Source code for discopy.drawing.backend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
DisCopy's drawing backends: Matplotlib and TikZ.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from math import sqrt

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
from matplotlib.path import Path

from discopy.drawing import Node, Point

from discopy.config import (  # noqa: F401

    from discopy.drawing import PlaneGraph

[docs] def draw(graph: PlaneGraph, **params): """ Load a :class:`Backend` and draw a :class:`PlaneGraph` on it. """ aspect = params.get('aspect', 'auto' if 'figsize' in params else 'equal') figsize = params.get('figsize', None if aspect == 'auto' else ( graph.width or 1, graph.height or 1)) backend = ( TikZ(use_tikzstyles=params.get('use_tikzstyles', None)) if params.get('to_tikz', False) else Matplotlib(figsize=figsize, linewidth=params.get('linewidth', 1))) max_v = max(graph.height, graph.width, 0.01) params['nodesize'] = round(params.get('nodesize', 1.) / sqrt(max_v), 3) backend.draw_boundary(graph, **params) backend.draw_wires(graph, **params) backend.draw_boxes(graph, **params) backend.draw_spiders(graph, **params) return backend.output( path=params.get('path', None), baseline=graph.height / 2 or .5, tikz_options=params.get('tikz_options', None), show=params.get('show', True), aspect=aspect, margins=params.get('margins', DEFAULT['margins']))
[docs] class Backend(ABC): """ Abstract drawing backend. """ def __init__(self, linewidth=1): self.max_width = 0
[docs] def draw_text(self, text, i, j, **params): """ Draws a piece of text at a given position. """ self.max_width = max(self.max_width, i)
[docs] def draw_node(self, i, j, **params): """ Draws a node for a given position, color and shape. """ self.max_width = max(self.max_width, i)
[docs] def draw_polygon(self, *points, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None): """ Draws a polygon given a list of points. """ self.max_width = max(self.max_width, max(i for i, _ in points))
[docs] def draw_wire(self, source, target, bend_out=False, bend_in=False, style=None): """ Draws a wire from source to target, possibly with a Bezier. """ self.max_width = max(self.max_width, source[0], target[0])
[docs] def draw_spiders(self, graph, draw_box_labels=True, **params): """ Draws a list of boxes depicted as spiders. """ spider_widths = [ p.x for n, p in graph.positions.items() if n.kind == 'box' and] if spider_widths: self.max_width = max(self.max_width, max(spider_widths))
[docs] @abstractmethod def output(self, path=None, show=True, **params): """ Output the drawing. """
def draw_boundary(self, graph, boundary_color="white", **params): x, y = graph.width, graph.height self.draw_polygon( (0, 0), (x, 0), (x, y), (0, y), edgecolor=boundary_color) def draw_wire_label(self, x, i, j, **params): draw_label_anyway = params.get('draw_box_labels', True) and getattr( x, "always_draw_label", False) if not params.get('wire_labels', True) and not draw_label_anyway: return if hasattr(x.inside[0], "reposition_label"): j += 0.25 # The label of e.g. cups, caps and swaps. label = str(x.inside[0]) pad_i, pad_j = params.get('textpad', DEFAULT['textpad']) i += pad_i j -= pad_j fontsize = params.get('fontsize_types', params.get('fontsize', None)) self.draw_text(label, i, j, verticalalignment='top', fontsize=fontsize) def draw_wires(self, graph, **params): for source, target in graph.edges(): def inside_a_box(node): return node.kind == "box"\ and not\ and not if inside_a_box(source) or inside_a_box(target): continue # no need to draw wires inside a box source_position = graph.positions[source] target_position = graph.positions[target] if source.kind in ["dom", "box_cod"]: self.draw_wire_label(source.x, *source_position, **params) if source_position == target_position: continue bend_out, bend_in = source.kind == "box", target.kind == "box" braid_shadow = DEFAULT["braid_shadow"] if source.kind == "box" and if and target.i == 0: source_position = tuple( x + b * shadow for x, b, shadow in zip( source_position, [-1, -1], braid_shadow)) if not and target.i == 1: source_position = tuple( x + b * shadow for x, b, shadow in zip( source_position, [1, -1], braid_shadow)) if target.kind == "box" and if and source.i == 1: target_position = tuple( x + b * shadow for x, b, shadow in zip( target_position, [1, 1], braid_shadow)) if not and source.i == 0: target_position = tuple( x + b * shadow for x, b, shadow in zip( target_position, [-1, 1], braid_shadow)) self.draw_wire( source_position, target_position, bend_out, bend_in) def draw_boxes(self, graph, **params): drawing_methods = [ ("draw_as_brakets", "draw_brakets"), ("draw_as_controlled", "draw_controlled_gate"), ("draw_as_discards", "draw_discard"), ("draw_as_measures", "draw_measure"), (None, "draw_box")] box_nodes = [node for node in graph.nodes if node.kind == "box"] for node in box_nodes: if or continue for attribute, method in drawing_methods: if attribute is None or getattr(, attribute, False): getattr(self, method)(graph.positions, node, **params) break
[docs] def draw_box(self, positions, node, **params): """ Draws a box node on a given backend. """ box, j =, node.j asymmetry = params.get('asymmetry', 0) points = [positions[Node(f"box-corner-{c}", j=j)] for c in ["00", "01", "11", "10"]] i = (0 if box.is_conjugate else 1 if box.is_transpose else 2 if box.is_dagger else 3) if box.is_conjugate or box.is_transpose: asymmetry *= -1 points[i] = points[i].shift(x=asymmetry) self.draw_polygon(*points, facecolor=box.color) if params.get('draw_box_labels', True): self.draw_text(box.drawing_name, *positions[node], ha='center', va='center', fontsize=params.get('fontsize', None))
[docs] def draw_discard(self, positions, node, **params): """ Draws a :class:`discopy.quantum.circuit.Discard` box. """ box, j =, node.j for i in range(len(box.dom)): x = box.dom[i] wire = Node("box_dom", x=x, j=j, i=i) middle = positions[wire] left, right = middle[0] - .25, middle[0] + .25 height = positions[node][1] + .25 for j in range(3): source = (left + .1 * j, height - .1 * j) target = (right - .1 * j, height - .1 * j) self.draw_wire(source, target)
[docs] def draw_measure(self, positions, node, **params): """ Draws a :class:`discopy.quantum.circuit.Measure` box. """ self.draw_box(positions, node, **dict(params, draw_box_labels=False)) i, j = positions[node] self.draw_wire((i - .15, j - .1), (i, j + .1), bend_in=True) self.draw_wire((i, j + .1), (i + .15, j - .1), bend_out=True) self.draw_wire((i, j - .1), (i + .05, j + .15), style='->')
[docs] def draw_brakets(self, positions, node, **params): """ Draws a :class:`discopy.quantum.gates.Ket` box. """ box, j =, node.j is_bra = len(box.dom) > 0 for i, bit in enumerate(box._digits): kind = "box_dom" if is_bra else "box_cod" x = box.dom[i] if is_bra else box.cod[i] wire = Node(kind, x=x, j=j, i=i) middle = positions[wire] left = middle[0] - .25, middle[1] right = middle[0] + .25, middle[1] top = middle[0], middle[1] + .5 bottom = middle[0], middle[1] - .5 self.draw_polygon( left, right, bottom if is_bra else top, facecolor=box.color) self.draw_text( bit, middle[0], middle[1] + (-.25 if is_bra else .2), ha='center', va='center', fontsize=params.get('fontsize', None))
