The feedback category of monoidal streams over a symmetric monoidal category.
We adapted the definition of intensional streams from :cite:t:`DiLavoreEtAl22`.
## Summary
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
## Note
Monoidal streams form a feedback category as follows:
>>> from discopy import feedback, drawing
>>> x, y, m = map(feedback.Ty, "xym")
>>> f = feedback.Box('f', x @ m.delay(), y @ m)
>>> fb = f.feedback()
>>> X, Y, M = [Ty.sequence(symmetric.Ty(n)) for n in "xym"]
>>> Ff = Stream.sequence("f", X @ M.delay(), Y @ M)
>>> F = feedback.Functor(ob={x: X, y: Y, m: M}, ar={f: Ff},
... cod=feedback.Category(Ty, Stream))
>>> drawing.Equation(fb, F(fb).unroll(2).now, symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/stream/feedback-to-stream.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/feedback-to-stream.png
:align: center
## Examples
### Fibonacci
We can define the Fibonacci sequence as a feedback diagram interpreted in the
category of streams of python types and functions.
>>> from discopy import *
>>> from discopy.feedback import *
>>> X = Ty('X')
>>> fby, wait = FollowedBy(X), Swap(X, X.d).feedback()
>>> zero, one = Box('zero', Ty(), X.head), Box('one', Ty(), X.head)
>>> copy, plus = Copy(X), Box('plus', X @ X, X)
>>> @Diagram.feedback
... @Diagram.from_callable(X.d, X @ X)
... def fib(x):
... y = fby(zero(), plus.d(fby.d(one.d(), wait.d(x)), x))
... return (y, y)
>>> fib_ = (copy.d >> one.d @ wait.d @ X.d
... >> fby.d @ X.d
... >> plus.d
... >> zero @ X.d
... >> fby >> copy).feedback()
>>> with Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
... assert fib == fib_
>>> fib_.draw(wire_labels=False, figsize=(5, 5),
... path="docs/_static/stream/fibonacci-feedback.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/fibonacci-feedback.png
:align: center
>>> cod = stream.Category(python.Ty, python.Function)
>>> F = feedback.Functor(
... ob={X: int},
... ar={zero: cod.ar.singleton(python.Function(lambda: 0, (), int)),
... one: cod.ar.singleton(python.Function(lambda: 1, (), int)),
... plus: lambda x, y: x + y}, cod=cod)
>>> assert F(fib).unroll(9).now()[:10] == (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34)
### Random walk
We can define a simple random walk as a feedback diagram interpreted in the
category of streams of python types and probabilistic functions.
>>> from random import choice, seed; seed(420)
>>> rand = Box('rand', Ty(), X)
>>> F.ar[rand] = lambda: choice([-1, +1])
>>> @Diagram.feedback
... @Diagram.from_callable(X.d, X @ X)
... def walk(x):
... x = plus.d(rand.d(), x)
... x = fby(zero(), x)
... return (x, x)
>>> walk.draw(wire_labels=False, figsize=(5, 5),
... path="docs/_static/stream/random-walk-feedback.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/random-walk-feedback.png
:align: center
>>> assert F(walk).unroll(9).now()[:10] == (0, -1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1)
>>> assert F(walk).unroll(9).now()[:10] == (0, -1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1)
>>> assert F(walk).unroll(9).now()[:10] == (0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1)
## Axioms
Note that we can only check equality of streams up to a finite number of steps.
