Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free feedback category, i.e. diagrams with delayed feedback loops.

We follow the definition of :cite:t:`DiLavoreEtAl22` with some extra structure
for the head and tail of streams with the :class:`FollowedBy` generator.

The main example of a feedback category is given by :mod:``.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


A feedback category is a symmetric monoidal category with a monoidal
endofunctor :meth:`Diagram.delay`, shortened to `.d` and a method
:meth:`` of the following shape:

>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation

>>> x, y, m = map(Ty, "xym")
>>> f = Box('f', x @ m.delay(), y @ m)
>>> Equation(f,, symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
...     path="docs/_static/feedback/feedback-operator.png", figsize=(8, 4))

.. image:: /_static/feedback/feedback-operator.png
    :align: center

such that the following equations are satisfied:


>>> assert Box('f', x, y).feedback(mem=Ty()) == Box('f', x, y)


>>> f = Box('f', x @ (m @ m).delay(), y @ m @ m)
>>> assert @ m) ==

This can only be checked up to a functor into streams.

>>> from discopy import stream
>>> F0 = Functor(lambda x: stream.Ty.sequence(, cod=stream.Category())
>>> F = Functor(
...     F0, lambda f: stream.Stream.sequence(, F0(f.dom), F0(f.cod)),
...     cod=stream.Category())
>>> all_eq = lambda xs: len(set(xs)) == 1
>>> eq_up_to_F = lambda *fs, n=2: all_eq(F(f).unroll(2).now for f in fs)

>>> f, g = Box('f', x @ m.delay(), y @ m), Box('g', x, y)
>>> strength = Equation(g @, (g @ f).feedback())
>>> assert eq_up_to_F(*strength.terms)
>>> strength.draw(
...     path='docs/_static/feedback/strength.png', draw_type_labels=False)

.. image:: /_static/feedback/strength.png
    :align: center

This can only be checked up to extensional equivalence of streams.

>>> from discopy import symmetric
>>> n = Ty("n")
>>> h = Box('h', m, n)  # assume h is an isomorphism
>>> f = Box('f', x @ n.d, y @ m)
>>> sliding = Equation((f >> y @ h).feedback(), (x @ h.d >> f).feedback())
>>> sliding.draw(
...     path='docs/_static/feedback/sliding.png', draw_type_labels=False)

.. image:: /_static/feedback/sliding.png
    :align: center

>>> LHS, RHS = sliding.terms
>>> eq = Equation(*map(lambda f: F(f).unroll(2).now, sliding.terms),
...     symbol="$\\\\sim$").draw(path='docs/_static/feedback/slide-unroll.png')
>>> with symmetric.Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
...     assert F(LHS).unroll(2).now == F(RHS).unroll(2).now\\
...         >> F(y).unroll(2).now @ F(h)

.. image:: /_static/feedback/slide-unroll.png
    :align: center

Every traced symmetric category is a feedback category with a trivial delay:

>>> from discopy import symmetric
>>> symmetric.Ty.delay = symmetric.Diagram.delay = lambda self: self
>>> = lambda self, dom=None, cod=None, mem=None:\\
...     self.trace(len(mem))

>>> F0 = Functor(
...     ob=lambda x: symmetric.Ty(, ar={}, cod=symmetric.Category)
>>> assert F0(x.delay()) == F0(x)

>>> F = Functor(
...     ob=F0, ar=lambda f: symmetric.Box(, F0(f.dom), F0(f.cod)),
...     cod=symmetric.Category)
>>> f = Box('f', x @ m.delay(), y @ m)
>>> assert F(f.delay()) == F(f) and F( == F(f).trace()

We also implement endofunctors :class:`Head` and :class:`Tail` together with an
isomorphism :class:`FollowedBy` between `x` and `x.head @ x.tail.delay()`.

This satisfies the following equations:

>>> assert x.head.head == x.head
>>> assert x.head.tail == Ty()
>>> assert x.delay().head == Ty()
>>> assert x.delay().tail == x

In the category of streams, this is just the identity.

from __future__ import annotations

from discopy import cat, monoidal, markov
from discopy.utils import (
    factory, factory_name, assert_isinstance, AxiomError)

def str_delayed(time_step: int):
    return time_step * ".d" if time_step <= 3 else f".delay({time_step})"