[docs] def draw_controlled_gate(self, positions, node, **params): """ Draws a :class:`discopy.quantum.gates.Controlled` gate. """ box, j =, node.j distance = box.distance c_size = len(box.controlled.dom) index = (0, distance) if distance > 0 else (c_size - distance - 1, 0) dom = Node("box_dom", x=box.dom[0], i=index[0], j=j) cod = Node("box_cod", x=box.cod[0], i=index[0], j=j) middle = positions[dom][0], (positions[dom][1] + positions[cod][1]) / 2 controlled_box = box.controlled.to_drawing().box controlled = Node("box", box=controlled_box, j=j) # TODO select x properly for classical gates c_dom = Node("box_dom", x=box.dom[0], i=index[1], j=j) c_cod = Node("box_cod", x=box.cod[0], i=index[1], j=j) c_middle = Point( positions[c_dom][0], (positions[c_dom][1] + positions[c_cod][1]) / 2) target = Point( positions[c_dom][0] + (c_size - 1) / 2, (positions[c_dom][1] + positions[c_cod][1]) / 2) target_boundary = target if == "X": # CX gets drawn as a circled plus sign. self.draw_wire(positions[c_dom], positions[c_cod]) eps = 1e-10 perturbed_target = target[0], target[1] + eps self.draw_node( *perturbed_target, shape="circle", color="white", edgecolor="black", nodesize=2 * params.get("nodesize", 1)) self.draw_node( *target, shape="plus", nodesize=2 * params.get("nodesize", 1)) else: fake_positions = {controlled: target} | { Node(f"box-corner-{a}{b}", j=j): target.shift(x=x, y=y) for a, x in enumerate([-0.25, 0.25]) for b, y in enumerate([-0.25, 0.25])} for i in range(c_size): dom_node = Node("box_dom", x=box.dom[i], i=i, j=j) x, y = positions[c_dom][0] + i, positions[c_dom][1] fake_positions[dom_node] = x, y cod_node = Node("box_cod", x=box.cod[i], i=i, j=j) x, y = positions[c_cod][0] + i, positions[c_cod][1] fake_positions[cod_node] = x, y shift_boundary = True if hasattr(box.controlled, "draw_as_controlled"): self.draw_controlled_gate(fake_positions, controlled, **params) next_box = box.controlled while hasattr(next_box, "controlled"): if controlled_box.distance * next_box.distance < 0: shift_boundary = False break next_box = next_box.controlled if == "X": shift_boundary = False else: self.draw_box(fake_positions, controlled, **params) if shift_boundary: if box.distance > 0: target_boundary = c_middle[0] - .25, c_middle[1] else: target_boundary = ( c_middle[0] + c_size - 1 + .25, c_middle[1]) else: if box.distance > 0: target_boundary = c_middle[0], c_middle[1] else: target_boundary = c_middle[0] + c_size - 1, c_middle[1] self.draw_wire(positions[dom], positions[cod]) # draw all the other vertical wires extra_offset = 1 if distance > 0 else len(box.controlled.dom) for i in range(extra_offset, extra_offset + abs(distance) - 1): node1 = Node("box_dom", x=box.dom[i], i=i, j=j) node2 = Node("box_cod", x=box.cod[i], i=i, j=j) self.draw_wire(positions[node1], positions[node2]) # TODO change bend_in and bend_out for tikz backend self.draw_wire(middle, target_boundary, bend_in=True, bend_out=True) self.draw_node( *middle, color="black", shape="circle", nodesize=params.get("nodesize", 1))
[docs] class TikZ(Backend): """ Tikz drawing backend. """ def __init__(self, use_tikzstyles=None): self.use_tikzstyles = DEFAULT["use_tikzstyles"]\ if use_tikzstyles is None else use_tikzstyles self.node_styles, self.edge_styles = [], [] self.nodes, self.nodelayer, self.edgelayer = {}, [], [] super().__init__()
[docs] @staticmethod def format_color(color): """ Formats a color. """ hexcode = COLORS[color] rgb = [ int(hex, 16) for hex in [hexcode[1:3], hexcode[3:5], hexcode[5:]]] return f"{{rgb,255: red,{rgb[0]}; green,{rgb[1]}; blue,{rgb[2]}}}"