>>> from discopy.stream import *
>>> all_eq = lambda xs: len(set(xs)) == 1
>>> eq_up_to_n = lambda *xs, n=3: all_eq(x.unroll(n).now for x in xs)
>>> x, y, z, w, m, n, o = map(Ty.sequence, "xyzwmno")
>>> f = Stream.sequence('f', x, y, m)
>>> g = Stream.sequence('g', y, z, n)
>>> h = Stream.sequence('h', z, w, o)
* Unitality and associativity hold on the nose:
>>> _id = Stream.id
>>> assert eq_up_to_n(f @ _id(), f, _id() @ f)
>>> assert eq_up_to_n(f >> _id(f.cod), f, _id(f.dom) >> f)
>>> assert eq_up_to_n((f >> g) >> h), (f >> (g >> h))
>>> ((f >> g) >> h).now.draw(
... path="docs/_static/stream/feedback-associativity.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/feedback-associativity.png
:align: center
* Associativity of tensor holds up to interchanger:
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> drawing.Equation(*map(lambda x: x.now, ((f @ g) @ h, f @ (g @ h)))).draw(
... path="docs/_static/stream/feedback-tensor-associativity.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/feedback-tensor-associativity.png
:align: center
>>> eq_up_to_interchanger = lambda *xs: all_eq(
... monoidal.Diagram.normal_form(x.now) for x in xs)
>>> assert eq_up_to_interchanger((f @ g) @ h, f @ (g @ h))
* Interchanger holds up to permutation of the memories:
>>> x_, y_, z_, m_, n_ = [
... Ty.sequence(symmetric.Ty(name + "'")) for name in "xyzmn"]
>>> f_ = Stream.sequence("f'", x_, y_, m_)
>>> g_ = Stream.sequence("g'", y_, z_, n_)
>>> LHS, RHS = f @ f_ >> g @ g_, (f >> g) @ (f_ >> g_)
>>> drawing.Equation(LHS.now, RHS.now, symbol="$\\\\sim$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/stream/feedback-interchanger.png", figsize=(8, 6))
.. image:: /_static/stream/feedback-interchanger.png
:align: center
>>> pi, id_dom = (0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5), symmetric.Id(LHS.now.dom)
>>> with symmetric.Diagram.hypergraph_equality:
... assert LHS.now == id_dom.permute(*pi) >> RHS.now.permute(*pi)
See :mod:`discopy.feedback` for the other axioms for feedback categories.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from discopy import symmetric
from discopy.utils import (
AxiomError, Composable, Whiskerable, NamedGeneric, get_origin, is_tuple,
assert_isinstance, unbiased, inductive, classproperty, factory_name)
class Ty(NamedGeneric['base']):
A stream of types from some underlying class `base`.
now (base) : The value of the stream at time step zero.
_later (Optional[Callable[[], Ty[base]]]) :
A thunk for the tail of the stream, constant by default.
base = symmetric.Ty # The underlying class of types.
now: base = None
_later: Callable[[], Ty[base]] = None
factory = classproperty(lambda cls: cls)
def __init__(
self, now: base = None, _later: Callable[[], Ty[base]] = None):
if is_tuple(self.base) and not isinstance(now, (tuple, type(None))):
now = (now, )
now = now if isinstance(now, get_origin(self.base)) else (
self.base() if now is None else self.base(now))
self.now, self._later = now, _later
def __repr__(self):
_later = "" if self.is_constant else f", _later={repr(self._later)}"
return factory_name(type(self)) + f"({repr(self.now)}{_later})"
def later(self) -> Ty:
""" The tail of a stream, or `self` if :meth:`is_constant`. """
return self if self.is_constant else self._later()
def head(self) -> Ty:
""" The :meth:`singleton` over the first time step. """
return self.singleton(self.now)
tail = later
def is_constant(self) -> bool:
""" Whether a stream of type is constant. """
return self._later is None
def singleton(cls, x: base) -> Ty:
Constructs the stream with `x` now and the empty stream later.
>>> XY = Ty.singleton(symmetric.Ty('x', 'y'))
>>> for x in [XY.now, XY.later.now, XY.later.later.now]: print(x)
x @ y
return cls(now=x, _later=lambda: cls())
def delay(self) -> Ty:
Delays a stream of types by pre-pending with the unit.
>>> XY = Ty(symmetric.Ty('x', 'y')).delay()
>>> for x in [XY.now, XY.later.now, XY.later.later.now]: print(x)
x @ y
x @ y
return type(self)(self.base(), lambda: self)
d = property(lambda self: self.delay())
def sequence(cls, x: base, n_steps: int = 0) -> Ty:
Constructs the stream `x0`, `x1`, etc.
