Categories for Quantum#

Alexis Toumi & Giovanni de Felice

5th May 2021, Tallcat

  1. Categorical quantum mechanics

    • the miracle of scalars

    • the way of the dagger

    • braids and symmetry

    • compact closed categories

    • special commutative Frobenius algebras

    • bialgebras & Hopf algebras

  2. Qubit quantum computing

    • the circuit model

    • the ZX-calculus

  3. Applications

    • optimisation

    • compilation

    • extraction

    • natural language processing

Categorical quantum mechanics#

The traditional formulation of quantum theory happens in \(\mathbf{Hilb}\), the monoidal category of Hilbert spaces and bounded linear maps with the tensor product.

Categorical quantum mechanics (CQM) seeks to make explicit precisely what structure is needed of \(\mathbf{Hilb}\) in order to recover quantum theory.


  • A categorical semantics of quantum protocols, Abramsky & Coecke (arXiv:0402130)

  • Categorical quantum mechanics, Abramsky & Coecke (arXiv:0808.1023)

  • Picturing quantum processes: a first course in quantum theory and diagrammatic reasoning, Coecke & Kissinger (2017)

  • Categories for quantum theory: an introduction, Heunen & Vicary (2019)

In the process, we get a diagrammatic language for quantum processes.

We also get a new intuition for monoidal categories:

  • Systems are objects \(A, B\), composition of systems is given by their tensor product \(A \otimes B\).

  • Processes are arrows \(f : A \to B\), \(g : B \to C\), with their sequential and parallel compositions \(g \circ f\) and \(f \otimes g\).

  • States are arrows from the unit \(v : 1 \to A\).

  • Effects are arrows into the unit \(e : A \to 1\).

  • Scalars are endomorphisms of the unit \(s : 1 \to 1\).

The miracle of scalars#

Lemma: Tensoring with a scalar is a natural transformation.


from discopy.monoidal import Ty, Box
from discopy.drawing import Equation

x, y, z = Ty(*"xyz")
f, g = Box('f', x, y), Box('g', y, z)
a, b, c, d = (Box(x, Ty(), Ty()) for x in 'abcd')

assert a @ x >> f == (f >> a @ y).normal_form()
Equation(a @ x >> f, f >> a @ y).draw(figsize=(5, 2))

Lemma: In a monoidal category, scalars form a commutative monoid.

Proof: Eckmann-Hilton argument.

from discopy import drawing

assert (a @ b).interchange(0, 1) == b @ a
assert (a @ b).interchange(0, 1).interchange(0, 1) == a @ b

A, B = a.to_drawing(), b.to_drawing()

drawing.Equation(A @ B, A >> B, B @ A, B >> A).draw()

Definition: A monoidal category is enriched in commutative monoids (com.mon. enriched) if every homset is a commutative monoid such that composition and tensor are monoid homomorphisms.

\[(f + f') \otimes (g + g') = (f \otimes g) + (f' \otimes g) + (f \otimes g') + (f' \otimes g')\]
\[(f + f') \circ (g + g') = (f \circ g) + (f' \circ g) + (f \circ g') + (f' \circ g')\]
\[0 \otimes f = 0 \circ f = 0 = f \circ 0 = f \otimes 0\]
from discopy.monoidal import Sum

zero = Sum((), Ty(), Ty())

assert zero + a == Sum((a, )) == a + zero
assert (a + b) + c == a + b + c == a + (b + c)
assert (a + b) @ (c + d) == (a @ c) + (a @ d) + (b @ c) + (b @ d)
assert (a + b) >> (c + d) == (a >> c) + (a >> d) + (b >> c) + (b >> d)

Lemma: In a com.mon. enriched monoidal category, the scalars form a commutative semiring.

Definition: A commutative semiring is a com.mon. enriched monoidal category with one object.

Lemma: Given a commutative semiring \(\mathbb{S}\), the category \(\mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{S}\) of \(\mathbb{S}\)-valued matrices is monoidal with the Kronecker product.

Lemma: \(\mathbf{FHilb} \simeq \mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{C}\).

Lemma: \(\mathbf{FRel} \simeq \mathbf{Mat}_\mathbb{B}\).

