# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The free pivotal category,
i.e. diagrams with cups and caps that can rotate by a full turn.
.. autosummary::
:template: class.rst
A pivotal category is a rigid category where left and right transpose coincide.
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")
>>> assert x.r == x.l and x.l.l == x == x.r.r
>>> f = Box('f', x, y)
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(f.transpose(left=True), f.r, f.transpose(left=False)).draw(
... path="docs/_static/pivotal/axiom.png")
.. image:: /_static/pivotal/axiom.png
:align: center
For each diagram, we have its conjugate:
>>> d = Box('g', x @ y, z).curry()
>>> Equation(d, d.conjugate(), symbol="").draw(
... space=2, path="docs/_static/pivotal/box-conjugate.png")
.. image:: /_static/pivotal/box-conjugate.png
:align: center
We also have its dagger and its transpose:
>>> Equation(d.dagger(), d.rotate(), symbol="").draw(
... space=2, path="docs/_static/pivotal/dagger-transpose.png")
.. image:: /_static/pivotal/dagger-transpose.png
:align: center
from __future__ import annotations
from discopy import cat, rigid, traced
from discopy.cat import factory
class Ob(rigid.Ob):
A pivotal object is a rigid object where left and right adjoints coincide.
name : The name of the object.
z (bool) : Whether the object is an adjoint or not.
l = r = property(lambda self: type(self)(self.name, (self.z + 1) % 2))
class Ty(rigid.Ty):
A pivotal type is a rigid type with pivotal objects inside.
inside (Ob) : The objects inside the type.
ob_factory = Ob
class PRO(rigid.PRO, Ty):
A pivotal PRO is a natural number ``n``
seen as a pivotal type of length ``n``.
n : int
The length of the PRO type.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (rigid.PRO, )
l = r = property(lambda self: self)
class Diagram(rigid.Diagram, traced.Diagram):
A pivotal diagram is a rigid diagram and a traced diagram
with pivotal types as domain and codomain.
inside(Layer) : The layers of the diagram.
dom (Ty) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input.
cod (Ty) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output.
ty_factory = Ty
def dagger(self):
The dagger of a pivotal diagram is its vertical reflection.
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")
>>> f = Box('f', x @ y, z).curry()
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(f, f.dagger(), symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
... asymmetry=.1,
... path="docs/_static/pivotal/dagger.png")
.. image:: /_static/pivotal/dagger.png
:align: center
return cat.Arrow.dagger(self)
def conjugate(self):
The horizontal reflection of a diagram,
defined as the dagger of the rotation.
Equivalently, it is the rotation of the dagger.
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")
>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")
>>> f = Box('f', x @ y, z).curry()
>>> assert f.conjugate() == f[::-1].rotate() == f.rotate()[::-1]
>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(f, f.conjugate(), symbol="$\\\\mapsto$").draw(
... path="docs/_static/pivotal/conjugate.png")
.. image:: /_static/pivotal/conjugate.png
:align: center
return self.rotate().dagger()
def trace_factory(cls, diagram: Diagram, left=False):
The trace of a pivotal diagram is its pre- and post-composition with
cups and caps to form a feedback loop.
diagram : The diagram to trace.
left : Whether to trace on the left or right.
traced_wire = diagram.dom[:1] if left else diagram.dom[-1:]
dom, cod = (diagram.dom[1:], diagram.cod[1:]) if left\
else (diagram.dom[:-1], diagram.cod[:-1])
return cls.cap_factory(traced_wire.r, traced_wire) @ dom\
>> traced_wire.r @ diagram\
>> cls.cup_factory(traced_wire.r, traced_wire) @ cod if left\
else dom @ cls.cap_factory(traced_wire, traced_wire.r)\
>> diagram @ traced_wire.r\
>> cod @ cls.cup_factory(traced_wire, traced_wire.r)
class Box(rigid.Box, Diagram):
A pivotal box is a rigid box in a pivotal diagram.
name (str) : The name of the box.
dom (Ty) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input.
cod (Ty) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (rigid.Box, )
def rotate(self, left=False):
del left
return type(self)(
self.name, dom=self.cod.r, cod=self.dom.r,
data=self.data, is_dagger=self.is_dagger, z=(self.z + 1) % 2)
def dagger(self) -> Box:
return type(self)(
name=self.name, dom=self.cod, cod=self.dom,
data=self.data, is_dagger=not self.is_dagger, z=self.z)
def is_conjugate(self):
""" Whether the box is a conjugate, i.e. the transpose of a dagger. """
return self.is_dagger and bool(self.z)
def to_drawing(self):
result = super().to_drawing()
result.is_conjugate = self.is_conjugate
return result
class Cup(rigid.Cup, Box):
A pivotal cup is a rigid cup of pivotal types.
left (Ty) : The atomic type.
right (Ty) : Its adjoint.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (rigid.Cup, )
def dagger(self) -> Cap:
""" The dagger of a pivotal cup. """
return self.cap_factory(self.left, self.right)
class Cap(rigid.Cap, Box):
A pivotal cap is a rigid cap of pivotal types.
left (Ty) : The atomic type.
right (Ty) : Its adjoint.
__ambiguous_inheritance__ = (rigid.Cap, )
def dagger(self) -> Cup:
""" The dagger of a pivotal cap. """
return self.cup_factory(self.left, self.right)
class Category(rigid.Category):
A pivotal category is a rigid category
where left and right adjoints coincide.
ob : The type of objects.
ar : The type of arrows.
ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
class Functor(rigid.Functor):
A pivotal functor is a rigid functor on a pivotal category.
ob (Mapping[Ty, Ty]) : Map from atomic :class:`Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`.
ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:`cod.ar`.
cod (Category) : The codomain of the functor.
dom = cod = Category(Ty, Diagram)
Diagram.cup_factory, Diagram.cap_factory = Cup, Cap
Id = Diagram.id