Source code for discopy.monoidal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free (pre)monoidal category, i.e. planar diagrams.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


We can check the axioms for :class:`Ty` being a monoid.

>>> x, y, z, unit = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z'), Ty()
>>> assert x @ unit == x == unit @ x
>>> assert (x @ y) @ z == x @ y @ z == x @ (y @ z)

We can check the axioms for dagger monoidal categories, up to interchanger.

>>> x, y, z, w = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z'), Ty('w')
>>> f0, f1 = Box('f0', x, y), Box('f1', z, w)
>>> d = Id(x) @ f1 >> f0 @ Id(w)
>>> assert d == (f0 @ f1).interchange(0, 1)
>>> assert f0 @ f1 == d.interchange(0, 1)
>>> assert (f0 @ f1)[::-1][::-1] == f0 @ f1
>>> assert (f0 @ f1)[::-1].interchange(0, 1) == f0[::-1] @ f1[::-1]

We can check the Eckmann-Hilton argument, up to interchanger.

>>> s0, s1 = Box('s0', Ty(), Ty()), Box('s1', Ty(), Ty())
>>> assert s0 @ s1 == s0 >> s1 == (s1 @ s0).interchange(0, 1)
>>> assert s1 @ s0 == s1 >> s0 == (s0 @ s1).interchange(0, 1)

.. image:: /_static/monoidal/EckmannHilton.gif
    :align: center

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from typing import Iterator, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass
from warnings import warn

from discopy import cat, drawing, hypergraph, messages
from import Ob
from discopy.utils import (

    import sympy

[docs] @factory class Ty(cat.Ob): """ A type is a tuple of objects with :meth:`Ty.tensor` as concatenation. Parameters: inside : The objects inside the type (or their names). Tip --- Types can be instantiated with a name rather than object. >>> assert Ty('x') == Ty(cat.Ob('x')) Tip --- A type can be exponentiated by a natural number. >>> assert Ty('x') ** 3 == Ty('x', 'x', 'x') Note ---- Types can be indexed and sliced using square brackets. Indexing behaves like that of strings, i.e. when we index a type we get a type back. The objects inside the type are still accessible using ``.inside``. >>> t = Ty(*"xyz") >>> assert t[0] == t[:1] == Ty('x') >>> assert t[0] != t.inside[0] == Ob('x') >>> assert t[1:] == t[-2:] == Ty('y', 'z') """ ob_factory = cat.Ob __ambiguous_inheritance__ = True def __setstate__(self, state): if 'inside' not in state and "_objects" in state: state["inside"] = state['_objects'] del state['_objects'] super().__setstate__(state) def __init__(self, *inside: str | cat.Ob): for obj in inside: assert_isinstance(obj, (str, self.ob_factory)) self.inside = tuple(x if isinstance(x, self.ob_factory) else self.ob_factory(x) for x in inside) super().__init__(str(self))
[docs] def tensor(self, *others: Ty) -> Ty: """ Returns the tensor of types, i.e. the concatenation of their lists of objects. This is called with the binary operator :code:`@`. Parameters: others : The other types to tensor. Tip --- A list of types can be tensored by calling :code:`Ty().tensor`. >>> list_of_types = [Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z')] >>> assert Ty().tensor(*list_of_types) == Ty('x', 'y', 'z') """ for other in others: if not isinstance(other, Ty): return NotImplemented assert_isinstance(self, other.factory) assert_isinstance(other, self.factory) inside = self.inside + tuple(x for t in others for x in t.inside) return self.factory(*inside)
[docs] def count(self, obj: cat.Ob) -> int: """ Counts the occurrence of a given object (or a type of length 1). Parameters: obj : The object to count. Example ------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> xs = x ** 5 >>> assert xs.count(x) == xs.inside.count(x.inside[0]) """ obj, = obj.inside if isinstance(obj, Ty) else (obj, ) return self.inside.count(obj)
[docs] def to_drawing(self) -> Ty: """ Called before :meth:`Diagram.draw`. """ def obj_to_drawing(obj): result = cat.Ob(str(obj)) result.always_draw_label = getattr(obj, "always_draw_label", False) return result return Ty(*map(obj_to_drawing, self.inside))
