Source code for discopy.frobenius

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free symmetric category with a supply of spiders, also known as special
commutative Frobenius algebras.

Diagrams in the free hypergraph category are faithfully encoded as
:class:`Hypergraph`, see :cite:t:`BonchiEtAl22`.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst



>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")

>>> split, merge = Spider(1, 2, x), Spider(2, 1, x)
>>> unit, counit = Spider(0, 1, x), Spider(1, 0, x)


>>> frobenius = Equation(
...     split @ x >> x @ merge, merge >> split, x @ split >> merge @ x)
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert frobenius
>>> frobenius.draw(path="docs/_static/frobenius/frobenius.png")

.. image:: /_static/frobenius/frobenius.png
    :align: center


>>> special = Equation(split >> merge, Spider(1, 1, x), Id(x))
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert special
>>> special.draw(path="docs/_static/frobenius/special.png")

.. image:: /_static/frobenius/special.png
    :align: center

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable

from discopy import monoidal, rigid, markov, compact, pivotal, hypergraph
from import factory
from discopy.utils import factory_name, assert_isatomic

[docs] class Ob(pivotal.Ob): """ A frobenius object is a self-dual pivotal object. Parameters: name : The name of the object. """ l = r = property(lambda self: self)
[docs] @factory class Ty(pivotal.Ty): """ A frobenius type is a pivotal type with frobenius objects inside. Parameters: inside (frobenius.Ob) : The objects inside the type. """ ob_factory = Ob
@factory class PRO(rigid.PRO, Ty): """ A PRO is a natural number ``n`` seen as a frobenius type with unnamed objects. Parameters ---------- n : int The length of the PRO type. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (rigid.PRO, ) l = r = property(lambda self: self)
[docs] @factory class Dim(monoidal.Dim, Ty): """ A dimension is a tuple of integers greater than one seen as a type. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Dim, ) l = r = property(lambda self: self.factory(*self.inside[::-1]))
[docs] @factory class Diagram(compact.Diagram, markov.Diagram): """ A frobenius diagram is a compact diagram and a Markov diagram. Parameters: inside(Layer) : The layers of the diagram. dom (Ty) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Diagram, markov.Diagram) ty_factory = Ty @classmethod def caps(cls, left, right): return cls.cups(left, right).dagger()
[docs] @classmethod def spiders(cls, n_legs_in: int, n_legs_out: int, typ: Ty, phases=None ) -> Diagram: """ The spiders on a given type with ``n_legs_in`` and ``n_legs_out`` and some optional vector of ``phases``. Parameters: n_legs_in : The number of legs in for each spider. n_legs_out : The number of legs out for each spider. typ : The type of the spiders. phases : The phase for each spider. """ return interleaving(cls, cls.spider_factory)( n_legs_in, n_legs_out, typ, phases)
[docs] def unfuse(self) -> Diagram: """ Unfuse arbitrary spiders into spiders with one or three legs. See Also -------- This calls :func:`coherence`. Example ------- >>> from discopy.drawing import Equation >>> spider = Spider(3, 5, Ty(''), "$\\\\phi$") @ Ty() >>> Spider.color = "red" >>> Equation(spider, spider.unfuse(), symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw( ... path='docs/_static/hypergraph/unfuse.png') .. image:: /_static/hypergraph/unfuse.png :align: center """ F = compact.Functor( ob=lambda x: x, ar=lambda f: f.unfuse() if isinstance(f, Spider) else f, dom=Category(), cod=Category()) return F(self)
[docs] class Box(compact.Box, markov.Box, Diagram): """ A frobenius box is a compact and Markov box in a frobenius diagram. Parameters: name (str) : The name of the box. dom (Ty) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Box, markov.Box)
[docs] class Cup(compact.Cup, Box): """ A frobenius cup is a compact cup in a frobenius diagram. Parameters: left (Ty) : The atomic type. right (Ty) : Its adjoint. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Cup, )
[docs] class Cap(compact.Cap, Box): """ A frobenius cap is a compact cap in a frobenius diagram. Parameters: left (Ty) : The atomic type. right (Ty) : Its adjoint. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Cap, )
[docs] class Swap(compact.Swap, markov.Swap, Box): """ A frobenius swap is a compact and Markov swap in a frobenius diagram. Parameters: left (Ty) : The type on the top left and bottom right. right (Ty) : The type on the top right and bottom left. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Swap, markov.Swap) def rotate(self, left=False): del left return self
