# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The category of Python functions with disjoint union as monoidal product.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import cache
from discopy.utils import assert_isinstance, tuplify
from discopy.python import function
""" Lists of types interpreted as disjoint union. """
Ty = tuple[type, ...]
class Function(function.Function):
Python functions with disjoint union as tensor.
inside : The callable Python object inside the function.
dom : The domain of the function, i.e. its list of input types.
cod : The codomain of the function, i.e. its list of output types.
.. admonition:: Summary
.. autosummary::
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = True
ty_factory = Ty
def __init__(self, inside, dom, cod, is_swap_of=None):
self.is_swap_of = is_swap_of
super().__init__(inside, dom, cod)
def __call__(self, obj, tag=0):
if self.type_checking:
assert_isinstance(obj, self.dom[tag])
result = self.inside(obj, *(() if len(self.dom) == 1 else (tag, )))
if self.type_checking:
obj, tag = (result, 0) if len(self.cod) == 1 else result
assert_isinstance(obj, self.cod[tag])
return result
def tensor(self, other: Function) -> Function:
The disjoint union of two functions, called with :code:`@`.
other : The other function to compose in sequence.
dom, cod = self.dom + other.dom, self.cod + other.cod
def inside(obj, tag=0):
if tag < len(self.dom):
result = self(obj, tag)
obj, tag = (result, 0) if len(self.cod) == 1 else result
result = other(obj, tag - len(self.dom))
obj, tag = (result, 0) if len(other.cod) == 1 else result
tag += len(self.cod)
return obj if len(cod) == 1 else (obj, tag)
return Function(inside, dom, cod)
def swap(x: Ty, y: Ty) -> Function:
Swap the tags of a disjoint union from `x + y` to `y + x`.
x : The tuple of types on the left.
y : The tuple of types on the right.
x, y = map(tuplify, (x, y))
def inside(obj, tag=0):
new_tag = tag + len(y) if tag < len(x) else tag - len(x)
if len(x + y) == 1:
assert new_tag == 0
return obj
return (obj, new_tag)
return Function(inside, dom=x + y, cod=y + x, is_swap_of=(x, y))
def dagger(self):
if self.is_swap_of is None:
raise ValueError
return Function.swap(*self.is_swap_of[::-1])
def trace(self, n=1, left=False):
The additive trace of a function.
n : The number of types to trace over.
if left:
raise NotImplementedError
dom, cod = self.dom[:-n], self.cod[:-n]
def inside(obj, tag=0):
run_at_least_once = True
while run_at_least_once or tag >= len(cod):
run_at_least_once = False
result = self(obj, tag)
obj, tag = (result, 0) if len(self.cod) == 1 else result
return obj if len(cod) == 1 else result
return Function(inside, dom, cod)
def merge(x: Ty, n=2) -> Function:
def inside(obj, tag=0):
if len(x) == 1:
assert tag % len(x) == 0
return obj
return (obj, tag % len(x))
return Function(inside, n * x, x)
Swap = Function.braid = Function.swap
Id = Function.twist = Function.id
Merge = Function.merge
class Category:
ob = Ty
ar = Function