@property def is_atomic(self) -> bool: """ Whether a type is atomic, i.e. it has length 1. """ return len(self) == 1 def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.factory) and self.inside == other.inside def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __repr__(self): return factory_name(type(self))\ + f"({', '.join(map(repr, self.inside))})" def __str__(self): return ' @ '.join(map(str, self.inside)) or type(self).__name__ + '()' def __len__(self): return len(self.inside) def __iter__(self): for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): return self.factory(*self.inside[key]) return cat.Arrow.__getitem__(self, key) def __pow__(self, n_times): return self.factory().tensor(*n_times * [self]) def to_tree(self): return { 'factory': factory_name(type(self)), 'inside': [x.to_tree() for x in self.inside]} @classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree): if "inside" not in tree: warn("Outdated dumps", DeprecationWarning) return cls(*map(from_tree, tree['objects'])) return cls(*map(from_tree, tree['inside'])) def __matmul__(self, other): return self.tensor(other) __add__ = __matmul__
[docs] @factory class PRO(Ty): """ A PRO is a natural number ``n`` seen as a type with addition as tensor. Parameters ---------- n : int The length of the PRO type. Example ------- >>> assert PRO(1) @ PRO(2) == PRO(3) Note ---- If ``ty_factory`` is ``PRO`` then :class:`Diagram` will automatically turn any ``n: int`` into ``PRO(n)``. Thus ``PRO`` never needs to be called. >>> @factory ... class Circuit(Diagram): ... ty_factory = PRO >>> class Gate(Box, Circuit): ... >>> CX = Gate('CX', 2, 2) >>> assert CX @ 2 >> 2 @ CX == CX @ CX """ def __init__(self, n: int = 0): assert_isinstance(n, int) self.n = n def __setstate__(self, state): if "n" not in state: state = {"n": len(state["_objects"])} super().__setstate__(state) @property def inside(self): return self.n * (1, ) def tensor(self, *others: PRO) -> PRO: for other in others: if not isinstance(other, Ty): return NotImplemented # This allows whiskering on the left. assert_isinstance(self, other.factory) assert_isinstance(other, self.factory) return self.factory(self.n + sum(other.n for other in others)) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): return self.factory(len(self.inside[key])) return cat.Arrow.__getitem__(self, key) def __len__(self): return self.n def __repr__(self): return factory_name(type(self)) + f"({self.n})" def __str__(self): return f"PRO({self.n})" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.factory) and self.n == other.n def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self)) def __pow__(self, n_times): return self.factory(n_times * self.n) def to_drawing(self): return Ty(*self.n * [Ob()]) def to_tree(self): return {'factory': factory_name(type(self)), 'n': self.n} @classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree): return cls(tree['n'])
[docs] class Layer(cat.Box): """ A layer is a :code:`box` in the middle of a pair of types :code:`left` and :code:`right`. Parameters: left : The type on the left of the layer. box : The box in the middle of the layer. right : The type on the right of the layer. more : More boxes and types to the right, used by :meth:`Diagram.foliation`. """ def __setstate__(self, state): if 'boxes_or_types' not in state: # Backward compatibility self.boxes_or_types = tuple( state[key] for key in ['_left', '_box', '_right']) del state['_left'], state['_box'], state['_right'] super().__setstate__(state) def __init__(self, left: Ty, box: Box, right: Ty, *more): if len(more) % 2: raise ValueError(messages.LAYERS_MUST_BE_ODD) self.boxes_or_types = (left, box, right) + more name, dom, cod = "", left[:0], left[:0] for i, box_or_typ in enumerate(self.boxes_or_types): if i % 2: assert_isinstance(box, Box) dom, cod = dom @ box_or_typ.dom, cod @ box_or_typ.cod name += ("" if not name else " @ ") + str(box_or_typ) else: assert_isinstance(box_or_typ, Ty) dom, cod = dom @ box_or_typ, cod @ box_or_typ name += "" if not box_or_typ\ else ("" if not name else " @ ") + str(box_or_typ) super().