[docs] def add_node(self, i, j, text=None, options=None): """ Add a node to the tikz picture, return its unique id. """ node = len(self.nodes) + 1 text = "" if text is None else text self.nodelayer.append( f"\\node [{options or ''}] ({node}) at ({i}, {j}) {{{text}}};\n") self.nodes.update({(i, j): node}) return node
def draw_node(self, i, j, text=None, **params): options = [] if 'shape' in params: options.append(params['shape']) if 'color' in params: options.append(params['color']) self.add_node(i, j, text, options=", ".join(options)) super().draw_node(i, j, **params) def draw_text(self, text, i, j, **params): options = "style=none, fill=white" if params.get('horizontalalignment', 'center') == 'left': options += ", anchor=west" if params.get("verticalalignment", "center") == "top": # wire labels options += ", right" if 'fontsize' in params and params['fontsize'] is not None: options += f", scale={params['fontsize']}" self.add_node(i, j, text, options) super().draw_text(text, i, j, **params) def draw_polygon( self, *points, facecolor=DEFAULT["facecolor"], edgecolor=DEFAULT["edgecolor"]): nodes = [] for point in points: nodes.append(self.add_node(*point)) nodes.append(nodes[0]) if self.use_tikzstyles: style_name = "box" if facecolor == DEFAULT["facecolor"]\ else f"{facecolor}_box" style = f"\\tikzstyle{{{style_name}}}=" \ f"[-, fill={self.format_color(facecolor)}]\n" if style not in self.edge_styles: self.edge_styles.append(style) options = f"style={style_name}" else: options = f"-, fill={{{facecolor}}}" str_connections = " to ".join(f"({node}.center)" for node in nodes) self.edgelayer.append(f"\\draw [{options}] {str_connections};\n") super().draw_polygon(*points) def draw_wire(self, source, target, bend_out=False, bend_in=False, style=None): out = -90 if not bend_out or source[0] == target[0]\ else (180 if source[0] > target[0] else 0) inp = 90 if not bend_in or source[0] == target[0]\ else (180 if source[0] < target[0] else 0) looseness = 1 if not (source[0] == target[0] or source[1] == target[1]): dx, dy = abs(source[0] - target[0]), abs(source[1] - target[1]) length = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) distance = min(dx, dy) looseness = round(distance / length * 2.1, 4) if looseness != 1: if style is None: style = '' style += f'looseness={looseness}' cmd = ( "\\draw [in={}, out={}{}] " "({}.center) to ({}.center);\n") if source not in self.nodes: self.add_node(*source) if target not in self.nodes: self.add_node(*target) self.edgelayer.append(cmd.format( inp, out, f", {style}" if style is not None else "", self.nodes[source], self.nodes[target])) super().draw_wire(source, target, bend_out=bend_out, bend_in=bend_in) def draw_spiders(self, graph, draw_box_labels=True, **params): spiders = [(node,, for node in graph.nodes if node.kind == "box" and] for node, color, shape in spiders: i, j = graph.positions[node] text = if draw_box_labels else "" if self.use_tikzstyles: style = f"\\tikzstyle{{{}}}=" \ f"[fill={self.format_color(color)}]\n" if style not in self.node_styles: self.node_styles.append(style) options = f"style={}" else: options = f"{shape}, fill={color}" if params.get("nodesize", 1) != 1: options +=\ f", scale={params.get('nodesize')}" # pragma: no cover self.add_node(i, j, text, options) super().draw_spiders(graph, draw_box_labels) def output(self, path=None, show=True, **params): baseline = params.get("baseline", 0) tikz_options = params.get("tikz_options", None) output_tikzstyle = self.use_tikzstyles\ and params.get("output_tikzstyle", True) options = "baseline=(0.base)" if tikz_options is None\ else "baseline=(0.base), " + tikz_options begin = [f"\\begin{{tikzpicture}}[{options}]\n"] nodes = ["\\begin{pgfonlayer}{nodelayer}\n", f"\\node (0) at (0, {baseline}) {{}};\n"]\ + self.nodelayer + ["\\end{pgfonlayer}\n"] edges = ["\\begin{pgfonlayer}{edgelayer}\n"] + self.edgelayer\ + ["\\end{pgfonlayer}\n"] end = ["\\end{tikzpicture}\n"] if path is not None: if output_tikzstyle: style_path = '.'