Source code for discopy.python.function

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The category of Python functions with sequential composition.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from contextlib import contextmanager

from import Composable
from discopy.utils import (
    Whiskerable, assert_iscomposable, assert_isinstance,
    tuplify, untuplify, classproperty)

[docs] @dataclass class Function(Composable[type], Whiskerable): """ Python function with sequential composition. Parameters: inside : The callable Python object inside the function. dom : The domain of the function, i.e. its input type. cod : The codomain of the function, i.e. its output type. .. admonition:: Summary .. autosummary:: id then """ inside: Callable dom: type cod: type type_checking = True def __init__(self, inside: Callable, dom: type, cod: type): dom, cod = map(tuplify, (dom, cod)) self.inside, self.dom, self.cod = inside, dom, cod
[docs] @classmethod def id(cls, dom: type) -> Function: """ The identity function on a given tuple of types :code:`dom`. Parameters: dom (type) : The typle of types on which to take the identity. """ return cls(lambda *xs: untuplify(xs), tuplify(dom), tuplify(dom))
[docs] def then(self, other: Function) -> Function: """ The sequential composition of two functions, called with :code:`>>`. Parameters: other : The other function to compose in sequence. """ assert_isinstance(other, type(self)) assert_iscomposable(self, other) return type(self)( lambda *args: other(*tuplify(self(*args))), self.dom, other.cod)
@classproperty @contextmanager def no_type_checking(cls): tmp, cls.type_checking = cls.type_checking, False try: yield finally: cls.type_checking = tmp def __call__(self, arg): if self.type_checking: assert_isinstance(arg, self.dom) result = self.inside(arg) if self.type_checking: assert_isinstance(result, self.cod) return result