Source code for discopy.symmetric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free symmetric category, i.e. diagrams with swaps.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst



>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> x, y, z, w = map(Ty, "xyzw")
>>> f, g = Box("f", x, y), Box("g", z, w)


>>> assert Diagram.swap(Ty(), x) == Id(x) == Diagram.swap(x, Ty())


>>> assert Diagram.swap(x, y @ z) == Swap(x, y) @ z >> y @ Swap(x, z)
>>> assert Diagram.swap(x @ y, z) == x @ Swap(y, z) >> Swap(x, z) @ y
>>> Equation(Diagram.swap(x, y @ z), Diagram.swap(x @ y, z), symbol='').draw(
...     space=2, path='docs/_static/symmetric/hexagons.png', figsize=(5, 2))

.. image:: /_static/symmetric/hexagons.png
    :align: center

a.k.a. Reidemeister move 2

>>> assert Swap(x, y)[::-1] == Swap(y, x)
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert Swap(x, y) >> Swap(y, x) == Id(x @ y)
>>> Equation(Swap(x, y) >> Swap(y, x), Id(x @ y)).draw(
...     path='docs/_static/symmetric/inverse.png', figsize=(3, 2))

.. image:: /_static/symmetric/inverse.png
    :align: center


>>> naturality = Equation(
...     f @ g >> Swap(f.cod, g.cod), Swap(f.dom, g.dom) >> g @ f)
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert naturality
>>> naturality.draw(
...     path='docs/_static/symmetric/naturality.png', figsize=(3, 2))

.. image:: /_static/symmetric/naturality.png
    :align: center

a.k.a. Reidemeister move 3

This is a special case of naturality.

>>> yang_baxter_left = Swap(x, y) @ z >> y @ Swap(x, z) >> Swap(y, z) @ x
>>> yang_baxter_right = x @ Swap(y, z) >> Swap(x, z) @ y >> z @ Swap(x, y)
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert yang_baxter_left == yang_baxter_right
>>> Equation(yang_baxter_left, yang_baxter_right).draw(
...     path='docs/_static/symmetric/yang-baxter.png', figsize=(3, 2))

.. image:: /_static/symmetric/yang-baxter.png
    :align: center

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import contextmanager

from discopy import monoidal, balanced, messages
from import factory
from discopy.monoidal import Ob, Ty, PRO  # noqa: F401
from discopy.utils import classproperty