[docs] class Ob(cat.Ob): """ A feedback object is an object with a `time_step` and an optional argument `is_constant` for whether the object is interpreted as a constant stream. """ def __init__( self, name: str, time_step: int = 0, is_constant: bool = True): assert_isinstance(time_step, int) assert_isinstance(is_constant, bool) if time_step < 0: raise NotImplementedError self.time_step, self.is_constant = time_step, is_constant super().__init__(name)
[docs] def delay(self, n_steps=1): """ The delay of a feedback object. """ return Ob(, self.time_step + n_steps, self.is_constant)
@property def head(self) -> HeadOb | None: """ Syntactic sugar for :class:`HeadOb` or `None` if delayed. """ return None if self.time_step else HeadOb(self) @property def tail(self) -> Ob | None: """ Syntactic sugar for :class:`TailOb` or `self` if `is_constant`. """ return self.delay(-1) if self.time_step > 0 else ( self if self.is_constant else TailOb(self))
[docs] def reset(self) -> Ob: """ Reset an object to time step zero, used in :class:`Functor`. """ return Ob(, time_step=0, is_constant=self.is_constant)
def __eq__(self, other): return ( super().__eq__(other) and self.time_step == other.time_step and self.is_constant == other.is_constant) def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.time_step, self.is_constant)) def __repr__(self): time_step = f", time_step={self.time_step}" if self.time_step else "" is_constant = "" if self.is_constant else ", is_constant=False" return factory_name( type(self)) + f"({repr(}{time_step}{is_constant})" def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + str_delayed(self.time_step) @property def d(self): """ Syntactic sugar for meth:`delay`. """ return self.delay()
[docs] class HeadOb(Ob): """ The head of a feedback object, interpreted as the first element of a stream followed by the constant stream on the empty type. Note the object `arg: Ob` cannot be itself a `HeadOb` or be delayed. """ def __init__(self, arg: Ob, time_step: int = 0): assert_isinstance(arg, Ob) if isinstance(arg, HeadOb) or arg.time_step: raise ValueError self.arg = arg super().__init__(f"{arg}.head", time_step, is_constant=False) def __repr__(self): time_step = f", time_step={self.time_step}" if self.time_step else "" return factory_name(type(self)) + f"({repr(self.arg)}{time_step})" def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(self.arg, self.time_step + n_steps) def reset(self) -> HeadOb: return type(self)(self.arg) @property def head(self): return None if self.time_step else self @property def tail(self): return self.delay(-1) if self.time_step else None
[docs] class TailOb(Ob): """ The tail of a non-constant feedback object, interpreted as the stream starting from the second time step. Example ------- >>> x = Ob('x', is_constant=False) >>> assert x.tail == TailOb(x) """ def __init__(self, arg: Ob, time_step: int = 0): assert_isinstance(arg, Ob) if isinstance(arg, HeadOb) or arg.is_constant or arg.time_step > 0: raise ValueError self.arg = arg super().__init__(f"{arg}.tail", time_step, is_constant=False) delay, reset, __repr__ = HeadOb.delay, HeadOb.reset, HeadOb.__repr__
[docs] @factory class Ty(monoidal.Ty): """ A feedback type is a monoidal type with `delay`, `head` and `tail`. """ ob_factory = Ob
[docs] def delay(self, n_steps=1): """ The delay of a feedback type by `n_steps`. """ return type(self)(*(x.delay(n_steps) for x in self.inside))
@property def head(self): """ The head of a feedback type, see :class:`HeadOb`. """ return type(self)(*(x.head for x in self.inside if x.head)) @property def tail(self): """ The tail of a feedback type, see :class:`TailOb`. """ return type(self)(*(x.tail for x in self.inside if x.tail)) d = Ob.d
[docs] class Layer(monoidal.Layer): """ A feedback layer is a monoidal layer with a `delay` method. """ def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(*[x.delay(n_steps) for x in self.boxes_or_types])
[docs] @factory class Diagram(markov.Diagram): """ A feedback diagram is a markov diagram with a :meth:`delay` endofunctor and a :meth:`feedback` operator. Parameters: inside(monoidal.Layer) : The layers inside the diagram. dom (Ty) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. Example ------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> zero = Box('0', Ty(), x.head) >>> rand = Box('rand', Ty(), x) >>> plus = Box('+', x @ x, x) >>> walk = (rand.delay() @ x.delay() >> zero @ plus.delay() ... >> FollowedBy(x) >> Copy(x)).feedback() >>> walk.draw(path="docs/_static/feedback/feedback-random-walk.png", ... figsize=(5, 5), margins=(0.25, 0.01)) .. image:: /_static/feedback/feedback-random-walk.png :align: center """ ty_factory = Ty layer_factory = Layer
