# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements classical-quantum channels.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
.. admonition:: Functions
.. autosummary::
:template: function.rst
:class:`Channel` implements the classical-quantum processes of
Coecke and Kissinger :cite:`CoeckeKissinger17`.
Objects are given by a quantum dimension :class:`Q` (a.k.a. double wires)
and a classical dimension :class:`C` (a.k.a. single wires).
Arrows are given by arrays of the appropriate shape, see :class:`Channel`.
For example, states of type :class:`Q` are density matrices:
>>> from discopy.quantum import Ket, H
>>> (Ket(0) >> H).eval(mixed=True).round(1)
Channel([0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j, 0.5+0.j], dom=CQ(), cod=Q(Dim(2)))
from __future__ import annotations
from discopy import frobenius, tensor
from discopy.cat import factory, Category
from discopy.frobenius import Ty, Diagram, Box
from discopy.matrix import backend
from discopy.quantum.circuit import (
Digit, Qudit)
from discopy.quantum.gates import Discard, Measure, MixedState, Encode, Scalar
from discopy.tensor import Dim, Tensor
from discopy.utils import assert_isinstance
class CQ:
A classical-quantum dimension is a pair of dimensions
``classical`` and ``quantum``.
classical (Dim) : Classical dimension of the type.
quantum (Dim) : Quantum dimension of the type.
>>> CQ(Dim(2), Dim(3)) @ CQ(Dim(4), Dim(5))
CQ(classical=Dim(2, 4), quantum=Dim(3, 5))
def __init__(self, classical=Dim(1), quantum=Dim(1)):
self.classical, self.quantum = classical, quantum
def to_dim(self) -> Dim:
The underlying dimension of the system, i.e. the classical dimension
tensored with the square of the quantum dimension.
>>> assert CQ(Dim(2), Dim(3)).to_dim() == Dim(2, 3, 3)
return self.classical @ self.quantum @ self.quantum
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, CQ)\
and self.classical == other.classical\
and self.quantum == other.quantum
def __hash__(self):
return hash(repr(self))
def __repr__(self):
return f"CQ(classical={self.classical}, quantum={self.quantum})"
def __str__(self):
return "CQ()" if not self.classical and not self.quantum\
else f"Q({self.quantum})" if not self.classical\
else f"Q({self.classical})" if not self.quantum\
else f"C({self.classical}) @ Q({self.quantum})"
def tensor(self, *others):
The tensor of a classical-quantum dimension with some ``others``.
others : The other types with which to tensor.
for other in others:
assert_isinstance(other, CQ)
classical = self.classical.tensor(*(x.classical for x in others))
quantum = self.quantum.tensor(*(x.quantum for x in others))
return CQ(classical, quantum)
def __matmul__(self, other):
return self.tensor(other) if isinstance(other, CQ) else NotImplemented
__add__ = __matmul__
r = l = property(lambda self: CQ(self.classical[::-1], self.quantum[::-1]))
def C(dim=Dim(1)) -> CQ:
Syntactic sugar for ``CQ(classical=dim)``, see :class:`CQ`.
dim : The dimension of the type.
return CQ(classical=dim)
def Q(dim=Dim(1)) -> CQ:
Syntactic sugar for ``CQ(quantum=dim)``, see :class:`CQ`.
dim : The dimension of the type.
return CQ(quantum=dim)
class Channel(Tensor):
A channel is a tensor with :class:`CQ` types as ``dom`` and ``cod``.
array : The array of shape ``dom.to_dim() @ cod.to_dim()``
inside the channel.
dom : The domain of the channel.
cod : The codomain of the channel.