[docs] class Spider(Box): """ The spider with :code:`n_legs_in` and :code:`n_legs_out` on a given atomic type, with some optional phase as ``data``. Parameters: n_legs_in : The number of legs in. n_legs_out : The number of legs out. typ : The type of the spider. data : The phase of the spider. Examples -------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> spider = Spider(1, 2, x) >>> assert spider.dom == x and spider.cod == x @ x """ draw_as_spider = True color = "black" def __init__(self, n_legs_in: int, n_legs_out: int, typ: Ty, data=None, **params): assert_isatomic(typ) self.typ = typ str_data = "" if data is None else f", {data}" name = type(self).__name__\ + f"({n_legs_in}, {n_legs_out}, {typ}{str_data})" dom, cod = typ ** n_legs_in, typ ** n_legs_out Box.__init__(self, name, dom, cod, data=data, **params) self.drawing_name = "" if not data else str(data) def __setstate__(self, state): if "_name" in state and state["_name"] == type(self).__name__: phase = state.get("_data", None) str_data = "" if phase is None else f", {phase}" cod, dom = state['_dom'], state['_cod'] state["_name"] = type(self).__name__\ + f"({dom.n}, {cod.n}, {state['_typ']}{str_data})" super().__setstate__(state) @property def phase(self): """ The phase of the spider. """ return def __repr__(self): phase_repr = "" if self.phase is None \ else f", phase={repr(self.phase)}" return factory_name(type(self)) + \ f"({len(self.dom)}, {len(self.cod)}, {repr(self.typ)}{phase_repr})" def dagger(self): phase = None if self.phase is None else -self.phase return type(self)(len(self.cod), len(self.dom), self.typ, phase) def rotate(self, left=False): del left return type(self)(len(self.cod), len(self.dom), self.typ, self.phase) def unfuse(self) -> Diagram: return coherence(self.factory, type(self))( len(self.dom), len(self.cod), self.typ, self.phase)
[docs] class Bubble(monoidal.Bubble, Box): """ A Frobenius bubble is a monoidal bubble in a frobenius diagram. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Bubble, )
[docs] class Category(compact.Category, markov.Category): """ A hypergraph category is a compact category with a method :code:`spiders`. Parameters: ob : The objects of the category, default is :class:`Ty`. ar : The arrows of the category, default is :class:`Diagram`. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Category, markov.Category) ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
[docs] class Functor(compact.Functor, markov.Functor): """ A hypergraph functor is a compact functor that preserves spiders. Parameters: ob (Mapping[Ty, Ty]) : Map from atomic :class:`Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain of the functor. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (compact.Functor, markov.Functor) dom = cod = Category() def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Spider): return len(other.dom), len(other.cod), self(other.typ)) if isinstance(other, (markov.Copy, markov.Merge)): return markov.Functor.__call__(self, other) return compact.Functor.__call__(self, other)
def interleaving(cls: type, factory: Callable ) -> Callable[[int, int, Ty], Diagram]: """ Take a ``factory`` for spiders of atomic types and extend it recursively. Parameters: cls : A diagram factory, e.g. :class:`Diagram`. factory : A factory for spiders of atomic types, e.g. :class:`Spider`. """ def method(n_legs_in, n_legs_out, typ, phases=None): phases = phases or len(typ) * [None] result =*[ factory(n_legs_in, n_legs_out, x, p) for x, p in zip(typ, phases)]) for i, t in enumerate(typ): for j in range(n_legs_in - 1): result <<= result.dom[:i * j + i + j] @ cls.swap( t, result.dom[i * j + i + j:i * n_legs_in + j] ) @ result.dom[i * n_legs_in + j + 1:] for j in range(n_legs_out - 1): result >>= result.cod[:i * j + i + j] @ cls.swap( result.cod[i * j + i + j:i * n_legs_out + j], t ) @ result.cod[i * n_legs_out + j + 1:] return result return method def coherence(cls: type, factory: Callable ) -> Callable[[int, int, Ty], Diagram]: """ Take a ``factory`` for spiders with one or three legs of atomic types and extend it recursively to arbitrary spiders of atomic types. Parameters: cls : A diagram factory, e.g. :class:`Diagram`. factory : A factory for spiders of atomic types, e.g. :class:`Spider`. See Also -------- This is called by :meth:`frobenius.Diagram.unfuse`. Note ---- If the spider has a non-trivial phase then we also output a phase shifter. Example ------- >>> print(Spider(2, 2, Ty('x'), 0.5).unfuse()) Spider(2, 1, x) >> Spider(1, 1, x, 0.5) >> Spider(1, 2, x) """ def method(a, b, x, phase=None): if phase is not None: # Coherence for phase shifters. return method(a, 1, x)\ >> factory(1, 1, x, phase)\ >> method(1, b, x) if (a, b) in [(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 1), (1, 2)]: return factory(a, b, x) if (a, b) == (1, 1): # Speciality: one-to-one spiders are identity. return if a < b: # Cut the work in two. return method(b, a, x[::-1]).rotate() if b != 1: return method(a, 1, x) >> method(1, b, x) if a % 2: # We can now assume a is odd and b == 1. return method(a - 1, 1, x) @ x >> factory(2, 1, x) # We can now assume a is even and b == 1. half_spiders = method(a // 2, 1, x) return half_spiders @ half_spiders >> factory(2, 1, x) return method class Hypergraph(hypergraph.Hypergraph): category, functor = Category, Functor Diagram.hypergraph_factory = Hypergraph Diagram.cup_factory, Diagram.cap_factory = Cup, Cap Diagram.braid_factory, Diagram.spider_factory = Swap, Spider Id =