__init__(name, dom, cod) def __iter__(self): for box_or_typ in self.boxes_or_types: yield box_or_typ def __getitem__(self, key): return self.boxes_or_types[key] def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, type(self)) and tuple(self) == tuple(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self)) def __repr__(self): return factory_name(type(self))\ + f"({', '.join(map(repr, self))})" def __matmul__(self, other: Ty) -> Layer: *tail, head = self return type(self)(*tail + [head @ other]) def __rmatmul__(self, other: Ty) -> Layer: head, *tail = self return type(self)(other @ head, *tail) @property def free_symbols(self) -> "set[sympy.Symbol]": return {x for _, box, _ in self.inside for x in box.free_symbols} def subs(self, *args) -> Layer: left, box, right = self return type(self)(left, box.subs(*args), right)
[docs] @classmethod def cast(cls, box: Box) -> Layer: """ Turns a box into a layer with empty types on the left and right. Parameters: box : The box in the middle of empty types. Example ------- >>> f = Box('f', Ty('x'), Ty('y')) >>> assert Layer.cast(f) == Layer(Ty(), f, Ty()) """ return cls(box.dom[:0], box, box.cod[len(box.cod):])
def dagger(self) -> Layer: return type(self)(*( x.dagger() if i % 2 else x for i, x in enumerate(self)))
[docs] def to_drawing(self) -> Diagram: """ Called before :meth:`Diagram.draw`. """ result = Ty() for box_or_typ in self: result = result @ box_or_typ.to_drawing() return result
@property def boxes_and_offsets(self) -> list[tuple[Box, int]]: """ The offsets of each box inside the layer. Example ------- >>> a, b, c, d, e = map(Ty, "abcde") >>> f, g = Box('f', a, b), Box('g', c, d) >>> assert Layer(e, f, e, g, e).boxes_and_offsets == [(f, 1), (g, 3)] """ left, box, *tail = self boxes, offsets = [box], [len(left)] for typ, box in zip(tail[::2], tail[1::2]): boxes.append(box) offsets.append(offsets[-1] + len(boxes[-1].dom) + len(typ)) return list(zip(boxes, offsets))
[docs] def merge(self, other: Layer) -> Layer: """ Merge two layers into one or raise :class:`AxiomError`, used by :meth:`Diagram.foliation`. Parameters: other : The other layer with which to merge. Example ------- >>> a, b, c, d, e = map(Ty, "abcde") >>> f, g = Box('f', a, b), Box('g', c, d) >>> layer0 = Layer(e, f, e @ c @ e) >>> layer1 = Layer(e @ b @ e, g, e) >>> assert layer0.merge(layer1) == Layer(e, f, e, g, e) """ assert_iscomposable(self, other) try: diagram = Diagram.normal_form(self.boxes_or_types[1].factory( (self, other), self.dom, other.cod).to_staircases()) except NotImplementedError as exception: # Eckmann-Hilton argument. diagram = exception.last_step boxes_or_types, offset = [self.dom[:0]], 0 for layer in diagram.inside: left, box, right = layer if len(left) < offset: raise AxiomError( messages.NOT_MERGEABLE.format(self, other)) boxes_or_types[-1] @= left[offset:] boxes_or_types += [box, right[:0]] offset = len(left @ box.cod) boxes_or_types[-1] @= layer.cod[offset:] return type(self)(*boxes_or_types)
def lambdify(self, *symbols, **kwargs): return lambda *xs: type(self)(*( x if not i % 2 else x.lambdify(*symbols, **kwargs)(*xs) for i, x in enumerate(self))) def to_tree(self) -> dict: return dict(factory=factory_name(type(self)), inside=[x.to_tree() for x in self]) @classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree: dict) -> Layer: return cls(*(map(from_tree, tree['inside'])))