>>> XY = Ty.sequence(symmetric.Ty('x', 'y'))
>>> for x in [XY.now, XY.later.now, XY.later.later.now]: print(x)
x0 @ y0
x1 @ y1
x2 @ y2
now = sum([cls.base(f"{obj}{n_steps}") for obj in x], cls.base())
return cls(now, _later=lambda: cls.sequence(x, n_steps + 1))
def unroll(self) -> Ty:
Unroll a stream `x0, x1, x2, x3, ...` to `x0 @ x1, x2, x3, ...`.
>>> U = Ty.sequence('x').unroll()
>>> for x in [U.now, U.later.now, U.later.later.now]: print(x)
x0 @ x1
return type(self)(self.now + self.later.now, lambda: self.later.later)
def tensor(self, other: Ty) -> Ty:
The tensor of streams of types is computed pointwise.
>>> X, Y = map(Ty.sequence, "xy")
>>> XY = X @ Y
>>> for x in [XY.now, XY.later.now, XY.later.later.now]: print(x)
x0 @ y0
x1 @ y1
x2 @ y2
if not isinstance(other, Ty):
return NotImplemented
_later = None if self.is_constant and other.is_constant else (
lambda: self.later.tensor(other.later))
return type(self)(self.now + other.now, _later)
__add__ = __matmul__ = symmetric.Ty.__matmul__
__pow__ = symmetric.Ty.__pow__
class Stream(Composable, Whiskerable, NamedGeneric['category']):
Monoidal streams over an underlying `category`.
now (category.ar) : The value of the stream at time step zero.
dom (Optional[Ty[category.ob]]) :
The domain of the stream, constant `now.dom` if `_later is None`.
cod (Optional[Ty[category.ob]]) :
The codomain of the stream, constant `now.dom` if `_later is None`.
mem (Optional[Ty[category.ob]]) :
The memory of the stream, the constant empty type by default.
_later (Optional[Callable[[], Stream[category]]]) :
A thunk for the tail of the stream, constant by default.
>>> from discopy import python
>>> T, S = Ty[python.Ty], Stream[python.Category]
>>> x, y, m = int, bool, str
>>> now = python.Function(lambda n: (bool(n % 2), str(n)), x, (y, m))
>>> dom, cod, mem = T(x), T(y), T(m).delay()
>>> later = S(lambda n, s: (bool(n % 2), f"{s} {n}"), dom, cod, mem.later)
>>> f = S(now, dom, cod, mem, lambda: later)
>>> f.unroll(2).now(1, 2, 3)
(True, False, True, '1 2 3')
The parameters should satisfy the following conditions:
>>> assert now.dom == dom.now + mem.now
>>> assert now.cod == cod.now + mem.later.now
>>> assert dom.later.now == later.dom.now
>>> assert cod.later.now == later.cod.now
>>> assert mem.later.now == later.mem.now
category = symmetric.Category
ty_factory = Ty[category.ob]
now: category.ar
dom: ty_factory = None
cod: ty_factory = None
mem: ty_factory = None
_later: Callable[[], Stream[category]] = None
later, is_constant = Ty.later, Ty.is_constant
head, tail = Ty.head, Ty.tail
def __init__(
self, now: category.ar,
dom: ty_factory = None,
cod: ty_factory = None,
mem: ty_factory = None,
_later: Callable[[], Stream[category]] = None):
if dom is None or cod is None:
if mem is not None or _later is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot have mem or _later if dom or cod is None.")