[docs] def delay(self, n_steps=1): """ The delay of a feedback diagram. """ dom, cod = self.dom.delay(n_steps), self.cod.delay(n_steps) inside = tuple(box.delay(n_steps) for box in self.inside) return type(self)(inside, dom, cod, _scan=False)
[docs] def feedback(self, dom=None, cod=None, mem=None): """ Syntactic sugar for :class:`Feedback`. """ if mem is None or len(mem) == 1: return self.feedback_factory(self, dom=dom, cod=cod, mem=mem) return self if not mem else[:-1]).feedback()
[docs] @classmethod def wait(cls, dom: Ty) -> Diagram: """ Wait one time step, i.e. `Swap(x, x.delay()).feedback()`. Example ------- >>> x = Ty('x') >>> assert Diagram.wait(x) == Swap(x, x.delay()).feedback() >>> Diagram.wait(x).draw(path="docs/_static/feedback/wait.png") .. image:: /_static/feedback/wait.png :align: center """ return cls.swap(dom, dom.delay()).feedback()
@property def time_step(self) -> int: """ The time step of a diagram is defined only if it is in fact a box. This is used for checking equality between boxes and diagrams. Example ------- >>> f = Box('f', 'x', 'y') >>> assert f.delay(42).time_step == 42 """ if len(self) != 1 or self != self.boxes[0]: raise ValueError return self.boxes[0].time_step @property def head(self): """ Syntactic sugar for :class:`Head`. """ return Head(self) @property def tail(self): """ Syntactic sugar for :class:`Tail`. """ return Tail(self) d = Ob.d
[docs] class Box(markov.Box, Diagram): """ A feedback box is a markov box in a feedback diagram. Parameters: name (str) : The name of the box. dom (monoidal.Ty) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input. cod (monoidal.Ty) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output. _time_step (int) : The number of times the box has been delayed. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (markov.Box, ) _time_step = 0 time_step = property(lambda self: self._time_step) def __init__(self, name, dom, cod, time_step: int = 0, **params): self._time_step, self._params = time_step, params super().__init__(name, dom, cod, **params) def to_drawing(self): result = super().to_drawing() if result.drawing_name: result.drawing_name += str_delayed(self.time_step) return result def delay(self, n_steps=1): dom, cod = self.dom.delay(n_steps), self.cod.delay(n_steps) time_step = self._time_step + n_steps return type(self)(, dom, cod, time_step, **self._params)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset a box to time step zero, used in :class:`Functor`. """ dom, cod = [x.delay(-self.time_step) for x in (self.dom, self.cod)] return type(self)(, dom, cod, **self._params)
def __str__(self): return super().__str__() + str_delayed(self.time_step) def __repr__(self): time_step = f", time_step={self.time_step}" if self.time_step else "" return super().__repr__()[:-1] + time_step + ")" def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other) and self.time_step == other.time_step def __hash__(self): return hash((super().__hash__(), self.time_step))
[docs] class Swap(markov.Swap, Box): """ The swap of feedback types :code:`left` and :code:`right`. Parameters: left : The type on the top left and bottom right. right : The type on the top right and bottom left. """ def __init__(self, left, right): markov.Swap.__init__(self, left, right) Box.__init__(self,, self.dom, self.cod) def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(self.left.delay(n_steps), self.right.delay(n_steps))
class Copy(markov.Copy, Box): """ The copy of an atomic type :code:`x` some :code:`n` number of times. Parameters: x : The type to copy. n : The number of copies. """ def __init__(self, x: Ty, n: int = 2): markov.Copy.__init__(self, x, n) Box.__init__(self,, self.dom, self.cod) def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(self.dom.delay(n_steps), len(self.cod)) class Merge(markov.Merge, Box): """ The merge of an atomic type :code:`x` some :code:`n` number of times. Parameters: x : The type of wires to merge. n : The number of wires to merge. """ def __init__(self, x: Ty, n: int = 2): markov.Merge.__init__(self, x, n) Box.__init__(self,, self.dom, self.cod) def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(self.cod.delay(n_steps), len(self.dom))
[docs] class Tail(monoidal.Bubble, Box): """ The tail of a feedback diagram, interpreted as the stream starting from the second time step with the identity on the empty type at the first step. """ def __init__(self, arg: Diagram, time_step=0): Head.__init__(self, arg, time_step, _attr="tail") delay, reset, __repr__ = HeadOb.delay, HeadOb.reset, HeadOb.__repr__ __str__ = Box.__str__