Com.mon. enrichment allows us to talk about superposition, basis and dimension in an abstract setting.

Definition: Given two states \(v, w : 1 \to A\), their superposition is a linear combination \(a \otimes v + b \otimes w : 1 \to A\) for two scalars \(a, b : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: A basis for \(A\) is a minimal set of states \(\{\vert i \rangle : 1 \to A\}\) such that every state \(w : 1 \to A\) is a linear combination \(w = \sum_i a_i \otimes \vert i \rangle\) for some scalars \(a_i : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: The dimension of a system is the cardinality of its smallest basis.

The way of the dagger#

Definition: A dagger is a contravariant involutive identity-on-objects monoidal functor.

In terms of diagrams, the dagger is the vertical reflexion.

We may draw asymmetric boxes to distinguish a generator from its dagger.

Equation(f, f[::-1], symbol="$\mapsto$").draw(asymmetry=.25, figsize=(3, 1))
from discopy.monoidal import Id

assert Id(x)[::-1] == Id(x)
assert (f >> g)[::-1] ==  g[::-1] >> f[::-1]
assert (f @ g)[::-1].normal_form() ==  f[::-1] @ g[::-1]

Equation((f @ g)[::-1], f[::-1] @ g[::-1]).draw(figsize=(5, 2))

The dagger allows us to formulate the notion of inner product in an abstract setting.

Definition: The inner product of two states \(w, w' : 1 \to A\) is the scalar \(w^\dagger \circ w' : 1 \to 1\).

Definition: The squared norm of a state \(w : 1 \to A\) is the scalar \(w^\dagger \circ w\). It is normalised when it has norm \(1\), the identity of the monoidal unit.

Definition: Two states \(w, w' : 1 \to A\) are orthogonal when \(w^\dagger \circ w' = 0\).

Definition: An isometry is a norm-preserving process \(f : A \to B\), i.e. \(f^\dagger \circ f = \text{id}_A\).

Definition: A unitary is an isomorphism \(f : A \to B\) with inverse \(f^\dagger\), i.e. \(f^\dagger \circ f = \text{id}_A\) and \(f \circ f^\dagger = \text{id}_B\).

Definition: A basis is orthonormal if \(\langle i | j \rangle = \delta_{ij}\).

It also allows us to talk about quantum measurements, the Born rule and even a simple form of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle!

Definition: A projector is a process \(p : A \to A\) such that \(p = p^\dagger\) and \(p \circ p = \text{id}_A\).

Example: Take \(w \circ w^\dagger : A \to A\) for any normalised state \(w : 1 \to A\).

Definition: A (projection-valued) measurement is a set of projectors \(\{p_i : A \to A\}\) such that \(\sum p_i = \text{id}_A\).

Example: Take an orthonormal basis \(\{\vert i \rangle\}\) then \(\{\vert i \rangle \langle i \vert\}\) is a measurement.

Lemma: A measurement is a choice of basis and a partition of it.

Definition (Born rule): Given a normalised state \(w : 1 \to A\) and a measurement \(\{p_i : A \to A\}\), the probability of measuring outcome \(i\) and getting the state \(p_i(w)\) as a result is \(P(i \vert w) = w^\dagger \circ p_i \circ w\).

Example: Take \(p_i = v \circ v^\dagger\) then we get the squared amplitude \(P(v \vert w) = \langle w \vert v \rangle^2\).

Definition: Two bases are complementary (a.k.a. mutually unbiased) if \(P(i \vert j) = P(i' \vert j')\) for all \(i, i'\) and \(j, j'\).

Example: Take \(\{\vert 0 \rangle, \vert 1 \rangle\}\) and \(\{\vert + \rangle, \vert - \rangle\}\) the two bases of \(\mathbb{C}^2\) with:

\[\vert + \rangle = \frac{\vert 0 \rangle + \vert 1 \rangle}{\sqrt{2}} \quad and \quad \vert - \rangle = \frac{\vert 0 \rangle - \vert 1 \rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\]


Braids and symmetry#

Definition: A (strict) monoidal category is braided if for every objects \(A, B\) we have swaps:


such that




Definition: A braided monoidal category is symmetric if Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2018.59.19.png

or equivalently Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2021.50.08.png

Lemma: In a braided monoidal category, we can prove the Yang-Baxter equation. Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.26.22.png Proof: Naturality + Hexagon.