dom = Ty[self.category.ob](now.dom) if dom is None else dom
cod = Ty[self.category.ob](now.cod) if cod is None else cod
mem = Ty[self.category.ob]() if mem is None else mem
for typ in (dom, cod, mem):
assert_isinstance(typ, Ty)
if not isinstance(now, self.category.ar):
now = self.category.ar(
now, dom.now + mem.now, cod.now + mem.later.now)
if now.dom != dom.now + mem.now:
raise AxiomError(f"{dom.now + mem.now} != {now.dom}")
if now.cod != cod.now + mem.later.now:
raise AxiomError(f"{dom.now + mem.later.now} != {now.dom}")
if _later is None:
if not all(x.is_constant for x in [dom, cod, mem]):
raise ValueError(
"Constant streams should have constant dom, cod and mem")
self.dom, self.cod, self.mem = dom, cod, mem
self.now, self._later = now, _later
def check_later(self):
""" Check that later has consistent domain, codomain and memory. """
later = self.later
assert_isinstance(later, type(self))
assert self.dom.later.now == later.dom.now
assert self.cod.later.now == later.cod.now
assert self.mem.later.now == later.mem.now
mem_dom = property(lambda self: self.mem.now)
mem_cod = property(lambda self: self.mem.later.now)
def singleton(cls, arg: category.ar) -> Stream:
Construct the stream with a given arrow now and the empty stream later.
dom, cod = map(Ty[cls.category.ob].singleton, (arg.dom, arg.cod))
return cls(arg, dom, cod, _later=lambda: cls.id())
def sequence(
cls, name: str, dom: Ty, cod: Ty, mem: Ty = None, n_steps: int = 0,
box_factory=symmetric.Box) -> Stream:
Produce a stream of boxes indexed by a time step.
>>> x, y, m = [Ty.sequence(symmetric.Ty(n)) for n in "xym"]
>>> f = Stream.sequence("f", x @ m.delay(), y @ m)
>>> for fi in [f.now, f.later.now, f.later.later.now]:
... print(fi, ":", fi.dom, "->", fi.cod)
f0 : x0 -> y0 @ m0
f1 : x1 @ m0 -> y1 @ m1
f2 : x2 @ m1 -> y2 @ m2
mem = Ty[cls.category.ob]() if mem is None else mem
now = box_factory(
f"{name}{n_steps}", dom.now @ mem.now, cod.now @ mem.later.now)
return cls(now, dom, cod, mem, _later=lambda: cls.sequence(
name, dom.later, cod.later, mem.later, n_steps + 1, box_factory))
def delay(self) -> Stream:
""" Delay a stream by one time step, shortened to `self.d`. """
dom, cod, mem = [x.delay() for x in (self.dom, self.cod, self.mem)]
now, _later = self.category.ar.id(self.mem.now), lambda: self
return type(self)(now, dom, cod, mem, _later)
d = property(lambda self: self.delay())
def unroll(self) -> Stream:
Unrolling a stream for `n_steps`.
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> f = Stream.sequence("f", *map(Ty.sequence, "xym"))
>>> Equation(f.now, f.unroll().now, f.unroll(2).now, symbol=',').draw(
... figsize=(8, 4), path="docs/_static/stream/unroll.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/unroll.png
:align: center
later = self.later
dom, cod = self.dom.unroll(), self.cod.unroll()
mem = Ty[self.category.ob](self.mem.now, lambda: self.mem.later.later)
now = self.dom.now @ self.category.ar.swap(later.dom.now, self.mem_dom)
now >>= self.now @ later.dom.now
now >>= self.cod.now @ self.category.ar.swap(
self.mem_cod, later.dom.now) >> self.cod.now @ later.now
return type(self)(now, dom, cod, mem, _later=lambda: later.later)
def id(cls, x: Optional[Ty] = None) -> Stream:
Construct a stream of identity arrows.
