The free (dagger) category with formal sums, unary operators and symbolic variables.
An object with a string as |
An arrow is a tuple of composable boxes |
A box is an arrow with a |
The identity arrow with the empty tuple inside, called with |
A sum is a tuple of arrows |
A bubble is a box with arrow |
A category is just a pair of Python types |
A functor is a pair of maps |
Abstract class implementing the syntactic sugar |
We can create boxes with objects as domain and codomain:
>>> x, y, z = Ob('x'), Ob('y'), Ob('z')
>>> f, g, h = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', y, z), Box('h', z, x)
We can create arbitrary arrows with identity and composition:
>>> arrow =, g, h)
>>> assert arrow == f >> g >> h == h << g << f
We can create dagger functors from the free category to itself:
>>> ob = {x: z, y: y, z: x}
>>> ar = {f: g[::-1], g: f[::-1], h: h[::-1]}
>>> F = Functor(ob, ar)
>>> assert F(arrow) == (h >> f >> g)[::-1]
We can check the axioms of dagger (i.e. a contravariant involutive identity-on-objects endofunctor):
>>> x, y, z = Ob('x'), Ob('y'), Ob('z')
>>> f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', y, z)
>>> assert f[::-1][::-1] == f
>>> assert Id(x)[::-1] == Id(x)
>>> assert (f >> g)[::-1] == g[::-1] >> f[::-1]
We can check the axioms of dagger functors.
>>> assert F(Id(x)) == Id(F(x))
>>> assert F(f >> g) == F(f) >> F(g)
>>> assert F(f[::-1]) == F(f)[::-1]
>>> assert F(f.dom) == F(f).dom and F(f.cod) == F(f).cod
Functors are bubble-preserving.
>>> assert F(f.bubble()) == F(f).bubble()