Compact closed categories#

Recall: In a right-rigid monoidal category, for every \(L\) there is a right adjoint \(R\) and a pair of arrows:


such that Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2018.40.35.png

Lemma: In a braided monoidal category, left and right adjoints collapse.

Proof: Define Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.09.27.png

Then from naturality we get:


Definition: A compact closed category is a rigid symmetric monoidal category.

Lemma: In a compact closed category, the following equations hold: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.04.17.png

Definition: The transpose of a process is given by: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.33.05.png

Definition: A \(\dagger\) compact closed category is a compact closed category with a dagger, such that swaps are unitaries andScreenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2019.32.04.png

In a \(\dagger\) compact closed category, we get a \(\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2\) action on processes: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2012.33.44.png

Compact closed categories allow to formulate the notion of entanglement in an abstract setting.

Definition: A state \(w : 1 \to A \otimes B\) is separable when it can be written as a tensor \(w = v \otimes v'\) for some \(v : 1 \to A\) and \(v' 1 \to B\).

Definition: A state \(w : 1 \to A \otimes B\) is entangled if it is not separable.

Lemma: The cup of a non-trivial system is entangled.

Proof: Suppose the cup is separable, then the identity factors through the unit.


Lemma (Teleportation): Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.19.35.png

Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.20.39.png

We can also formulate an abstract version of the no-deleting and no-cloning theorem.

Definition: Deleting is a natural transformation \(e_A : A \to 1\) with \(e_1 = 1\).

Lemma: A monoidal category has deleting if and only if \(1\) is terminal.

Theorem: If a compact closed category has deleting, then it is a preorder.

Proof: Take two parallel arrows \(f, g : A \to B\), then their coname \(\hat f, \hat g : A \otimes B^\star \to 1\) are equal, hence \(f = g\).

Definition: Copying is an commutative, associative natural transformation \(d_A : A \to A \otimes A\) such that:



Lemma: If a braided monoidal category has copying, then:


Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.27.41.png


Theorem: If a compact closed category has copying, then:Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.25.26.png

Proof: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.30.17.png

Special commutative Frobenius algebras#

Definition: A Frobenius algebra is a pair of a monoid and comonoid such that: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.37.18.png

Definition: A Frobenius algebra is dagger when the dagger of multiplication is comultiplication, and the dagger of unit is counit.

Definition: A \(\dagger\) Frobenius algebra is commutative when its monoid is commutative.

Definition: A \(\dagger\) Frobenius algebra is special when Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.37.28.png

Lemma: Frobenius algebras are self-adjoint.

Proof: Define cups and caps Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.46.07.png


Lemma: Homomorphisms of Frobenius algebras are isomorphisms, with inverse given by


Proof: Suppose \(f\) is a homomorphism of Frobenius algebras. Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.49.59.png

Theorem (Spider Fusion): Every connected diagram \(d : A^{\otimes n} \to A^{\otimes m}\) generated by the co/monoid of a Frobenius algebra is equal to a spider-shaped diagramScreenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2022.51.16.png

Proof: By induction, we move all the black comonoid below the white monoid.


Theorem (Artin–Wedderburn): in \(\mathbf{FHilb}\), \(\dagger\) special commutative Frobenius algebras are in one-to-one correspondance with orthonormal bases.

Proof: \(C^\star\) algebra magic.

The correspondance sends a \(\dagger\) SCFA to the basis of copyable states: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.09.13.png

It sends a basis to the Frobenius algebra given by: Screenshot%202021-05-04%20at%2023.11.05.png

Frobenius algebras not only characterise bases in \(\mathbf{Hilb}\), they also allow us to formulate an abstract notion of phases.

Definition: Given a \(\dagger\)SCFA, a phase is a state \(a : 1 \to A\) such that:


It defines a phase shift map, a.k.a. diagonal unitary matrices: Screenshot%202021-05-05%20at%2003.00.14.png

Lemma: Phases form a group.