[docs] @factory class Diagram(cat.Arrow, Whiskerable): """ A diagram is a tuple of composable layers :code:`inside` with a pair of types :code:`dom` and :code:`cod` as domain and codomain. Parameters: inside : The layers of the diagram. dom : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. .. admonition:: Summary .. autosummary:: tensor boxes offsets draw interchange normalize normal_form """ ty_factory = Ty layer_factory = Layer def __setstate__(self, state): if 'inside' not in state: # Backward compatibility state |= { 'dom': state['_dom'], 'cod': state['_cod'], 'inside': tuple(state['_layers'])} super().__setstate__(state) def __init__( self, inside: tuple[Layer, ...], dom: Ty, cod: Ty, _scan=True): for layer in inside: assert_isinstance(layer, Layer) super().__init__(inside, dom, cod, _scan=_scan)
[docs] @classmethod def from_callable(cls, dom: Ty, cod: Ty) -> Callable[Callable, Diagram]: """ Define a diagram using the standard syntax for Python functions. Note that we can specify the offset as argument. Example ------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> cup, cap = Box('cup', x @ x, Ty()), Box('cap', Ty(), x @ x) >>> @Diagram.from_callable(x, x) ... def snake(left): ... middle, right = cap(offset=1) ... cup(left, middle) ... return right >>> snake.draw( ... figsize=(3, 3), path='docs/_static/drawing/diagramize.png') .. image:: /_static/drawing/diagramize.png :align: center """ def decorator(func): hypergraph = cls.hypergraph_factory.from_callable(dom, cod)(func) return hypergraph.to_diagram() return decorator
[docs] def tensor(self, other: Diagram = None, *others: Diagram) -> Diagram: """ Parallel composition, called using :code:`@`. Parameters: other : The other diagram to tensor. rest : More diagrams to tensor. Important --------- The definition of tensor is biased to the left, i.e.:: self @ other == self @ other.dom >> self.cod @ other Example ------- >>> x, y, z, w = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z'), Ty('w') >>> f0, f1 = Box('f0', x, y), Box('f1', z, w) >>> assert f0 @ f1 == f0.tensor(f1) == f0 @ Id(z) >> Id(y) @ f1 >>> (f0 @ f1).draw( ... figsize=(2, 2), ... path='docs/_static/monoidal/tensor-example.png') .. image:: /_static/monoidal/tensor-example.png :align: center """ if other is None: return self if others: return self.tensor(other).tensor(*others) if isinstance(other, Sum): return self.sum_factory((self, )).tensor(other) assert_isinstance(other, self.factory) assert_isinstance(self, other.factory) inside = tuple(layer @ other.dom for layer in self.inside)\ + tuple(self.cod @ layer for layer in other.inside) dom, cod = self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod return self.factory(inside, dom, cod, _scan=False)
@property def boxes(self) -> list[Box]: """ The boxes in each layer of the diagram. """ return list(box for _, box, _ in self) @property def offsets(self) -> list[int]: """ The offset of a box is the length of the type on its left. """ return list(len(left) for left, _, _ in self) @property def width(self): """ The width of a diagram, i.e. the maximum number of parallel wires. Example ------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> f = Box('f', x, x ** 4) >>> diagram = f @ x ** 2 >> x ** 2 @ f.dagger() >>> assert diagram.width == 6 """ return max(len(self.dom), max(len(layer.cod) for layer in self))
[docs] def encode(self) -> tuple[Ty, list[tuple[Box, int]]]: """ Compact encoding of a diagram as a tuple of boxes and offsets. Example ------- >>> x, y, z, w = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z'), Ty('w') >>> f0, f1, g = Box('f0', x, y), Box('f1', z, w), Box('g', y @ w, y) >>> diagram = f0 @ f1 >> g >>> dom, boxes_and_offsets = diagram.encode() >>> assert dom == x @ z >>> assert boxes_and_offsets == [(f0, 0), (f1, 1), (g, 0)] >>> assert diagram == Diagram.decode(*diagram.encode()) >>> diagram.draw(figsize=(2, 2), ... path='docs/_static/monoidal/arrow-example.png') .. image:: /_static/monoidal/arrow-example.png :align: center """ return self.dom, list(zip(self.boxes, self.offsets))