>>> id_x = Stream.id(Ty.sequence('x'))
>>> print(id_x.now, id_x.later.now, id_x.later.later.now)
Id(x0) Id(x1) Id(x2)
x = Ty[cls.category.ob]() if x is None else x
assert_isinstance(x, Ty)
now, dom, cod = cls.category.ar.id(x.now), x, x
_later = None if x.is_constant else lambda: cls.id(x.later)
return cls(now, dom, cod, _later=_later)
def then(self, other: Stream) -> Stream:
Composition of streams is given by swapping the memories as follows:
>>> x, y, z, m, n = map(Ty.sequence, "xyzmn")
>>> f = Stream.sequence("f", x, y, m)
>>> g = Stream.sequence("g", y, z, n)
>>> (f >> g).now.draw(path="docs/_static/stream/stream-then.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/stream-then.png
:align: center
swap = self.category.ar.swap
now = self.now @ other.mem_dom
now >>= self.cod.now @ swap(self.mem_cod, other.mem_dom)
now >>= other.now @ self.mem_cod
now >>= other.cod.now @ swap(other.mem_cod, self.mem_cod)
dom, cod, mem = self.dom, other.cod, self.mem @ other.mem
_later = None if self.is_constant and other.is_constant else (
lambda: self.later >> other.later)
return type(self)(now, dom, cod, mem, _later)
def tensor(self, other: Stream) -> Stream:
Tensor of streams is given by swapping the memories as follows:
>>> x, y, z, w, m, n = map(Ty.sequence, "xyzwmn")
>>> f = Stream.sequence("f", x, y, m)
>>> g = Stream.sequence("g", z, w, n)
>>> (f @ g).now.draw(path="docs/_static/stream/stream-tensor.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/stream-tensor.png
:align: center
assert_isinstance(other, Stream)
swap = self.category.ar.swap
now = self.dom.now @ swap(other.dom.now, self.mem_dom) @ other.mem_dom
now >>= self.now @ other.now
now >>= self.cod.now @ swap(
self.mem_cod, other.cod.now) @ other.mem_cod
dom = self.dom @ other.dom
cod = self.cod @ other.cod
mem = self.mem @ other.mem
_later = None if self.is_constant and other.is_constant else (
lambda: self.later.tensor(other.later))
return type(self)(now, dom, cod, mem, _later)
def swap(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Stream:
""" Construct a stream of swaps. """
now = cls.category.ar.swap(left.now, right.now)
dom, cod = left @ right, right @ left
_later = None if left.is_constant and right.is_constant else (
lambda: cls.swap(left.later, right.later))
return cls(now, dom, cod, _later=_later)
def copy(cls, dom: Ty, n: int = 2) -> Stream:
""" Construct a stream of diagonal morphisms. """
now, cod = cls.category.ar.copy(dom.now, n), dom ** n
_later = None if dom.is_constant else lambda: cls.copy(dom.later, n)
return cls(now, dom, cod, _later=_later)
def feedback(
self, dom: Ty = None, cod: Ty = None, mem: Ty = None, _first_call=True
) -> Stream:
The delayed feedback of a monoidal stream.
dom (Ty) : The domain of the result.
cod (Ty) : The domain of the result.
mem (Ty) : The memory over which we are taking a feedback.
>>> x, y, m = [Ty.sequence(symmetric.Ty(n)) for n in "xym"]
>>> f = Stream.sequence("f", x @ m.delay(), y @ m)
>>> fb = f.feedback(x, y, m)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(f.unroll(2).now, fb.unroll(2).now, symbol="$\\\\mapsto$"
... ).draw(path="docs/_static/stream/feedback-unrolling.png")
.. image:: /_static/stream/feedback-unrolling.png
:align: center
if mem is None or dom is None or cod is None:
if not self.is_constant or dom is not None or cod is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
assert self.dom.now == dom.now if _first_call else (
self.dom.now == dom.now + mem.now)
assert self.cod.now == cod.now + mem.now if _first_call else (
self.cod.now == cod.now + mem.later.now)
def _later():
return self.later.feedback(dom.later, cod.later, mem.later, False)
mem = mem.delay() if _first_call else mem
return type(self)(self.now, dom, cod, mem @ self.mem, _later)
followed_by = id
class Category(symmetric.Category):
""" Syntactic sugar for `Category(Ty[category.ob], Stream[category])`. """
def __init__(self, ob: type = None, ar: type = None):
ar = Stream if ar is None else Stream[symmetric.Category(ob, ar)]
ob = Ty if ob is None else Ty[ob]
super().__init__(ob, ar)