[docs] class Feedback(monoidal.Bubble, Box): """ Feedback is a bubble that takes a diagram from `dom @ mem.delay()` to `cod @ mem` and returns a box from `dom` to `cod`. Examples -------- >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> Box('f', x @ y.delay(), z @ y).feedback().draw( ... path="docs/_static/feedback/feedback-example.png") .. image:: /_static/feedback/feedback-example.png :align: center """ to_drawing = markov.Trace.to_drawing def __init__(self, arg: Diagram, dom=None, cod=None, mem=None, left=False): if left: raise NotImplementedError mem = arg.cod[-1:] if mem is None else mem dom = arg.dom[:-len(mem)] if dom is None else dom cod = arg.cod[:-len(mem)] if cod is None else cod if arg.dom != dom @ mem.delay(): raise AxiomError if arg.cod != cod @ mem: raise AxiomError self.mem, self.left = mem, left monoidal.Bubble.__init__(self, arg, dom=dom, cod=cod) Box.__init__(self,, dom, cod) mem_name = "" if len(mem) == 1 else f"mem={mem}" = f"({self.arg}).feedback({mem_name})" self.use_hypergraph_equality = False def delay(self, n_steps=1): return type(self)(self.arg.delay(n_steps), mem=self.mem.delay(n_steps)) def __repr__(self): arg, mem = map(repr, (self.arg, self.mem)) return factory_name(type(self)) + f"({arg}, mem={mem})" __str__ = Box.__str__ _get_structure = markov.Trace._get_structure __eq__ = markov.Trace.__eq__
[docs] class FollowedBy(Box): """ The isomorphism between `x.head @ x.tail.delay()` and `x`. In the category of streams, this is just the identity. Example ------- >>> from discopy import stream >>> x = Ty(Ob('x', is_constant=False)) >>> FollowedBy(x).draw(path="docs/_static/feedback/followed-by.png") .. image:: /_static/feedback/followed-by.png :align: center >>> F = Functor({x: stream.Ty.sequence('x')}, cod=stream.Category()) >>> X, Xh, Xtd = map(F, (x, x.head, x.tail.delay())) >>> for xh, xtd in [(,, ... (,, ... (,]: ... print(f"({xh}, {xtd})") (x0, Ty()) (Ty(), x1) (Ty(), x2) >>> eq_up_to_F = lambda f, g: F(f).unroll(2).now == F(g).unroll(2).now >>> assert eq_up_to_F(FollowedBy(x), Id(x)) """ def __init__(self, arg: Ty, is_dagger=False, time_step=0): self.arg = arg dagger_name = ", is_dagger=True" if is_dagger else "" name = f"FollowedBy({arg}{dagger_name})" dom, cod = arg.head @ arg.tail.delay(), arg dom, cod = (cod, dom) if is_dagger else (dom, cod) dom, cod = [x.delay(time_step) for x in (dom, cod)] super().__init__(name, dom, cod, time_step, is_dagger=is_dagger) def __repr__(self): is_dagger = ", is_dagger=True" if self.is_dagger else "" time_step = f", time_step={self.time_step}" if self.time_step else "" return f"FollowedBy({repr(self.arg)}{is_dagger}{time_step})" def delay(self, n_steps=1): arg = self.dom if self.is_dagger else self.cod return type(self)(arg, self.is_dagger, self.time_step + n_steps) def reset(self): return type(self)(self.arg, self.is_dagger)
[docs] class Category(markov.Category): """ A feedback category is a markov category with methods :code:`delay` and :code:`feedback`. Parameters: ob : The objects of the category, default is :class:`Ty`. ar : The arrows of the category, default is :class:`Diagram`. """ ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
[docs] class Functor(markov.Functor): """ A feedback functor is a markov one that preserves delay and feedback. Parameters: ob (Mapping[monoidal.Ty, monoidal.Ty]) : Map from :class:`monoidal.Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain, :code:`Category(Ty, Diagram)` by default. Example ------- >>> x, y, m = [Ty(Ob(n, is_constant=False)) for n in "xym"] >>> f = Box('f', x @ m.d, y @ m) >>> g = Box('g', y.d @ m.d.d, x.d @ m.d) >>> F = Functor({x: y.d, y: x.d, m: m.d}, {f: g}) >>> assert F(f.delay()) == F(f).delay() >>> assert F( == F(f).feedback() >>> assert F(x.head) == F(x).head and F(x.tail) == F(x).tail >>> assert F(FollowedBy(x)) == FollowedBy(F(x)) >>> assert F(f.head) == F(f).head and F(f.tail) == F(f).tail """ dom = cod = Category(Ty, Diagram) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (Ob, Box)) and other.time_step: cod = self.cod.ob if isinstance(other, Ob) else if hasattr(cod, "delay"): result = self(other.reset()) for _ in range(other.time_step): result = result.delay() return result if isinstance(other, (HeadOb, TailOb, Head, Tail)): cod = if isinstance( other, (Head, Tail)) else self.cod.ob attr = "head" if isinstance(other, (HeadOb, Head)) else "tail" if hasattr(cod, attr): return getattr(self(other.arg), attr) if isinstance( other, FollowedBy) and hasattr(, "followed_by"): arg = other.dom if other.is_dagger else other.cod return if isinstance(other, Feedback) and hasattr(, "feedback"): return self(other.arg).feedback(*map(self, ( other.dom, other.cod, other.mem))) return super().__call__(other)
class Hypergraph(markov.Hypergraph): category, functor = Category, Functor Diagram.hypergraph_factory = Hypergraph Diagram.braid_factory = Swap Diagram.copy_factory, Diagram.merge_factory = Copy, Merge Diagram.feedback_factory, Diagram.followed_by = Feedback, FollowedBy Id =