Source code for discopy.python.finset

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The category of finite sets implemented as Python dictionaries.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from import Composable
from discopy.utils import Whiskerable

[docs] @dataclass class Function(Composable[int], Whiskerable): """ A function between finite sets encoded as a Python dictionary. Parameters: inside : The dictionary from `range(dom)` to `range(cod)`. dom : The size of domain of the function. cod : The size of codomain of the function. .. admonition:: Summary .. autosummary:: id then tensor swap copy """ inside: dict[int, int] dom: int cod: int def __getitem__(self, key): return self.inside[key] @staticmethod def id(x: int = 0): return Function({i: i for i in range(x)}, x, x) def then(self, other: Function) -> Function: inside = {i: self[other[i]] for i in range(other.cod)} return Function(inside, self.dom, other.cod) def tensor(self, other: Function) -> Function: inside = {i: self[i] for i in range(self.cod)} inside.update({ self.cod + i: self.dom + other[i] for i in range(other.cod)}) return Function(inside, self.dom + other.dom, self.cod + other.cod) @staticmethod def swap(x: int, y: int) -> Function: inside = {i: i + x if i < x else i - x for i in range(x + y)} return Function(inside, x + y, x + y) @staticmethod def copy(x: int, n=2) -> Function: return Function({i: i % x for i in range(n * x)}, x, n * x)