[docs] @factory class Diagram(balanced.Diagram): """ A symmetric diagram is a balanced diagram with :class:`Swap` boxes. Parameters: inside(Layer) : The layers inside the diagram. dom (monoidal.Ty) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod (monoidal.Ty) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. Note ____ Symmetric diagrams have a class property `use_hypergraph_equality`, that changes the behaviour of equality and hashing. When set to `False`, two diagrams equal if they are built from the same layers. When set to `True`, the underlying hypergraphs are used for hashing and equality checking. The default value of `use_hypergraph_equality` is `False`. >>> x, y = Ty("x"), Ty("y") >>> id_hash = hash(Id(x @ y)) >>> assert Swap(x, y) >> Swap(y, x) != Id(x @ y) >>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality: ... assert Swap(x, y) >> Swap(y, x) == Id(x @ y) ... assert id_hash != hash(Id(x @ y)) Note ---- Symmetric diagrams can be defined using the standard syntax for functions. >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', x @ x, x) >>> g = Box('g', x, x @ x) >>> @Diagram.from_callable(x @ x @ x, x @ x @ x) ... def diagram(x0, x1, x2): ... x3 = f(x2, x0) ... x4, x5 = g(x1) ... return x5, x3, x4 >>> diagram.draw(draw_type_labels=False, ... path='docs/_static/symmetric/decorator.png') .. image:: /_static/symmetric/decorator.png :align: center Every variable must be used exactly once or this will raise an error. >>> from pytest import raises >>> from discopy.utils import AxiomError >>> with raises(AxiomError) as err: ... Diagram.from_callable(x, x @ x)(lambda x: (x, x)) >>> print(err.value) symmetric.Diagram does not have copy or discard. >>> with raises(AxiomError) as err: ... Diagram.from_callable(x, Ty())(lambda x: ()) >>> print(err.value) symmetric.Diagram does not have copy or discard. Note ---- As for :class:`discopy.balanced.Diagram`, our symmetric diagrams are traced by default. However now we have that the axioms for trace hold on the nose. """ twist_factory = classmethod(lambda cls, dom: use_hypergraph_equality = False
[docs] @classmethod def swap(cls, left: monoidal.Ty, right: monoidal.Ty) -> Diagram: """ The diagram that swaps the ``left`` and ``right`` wires. Parameters: left : The type at the top left and bottom right. right : The type at the top right and bottom left. Note ---- This calls :func:`balanced.hexagon` and :attr:`braid_factory`. """ return cls.braid(left, right)
[docs] @classmethod def permutation(cls, xs: list[int], dom: monoidal.Ty = None) -> Diagram: """ The diagram that encodes a given permutation. Parameters: xs : A list of integers representing a permutation. dom : A type of the same length as :code:`permutation`, default is :code:`PRO(len(permutation))`. """ dom = PRO(len(xs)) if dom is None else dom if list(range(len(dom))) != sorted(xs): raise ValueError(messages.WRONG_PERMUTATION.format(len(dom), xs)) if len(dom) <= 1: return i = xs[0] return cls.swap(dom[:i], dom[i]) @ dom[i + 1:]\ >> dom[i] @ cls.permutation( [x - 1 if x > i else x for x in xs[1:]], dom[:i] + dom[i + 1:])
[docs] def permute(self, *xs: int) -> Diagram: """ Post-compose with a permutation. Parameters: xs : A list of integers representing a permutation. Examples -------- >>> x, y, z = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z') >>> assert Id(x @ y @ z).permute(2, 0, 1).cod == z @ x @ y """ return self >> self.permutation(list(xs), self.cod)
[docs] def to_hypergraph(self) -> Hypergraph: """ Translate a diagram into a hypergraph. """ category = Category(self.ty_factory, self.factory) functor = self.hypergraph_factory.functor return self.hypergraph_factory[category, functor].from_diagram(self)
[docs] def simplify(self): """ Simplify by translating back and forth to hypergraph. """ return self.to_hypergraph().to_diagram()
def _get_structure(self): return self.to_hypergraph() if self.use_hypergraph_equality else ( self.inside, self.cod, self.dom) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.factory)\ and self._get_structure() == other._get_structure() def __hash__(self): return hash(self._get_structure()) @classproperty @contextmanager def hypergraph_equality(cls): tmp, cls.use_hypergraph_equality = cls.use_hypergraph_equality, True try: yield finally: cls.use_hypergraph_equality = tmp
[docs] def depth(self): """ The depth of a symmetric diagram. Examples -------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', x, x) >>> assert Id(x).depth() == Id().depth() == 0 >>> assert f.depth() == (f @ f).depth() == 1 >>> assert (f @ f >> Swap(x, x)).depth() == 1 >>> assert (f >> f).depth() == 2 and (f >> f >> f).depth() == 3 """ return self.to_hypergraph().depth()
[docs] class Box(balanced.Box, Diagram): """ A symmetric box is a balanced box in a symmetric diagram. Parameters: name (str) : The name of the box. dom (monoidal.Ty) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input. cod (monoidal.Ty) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (balanced.Box, )
[docs] class Swap(balanced.Braid, Box): """ The swap of atomic types :code:`left` and :code:`right`. Parameters: left : The type on the top left and bottom right. right : The type on the top right and bottom left. Important --------- :class:`Swap` is only defined for atomic types (i.e. of length 1). For complex types, use :meth:`Diagram.swap` instead. """ def __init__(self, left, right): balanced.Braid.__init__(self, left, right) Box.__init__(self,, self.dom, self.cod, draw_as_wires=True, draw_as_braid=False) def dagger(self): return type(self)(self.right, self.left)
class Trace(balanced.Trace, Box): """ A trace in a symmetric category. Parameters: arg : The diagram to trace. left : Whether to trace the wires on the left or right. See also -------- :meth:`Diagram.trace` """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (balanced.Trace, ) __eq__, __hash__ = Diagram.__eq__, Diagram.__hash__ def _get_structure(self): return super()._get_structure() if self.use_hypergraph_equality else ( type(self), self.dom, self.cod, self.arg._get_structure())
[docs] class Sum(balanced.Sum, Box): """ A symmetric sum is a balanced sum and a symmetric box. Parameters: terms (tuple[Diagram, ...]) : The terms of the formal sum. dom (Ty) : The domain of the formal sum. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the formal sum. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (balanced.Sum, )
[docs] class Category(balanced.Category): """ A symmetric category is a balanced category with a method :code:`swap`. Parameters: ob : The objects of the category, default is :class:`Ty`. ar : The arrows of the category, default is :class:`Diagram`. """ ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
[docs] class Functor(balanced.Functor): """ A symmetric functor is a monoidal functor that preserves swaps. Parameters: ob (Mapping[monoidal.Ty, monoidal.Ty]) : Map from :class:`monoidal.Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain, :code:`Category(Ty, Diagram)` by default. """ dom = cod = Category(Ty, Diagram) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Swap): return[0]), self(other.dom[1])) return super().__call__(other)
class Hypergraph(balanced.Hypergraph): category, functor = Category, Functor Diagram.hypergraph_factory = Hypergraph Diagram.braid_factory = Swap Diagram.trace_factory = Trace Diagram.sum_factory = Sum Id =