.join(path.split('.')[:-1]) + '.tikzstyles' with open(style_path, 'w+') as file: file.writelines(["% Node styles\n"] + self.node_styles) file.writelines(["% Edge styles\n"] + self.edge_styles) with open(path, 'w+') as file: file.writelines(begin + nodes + edges + end) elif show: # pragma: no cover if output_tikzstyle: print(''.join(self.node_styles + self.edge_styles)) print(''.join(begin + nodes + edges + end))
[docs] class Matplotlib(Backend): """ Matplotlib drawing backend. """ def __init__(self, axis=None, figsize=None, linewidth=1): self.axis = axis or plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, facecolor='white')[1] self.linewidth = linewidth super().__init__() def draw_text(self, text, i, j, **params): params['fontsize'] = params.get('fontsize', DEFAULT['fontsize']) self.axis.text(i, j, text, **params) super().draw_text(text, i, j, **params) def draw_node(self, i, j, **params): self.axis.scatter( [i], [j], c=COLORS[params.get("color", "black")], marker=SHAPES[params.get("shape", "circle")], s=300 * params.get("nodesize", 1), edgecolors=params.get("edgecolor", None)) super().draw_node(i, j, **params) def draw_polygon( self, *points, facecolor=DEFAULT["facecolor"], edgecolor=DEFAULT["edgecolor"]): codes = [Path.MOVETO] codes += len(points[1:]) * [Path.LINETO] + [Path.CLOSEPOLY] path = Path(points + points[:1], codes) self.axis.add_patch(PathPatch( path, linewidth=self.linewidth, facecolor=COLORS[facecolor], edgecolor=COLORS[edgecolor])) super().draw_polygon(*points) def draw_wire(self, source, target, bend_out=False, bend_in=False, style=None): if style == '->': # pragma: no cover self.axis.arrow( *(source + (target[0] - source[0], target[1] - source[1])), head_width=.02, color="black") else: mid = (target[0], source[1])\ if bend_out else (source[0], target[1]) path = Path([source, mid, target], [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE3, Path.CURVE3]) self.axis.add_patch(PathPatch( path, facecolor='none', linewidth=self.linewidth)) super().draw_wire(source, target, bend_out=bend_out, bend_in=bend_in) def draw_spiders(self, graph, draw_box_labels=True, **params): import networkx as nx nodes = {node for node in graph.nodes if node.kind == "box" and} shapes = {node: for node in nodes} for shape in set(shapes.values()): colors = {n: for n, s in shapes.items() if s == shape} nodes, colors = zip(*colors.items()) nx.draw_networkx_nodes( *graph.inside, nodelist=nodes, node_color=[COLORS[color] for color in colors], node_shape=SHAPES[shape], ax=self.axis, node_size=300 * params.get("nodesize", 1)) if draw_box_labels: labels = {node: for node in nodes} nx.draw_networkx_labels(*graph.inside, labels) super().draw_spiders(graph, draw_box_labels) def output(self, path=None, show=True, **params): xlim, ylim = params.get("xlim", None), params.get("ylim", None) margins = params.get("margins", DEFAULT['margins']) plt.margins(*margins) plt.subplots_adjust( top=1, bottom=0, right=1, left=0, hspace=0, wspace=0) self.axis.set_aspect(params.get("aspect")) plt.axis('off') if xlim is not None: self.axis.set_xlim(*xlim) if ylim is not None: self.axis.set_ylim(*ylim) if path is not None: plt.savefig(path) plt.close() if show: