit:
Apply :class:`{}` to a circuit given phase and target index.
phi : Phase.
i : Target index.
return self.apply_controlled(gate(phi), i)
method.__doc__ = method.__doc__.format(attr)
return method
setattr(Circuit, attr, closure())