[docs] @classmethod def decode( cls, dom: Ty, boxes_and_offsets: list[tuple[Box, int]] = None, boxes: list[Box] = None, offsets: list[int] = None, cod: Ty = None) -> Diagram: """ Turn a tuple of boxes and offsets into a diagram. Parameters: dom : The domain of the diagram. cod : The codomain of the diagram. boxes_and_offsets : The boxes and offsets of the diagram. boxes : The list of boxes. offsets : The list of offsets. Example ------- >>> x, y, z, w = map(Ty, "xyzw") >>> f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', z, w) >>> assert f @ z >> y @ g == Diagram.decode( ... dom=x @ z, cod=y @ w, boxes=[f, g], offsets=[0, 1]) Note ---- If ``boxes_and_offsets is None`` then we set it to ``zip(boxes, offstes)``. """ if boxes_and_offsets is None: boxes_and_offsets = zip(boxes, offsets) diagram = for box, offset in boxes_and_offsets: left = diagram.cod[:offset] right = diagram.cod[offset + len(box.dom):] diagram = diagram >> left @ box @ right if cod is not None: assert_iscomposable(diagram, return diagram
[docs] def to_drawing(self): """ Called before :meth:`Diagram.draw`. """ return cat.Functor( ob=lambda x: x.to_drawing(), ar=Layer.to_drawing, cod=Category())( self)
[docs] def to_staircases(self): # pylint: """ Splits layers with more than one box into staircases. Example ------- >>> x, y = Ty('x'), Ty('y') >>> f0, f1 = Box('f0', x, y), Box('f1', y, x) >>> diagram = y @ f0 >> f1 @ y >>> print(diagram.foliation()) f1 @ f0 >>> print(diagram.foliation().to_staircases()) f1 @ x >> x @ f0 """ return, self.factory))(self)
[docs] def foliation(self): """ Merges layers together to reduce the length of a diagram. Example ------- >>> from discopy.monoidal import * >>> x, y = Ty('x'), Ty('y') >>> f0, f1 = Box('f0', x, y), Box('f1', y, x) >>> diagram = f0 @ Id(y) >> f0.dagger() @ f1 >>> print(diagram) f0 @ y >> f0[::-1] @ y >> x @ f1 >>> print(diagram.foliation()) f0 @ y >> f0[::-1] @ f1 Note ---- If one defines a foliation as a sequence of unmergeable layers, there may exist many distinct foliations for the same diagram. This method scans top to bottom and merges layers eagerly. """ while len(self) > 1: keep_on_going = False for i, (first, second) in enumerate(zip( self.inside, self.inside[1:])): try: inside = self.inside[:i] + (first.merge(second), )\ + self.inside[i + 2:] self = self.factory(inside, self.dom, self.cod) keep_on_going = True break except AxiomError: continue if not keep_on_going: break return self
[docs] def depth(self): """ Computes (an upper bound to) the depth of a diagram by foliating it. Example ------- >>> x, y = Ty('x'), Ty('y') >>> f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', y, x) >>> assert Id(x @ y).depth() == 0 >>> assert f.depth() == 1 >>> assert (f @ g).depth() == 1 >>> assert (f >> g).depth() == 2 Note ---- The depth of a diagram is the minimum length over all its foliations, this method just returns the length of :meth:`Diagram.foliation`. """ return len(self.foliation())
[docs] def interchange(self, i: int, j: int, left=False) -> Diagram: """ Interchange a box from layer ``i`` to layer ``j``. Parameters: i : Index of the box to interchange. j : Index of the new position for the box. left : Whether to apply left interchangers. Note ---- By default, we apply right interchangers:: top >> left @ box1.dom @ mid @ box0 @ right\\ >> left @ box1 @ mid @ box0.cod @ right >> bottom gets rewritten to:: top >> left @ box1 @ mid @ box0.dom @ right\\ >> left @ box1.cod @ mid @ box0 @ right >> bottom """ if any(len(list(layer)) != 3 for layer in self.inside): raise NotImplementedError if not 0 <= i < len(self) or not 0 <= j < len(self): raise IndexError if i == j: return self if j < i - 1: result = self for k in range(i - j): result = result.interchange(i - k, i - k - 1, left=left) return result if j > i + 1: result = self for k in range(j - i): result = result.interchange(i + k, i + k + 1, left=left) return result if j < i: i, j = j, i off0, off1 = self.offsets[i], self.offsets[j] left0, box0, right0 = self.inside[i] left1, box1, right1 = self.inside[j] # By default, we check if box0 is to the right first, then to the left. if left and off1 >= off0 + len(box0.cod): # box0 left of box1 off1 = off1 - len(box0.cod) + len(box0.dom) middle = left1[len(left0 @ box0.cod):] layer0 = left0 @ box0 @ middle @ box1.cod @ right1 layer1 = left0 @ box0.dom @ middle @ box1 @ right1 elif off0 >= off1 + len(box1.dom): # box0 right of box1 off0 = off0 - len(box1.dom) + len(box1.cod) middle = left0[len(left1 @ box1.dom):] layer0 = left1 @ box1.cod @ middle @ box0 @ right0 layer1 = left1 @ box1 @ middle @ box0.dom @ right0 elif off1 >= off0 + len(box0.cod): # box0 left of box1 off1 = off1 - len(box0.cod) + len(box0.dom) middle = left1[len(left0 @ box0.cod):] layer0 = left0 @ box0 @ middle @ box1.cod @ right1 layer1 = left0 @ box0.dom @ middle @ box1 @ right1 else: raise AxiomError(messages.INTERCHANGER_ERROR.format(box0, box1)) return self[:i] >> layer1 >> layer0 >> self[i + 2:]
[docs] def normalize(self, left=False) -> Iterator[Diagram]: """ Implements normalisation of boundary-connected diagrams, see Delpeuch and Vicary :cite:t:`DelpeuchVicary22`. Parameters: left : Passed to :meth:`Diagram.interchange`. Example ------- >>> from discopy.monoidal import * >>> s0, s1 = Box('s0', Ty(), Ty()), Box('s1', Ty(), Ty()) >>> gen = (s0 @ s1).normalize() >>> for _ in range(3): print(next(gen)) s1 >> s0 s0 >> s1 s1 >> s0 """ diagram = self while True: no_more_moves = True for i in range(len(diagram) - 1): box0, box1 = diagram.boxes[i], diagram.boxes[i + 1] off0, off1 = diagram.offsets[i], diagram.offsets[i + 1] if left and off1 >= off0 + len(box0.cod)\ or not left and off0 >= off1 + len(box1.dom): diagram = diagram.interchange(i, i + 1, left=left) yield diagram no_more_moves = False if no_more_moves: break
[docs] def normal_form(self, **params) -> Diagram: """ Returns the normal form of a diagram. params : Passed to :meth:`Diagram.normalize`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Whenever ``normalize`` yields the same rewrite steps twice, e.g. the diagram is not boundary-connected. """ cache = set() for diagram in itertools.chain([self], self.normalize(**params)): if str(diagram) in cache: exception = NotImplementedError( messages.NOT_CONNECTED.format(self)) exception.last_step = diagram raise exception cache.add(str(diagram)) return diagram
@classmethod def from_tree(cls, tree): if "inside" not in tree: warn("Outdated dumps", DeprecationWarning) boxes, offsets = map(from_tree, tree['boxes']), tree['offsets'] return cls.decode(from_tree(tree['dom']), zip(boxes, offsets)) return super().from_tree(tree)
[docs] class Box(cat.Box, Diagram): """ A box is a diagram with a :code:`name` and the layer of just itself inside. Parameters: name : The name of the box. dom : The domain of the box, i.e. the input. cod : The codomain of the box, i.e. the output. data (any) : Extra data in the box, default is :code:`None`. is_dagger (bool, optional) : Whether the box is dagger. Other parameters ---------------- draw_as_spider : bool, optional Whether to draw the box as a spider. draw_as_wires : bool, optional Whether to draw the box as wires, e.g. :class:`discopy.symmetric.Swap`. draw_as_braid : bool, optional Whether to draw the box as a a braid, e.g. :class:`braided.Braid`. drawing_name : str, optional The name to use when drawing the box. tikzstyle_name : str, optional The name of the style when tikzing the box. color : str, optional The color to use when drawing the box, one of :code:`"white", "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black"`. Default is :code:`"red" if draw_as_spider else "white"`. shape : str, optional The shape to use when drawing a spider, one of :code:`"circle", "rectangle"`. Examples -------- >>> f = Box('f', Ty('x', 'y'), Ty('z')) >>> assert Id(Ty('x', 'y')) >> f == f == f >> Id(Ty('z')) >>> assert Id(Ty()) @ f == f == f @ Id(Ty()) >>> assert f == f[::-1][::-1] """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (cat.Box, ) def to_drawing(self) -> Box: dom, cod = self.dom.to_drawing(), self.cod.to_drawing() result = Box(, dom, cod, is_dagger=self.is_dagger) for attr, default in drawing.ATTRIBUTES.items(): setattr(result, attr, getattr(self, attr, default(result))) return result def __init__(self, name: str, dom: Ty, cod: Ty, **params): for attr in drawing.ATTRIBUTES: value = params.pop(attr, None) if value is not None: setattr(self, attr, value) cat.Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, **params) inside = (self.layer_factory.cast(self), ) Diagram.__init__(self, inside, dom, cod)
[docs] class Sum(cat.Sum, Box): """ A sum is a tuple of diagrams :code:`terms` with the same domain and codomain. Parameters: terms (tuple[Diagram, ...]) : The terms of the formal sum. dom (Ty) : The domain of the formal sum. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the formal sum. Example ------- >>> f = Box('f', 'x', 'x') >>> print(f @ (f + f)) (f @ x >> x @ f) + (f @ x >> x @ f) """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (cat.Sum, ) def tensor(self, other=None, *others): if other is None or others: return Diagram.tensor(self, other, *others) other = other if isinstance(other, Sum)\ else self.sum_factory((other, )) dom, cod = self.dom @ other.dom, self.cod @ other.cod terms = tuple(f.tensor(g) for f in self.terms for g in other.terms) return self.sum_factory(terms, dom, cod)
[docs] def draw(self, **params): """ Drawing a sum as an equation with :code:`symbol='+'`. """ return drawing.Equation(*self.terms, symbol='+').draw(**params)
[docs] class Bubble(cat.Bubble, Box): """ A bubble is a box with a diagram :code:`arg` inside and an optional pair of types :code:`dom` and :code:`cod`. Parameters: args : The diagrams inside the bubble. dom : The domain of the bubble, default is that of :code:`other`. cod : The codomain of the bubble, default is that of :code:`other`. drawing_name (str) : The name of the bubble when drawing it. draw_as_bubble (bool) : Whether to draw as a bubble or as a frame. Examples -------- >>> x, y = Ty('x'), Ty('y') >>> f, g, h = Box('f', x, y ** 3), Box('g', y, y @ y), Box('h', x, y) >>> d = (f.bubble(dom=x @ x, cod=y) >> g).bubble() >>> d.draw(path='docs/_static/monoidal/bubble-example.png') .. image:: /_static/monoidal/bubble-example.png :align: center >>> b = Bubble(f, g, h, dom=x, cod=y @ y) >>> b.draw(path='docs/_static/monoidal/bubble-multiple-args.png') .. image:: /_static/monoidal/bubble-multiple-args.png :align: center """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (cat.Bubble, ) def __init__( self, *args: Diagram, dom: Ty = None, cod: Ty = None, **kwargs): cat.Bubble.__init__(self, *args, dom=dom, cod=cod) self.drawing_name = kwargs.pop("drawing_name", "") self.draw_as_bubble = kwargs.pop( "draw_as_bubble", (len(args) == 1 and len(self.arg.dom) == len(self.dom) and len(self.arg.cod) == len(self.cod))) Box.__init__(self,, self.dom, self.cod, **kwargs) def to_bubble_drawing(self): dom, cod = self.dom.to_drawing(), self.cod.to_drawing() argdom, argcod = self.arg.dom.to_drawing(), self.arg.cod.to_drawing() left, right = Ty(self.drawing_name), Ty("") left.inside[0].always_draw_label = True _open = Box("_open", dom, left @ argdom @ right).to_drawing() _close = Box("_close", left @ argcod @ right, cod).to_drawing() if len(dom) == len(argdom) and len(cod) == len(argcod): _open.bubble_opening = _close.bubble_closing = True _open.draw_as_wires = _close.draw_as_wires = True else: _open.frame_slot_opening = _close.frame_slot_closing = True return _open >> left @ self.arg.to_drawing() @ right >> _close def to_frame_drawing(self): dom, cod = self.dom.to_drawing(), self.cod.to_drawing() if self.args == 1: inside = self.arg.to_drawing().bubble( draw_as_bubble=True, dom=Ty(), cod=Ty()).to_drawing() else: left = right = Ty('') first_arg = self.args[0].to_drawing() last_arg = self.args[-1].to_drawing() open_first_slot = Box( "open", Ty(), left @ first_arg.dom @ right).to_drawing() open_first_slot.frame_slot_opening = True inside = open_first_slot >> left @ first_arg @ right for f, g in zip(self.args, self.args[1:]): b_dom, b_cod = [ left @ x.to_drawing() @ right for x in [f.cod, g.dom]] b = Box("boundary", b_dom, b_cod) b.frame_slot_boundary = True inside >>= b.to_drawing() >> left @ g.to_drawing() @ right close_last_slot = Box( "close", left @ last_arg.cod @ right, Ty()).to_drawing() close_last_slot.frame_slot_closing = True inside >>= close_last_slot left, right = Ty(self.drawing_name), Ty("") _open = Box("_open", dom, left @ right).to_drawing() _close = Box("_close", left @ right, cod).to_drawing() _open.frame_opening = _close.frame_closing = True return _open >> left @ inside @ right >> _close def to_drawing(self): return self.to_bubble_drawing( ) if self.draw_as_bubble else self.to_frame_drawing()
[docs] class Category(cat.Category): """ A monoidal category is a category with a method :code:`tensor`. Parameters: ob : The type of objects. ar : The type of arrows. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = True ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
[docs] class Functor(cat.Functor): """ A monoidal functor is a functor that preserves the tensor product. Parameters: ob (Mapping[Ty, Ty]) : Map from atomic :class:`Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain of the functor. Important --------- The keys of the objects mapping must be atomic types, i.e. of length 1. Example ------- >>> x, y, z, w = Ty('x'), Ty('y'), Ty('z'), Ty('w') >>> f0, f1 = Box('f0', x, y, data=[0.1]), Box('f1', z, w, data=[1.1]) >>> F = Functor({x: z, y: w, z: x, w: y}, {f0: f1, f1: f0}) >>> assert F(f0) == f1 and F(f1) == f0 >>> assert F(F(f0)) == f0 >>> assert F(f0 @ f1) == f1 @ f0 >>> assert F(f0 >> f0[::-1]) == f1 >> f1[::-1] >>> source, target = f0 >> f0[::-1], F(f0 >> f0[::-1]) >>> from discopy.drawing import Equation >>> Equation(source, target, symbol='$\\\\mapsto$').draw( ... figsize=(4, 2), path='docs/_static/monoidal/functor-example.png') .. image:: /_static/monoidal/functor-example.png :align: center """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = True dom = cod = Category(Ty, Diagram) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, PRO): result = cat.Functor.__call__(self, other.factory(1)) return sum(other.n * [result], self.cod.ob()) if isinstance(other, Ty): return sum(map(self, other.inside), self.cod.ob()) if isinstance(other, cat.Ob): result = self.ob[self.dom.ob(other)] cod_type = get_origin(self.cod.ob) # Syntactic sugar {x: n} in tensor and {x: int} in python. return result if isinstance(result, cod_type) else\ (result, ) if cod_type == tuple else self.cod.ob(result) if isinstance(other, Layer): head, *tail = other result = self(head) for box_or_typ in tail: result = result @ self(box_or_typ) return result return super().__call__(other)
@dataclass class Match: """ A match is a diagram with a hole, given by: Parameters: above : The diagram above the hole. below : The diagram below the hole. left : The wires left of the hole. right : The wires right of the hole. """ above: Diagram below: Diagram left: Ty right: Ty def subs(self, target: Diagram) -> Diagram: """ Substitute a diagram inside the hole. Parameters: target : The diagram to substitute inside the hole. """ return self.above >> self.left @ target @ self.right >> self.below class Hypergraph(hypergraph.Hypergraph): category, functor = Category, Functor def to_diagram(self): if not self.is_monogamous: raise AxiomError(factory_name( + " does not have copy or discard.") return super().to_diagram() Diagram.draw = drawing.draw Diagram.to_gif = drawing.to_gif Diagram.to_grid = drawing.Grid.from_diagram Diagram.sum_factory = Sum Diagram.bubble_factory = Bubble Diagram.hypergraph_factory = Hypergraph Id =