dtype = complex
def __init__(self, array, dom: CQ, cod: CQ):
assert_isinstance(dom, CQ)
assert_isinstance(cod, CQ)
super().__init__(array, dom.to_dim(), cod.to_dim())
self.dom, self.cod = dom, cod
def to_tensor(self) -> Tensor:
""" The underlying tensor of a channel. """
return Tensor[self.dtype](
self.array, self.dom.to_dim(), self.cod.to_dim())
def id(cls, dom=CQ()) -> Channel:
assert_isinstance(dom, CQ)
return cls(Tensor[cls.dtype].id(dom.to_dim()).array, dom, dom)
def then(self, other: Channel = None, *others: Channel) -> Channel:
if other is None or others:
return super().then(other, *others)
assert_isinstance(other, type(self))
array = (self.to_tensor() >> other.to_tensor()).array
return type(self)(array, self.dom, other.cod)
def dagger(self) -> Channel:
return type(self)(self.to_tensor().dagger().array, self.cod, self.dom)
def tensor(self, other: Channel = None, *others: Channel) -> Channel:
if other is None or others:
return super().tensor(other, *others)
assert_isinstance(other, type(self))
f = Box('f', Ty('c00', 'q00', 'q00'), Ty('c10', 'q10', 'q10'))
g = Box('g', Ty('c01', 'q01', 'q01'), Ty('c11', 'q11', 'q11'))
above = f.dom[:1] @ g.dom[:1] @ f.dom[1:2]\
@ Diagram.swap(g.dom[1:2], f.dom[2:]) @ g.dom[2:]\
>> f.dom[:1] @ Diagram.swap(g.dom[:1], f.dom[1:]) @ g.dom[1:]
below = f.cod[:1] @ Diagram.swap(f.cod[1:], g.cod[:1]) @ g.cod[1:]\
>> f.cod[:1] @ g.cod[:1] @ f.cod[1:2]\
@ Diagram.swap(f.cod[2:], g.cod[1:2]) @ g.cod[2:]
array = tensor.Functor(
ob={Ty(f"{a}{b}{c}"): getattr(getattr(z, y), x)
for a, x in zip(['c', 'q'], ['classical', 'quantum'])
for b, y in zip([0, 1], ['dom', 'cod'])
for c, z in zip([0, 1], [self, other])},
ar={f: self.to_tensor(), g: other.to_tensor()}, dtype=self.dtype
)(above >> f @ g >> below).array
return type(self)(array, self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod)
def swap(cls, left, right) -> Channel:
array = (Tensor.swap(left.classical, right.classical)
@ Tensor.swap(left.quantum, right.quantum)
@ Tensor.swap(left.quantum, right.quantum)).array
return cls(array, left @ right, right @ left)
def cups(left, right):
return Channel.single(Tensor.cups(left.classical, right.classical))\
@ Channel.double(Tensor.cups(left.quantum, right.quantum))
def measure(cls, dim: Dim, destructive=True) -> Channel:
Measure a quantum dimension into a classical dimension.
dim : The dimension of the quantum system to measure.
destructive : Whether the measurement discards the qubits.
if not dim:
return cls.id()
if len(dim) > 1:
return cls.measure(dim[:1], destructive)\
@ cls.measure(dim[1:], destructive)
n, = dim.inside
if destructive:
array = [
int(i == j == k)
for i in range(n)
for j in range(n)
for k in range(n)]
return cls(array, Q(dim), C(dim))
array = [
int(i == j == k == l == m)
for i in range(n)
for j in range(n)
for k in range(n)
for l in range(n)
for m in range(n)]
return cls(array, Q(dim), C(dim) @ Q(dim))
def encode(cls, dim: Dim, constructive=True) -> Channel:
Encode a classical dimension into a quantum dimension.
dim : The dimension of the classical system to encode.
constructive : Whether the encoding prepares fresh qubits.
return cls.measure(dim, destructive=constructive).dagger()
def double(cls, quantum: Tensor) -> Channel:
Construct a pure quantum channel by doubling a given tensor.
quantum : The tensor from which to make a pure quantum channel.
array = (quantum @ quantum.conjugate(diagrammatic=False)).array
return cls(array, Q(quantum.dom), Q(quantum.cod))
def single(cls, classical: Tensor) -> Channel:
Construct a pure classical channel from a given tensor.
classical : The tensor from which to make a pure classical channel.
return cls(classical.array, C(classical.dom), C(classical.cod))
def discard(cls, dom: CQ) -> Channel:
Construct the channel that traces out the quantum dimension and takes
the marginal distribution over the classical dimension.
dom : The classical-quantum dimension to discard.
with backend() as np:
array = np.tensordot(
np.ones(dom.classical.inside), Tensor.id(dom.quantum).array, 0)
return Channel(array, dom, CQ())
class Functor(tensor.Functor):
A channel functor is a tensor functor into classical-quantum channels.
ob (dict[cat.Ob, CQ]) : The object mapping.
ar (dict[cat.Box, array]) : The arrow mapping.
dom : The domain of the functor.
dtype : The datatype for the codomain ``Category(CQ, Channel[dtype])``.
dom, cod = frobenius.Category(), Category(CQ, Channel)
def __call__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Digit):
return C(Dim(other.dim))
if isinstance(other, Qudit):
return Q(Dim(other.dim))
if not isinstance(other, Box):
return frobenius.Functor.__call__(self, other)
if isinstance(other, Discard):
return self.cod.ar.discard(self(other.dom))
if isinstance(other, Measure):
measure = self.cod.ar.measure(
self(other.dom).quantum, destructive=other.destructive)
measure = measure @ self.cod.ar.discard(self(other.dom).classical)\
if other.override_bits else measure
return measure
if isinstance(other, (MixedState, Encode)):
return self(other.dagger()).dagger()
if isinstance(other, Scalar):
scalar = other.array if other.is_mixed else abs(other.array) ** 2
return self.cod.ar(scalar, CQ(), CQ())
if not other.is_mixed and other.is_classical:
dom, cod = self(other.dom).classical, self(other.cod).classical
return self.cod.ar.single(
Tensor[self.dtype](other.array, dom, cod))
if not other.is_mixed:
dom, cod = self(other.dom).quantum, self(other.cod).quantum
return self.cod.ar.double(
Tensor[self.dtype](other.array, dom, cod))
if hasattr(other, "array"):
return self.cod.ar(other.array, self(other.dom), self(other.cod))
return frobenius.Functor.__call__(self, other)