Source code for discopy.braided

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

The free braided category, i.e. diagrams with braids.


.. autosummary::
    :template: class.rst


.. admonition:: Functions

    .. autosummary::
        :template: function.rst


Braids have their dagger as inverse, up to :meth:`Diagram.simplify`.

>>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz")
>>> LHS = Braid(x, y) >> Braid(x, y)[::-1]
>>> RHS = Braid(y, x)[::-1] >> Braid(y, x)
>>> assert LHS.simplify() == Id(x @ y) == RHS.simplify()

>>> from discopy.drawing import Equation
>>> Equation(LHS, Id(x @ y), RHS).draw(
...     path='docs/_static/braided/inverse.png')

.. image:: /_static/braided/inverse.png
    :align: center

The hexagon equations hold on the nose.

>>> left_hexagon = Braid(x, y) @ z >> y @ Braid(x, z)
>>> assert left_hexagon == Diagram.braid(x, y @ z)
>>> right_hexagon = x @ Braid(y, z) >> Braid(x, z) @ y
>>> assert right_hexagon == Diagram.braid(x @ y, z)

>>> Equation(left_hexagon, right_hexagon, symbol='').draw(
...     space=2, path='docs/_static/braided/hexagons.png')

.. image:: /_static/braided/hexagons.png
    :align: center

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable

from discopy import monoidal
from import factory
from discopy.monoidal import Ty, Match
from discopy.utils import factory_name, BinaryBoxConstructor, assert_isatomic

[docs] @factory class Diagram(monoidal.Diagram): """ A braided diagram is a monoidal diagram with :class:`Braid` boxes. Parameters: inside(Layer) : The layers inside the diagram. dom (monoidal.Ty) : The domain of the diagram, i.e. its input. cod (monoidal.Ty) : The codomain of the diagram, i.e. its output. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = True
[docs] @classmethod def braid(cls, left: monoidal.Ty, right: monoidal.Ty) -> Diagram: """ The diagram braiding :code:`left` over :code:`right`. Parameters: left : The type on the top left and bottom right. right : The type on the top right and bottom left. Note ---- This calls :func:`hexagon` and :attr:`braid_factory`. """ return hexagon(cls, cls.braid_factory)(left, right)
[docs] def simplify(self) -> Diagram: """ Remove braids followed by their dagger. """ for i, ((x, f, _), (y, g, _)) in enumerate( zip(self.inside, self.inside[1:])): if x == y and isinstance(f, Braid) and f == g[::-1]: inside = self.inside[:i] + self.inside[i + 2:] return self.factory( inside, self.dom, self.cod, _scan=False).simplify() return self
[docs] def naturality(self, i: int, left=True, down=True, braid=None) -> Diagram: """ Slide a box through a braid. Parameters: i : The index of the box to slide. left : Whether to slide left or right. down : Whether to slide down or up. braid : The braiding method to be used. Examples -------- >>> x, y, z = map(Ty, "xyz") >>> f = Box('f', x, y) >>> top_left = f @ z >> Braid(y, z) >>> top_right = z @ f >> Braid(z, y) >>> bot_left = Braid(z, x) >> f @ z >>> bot_right = Braid(x, z) >> z @ f >>> assert top_right.naturality(0) == bot_left >>> assert top_left.naturality(0, left=False) == bot_right >>> assert bot_right.naturality(1, down=False) == top_left >>> assert bot_left.naturality(1, left=False, down=False) == top_right """ braid = braid or self.braid left_wires, box, right_wires = self.inside[i] if left and down: source = left_wires[-1] @ box >> braid(left_wires[-1], box.cod) target = braid(left_wires[-1], box.dom) >> box @ left_wires[-1] elif left: source = braid(box.dom, left_wires[-1]) >> left_wires[-1] @ box target = box @ left_wires[-1] >> braid(box.cod, left_wires[-1]) elif down: source = box @ right_wires[0] >> braid(box.cod, right_wires[0]) target = braid(box.dom, right_wires[0]) >> right_wires[0] @ box else: source = braid(right_wires[0], box.dom) >> box @ right_wires[0] target = right_wires[0] @ box >> braid(right_wires[0], box.cod) match = Match(above=self[:i] if down else self[:i - len(source) + 1], below=self[i + len(source):] if down else self[i + 1:], left=left_wires[:-1] if left else left_wires, right=right_wires if left else right_wires[1:]) return match.subs(target)
[docs] class Box(monoidal.Box, Diagram): """ A braided box is a monoidal box in a braided diagram. Parameters: name (str) : The name of the box. dom (monoidal.Ty) : The domain of the box, i.e. its input. cod (monoidal.Ty) : The codomain of the box, i.e. its output. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Box, )
[docs] class Braid(BinaryBoxConstructor, Box): """ The braiding of atomic types :code:`left` and :code:`right`. Parameters: left : The type on the top left and bottom right. right : The type on the top right and bottom left. is_dagger : Braiding over or under. Important --------- :class:`Braid` is only defined for atomic types (i.e. of length 1). For complex types, use :meth:`Diagram.braid` instead. """ def __init__(self, left: monoidal.Ty, right: monoidal.Ty, is_dagger=False): assert_isatomic(left, monoidal.Ty) assert_isatomic(right, monoidal.Ty) name = type(self).__name__\ + (f"({right}, {left})" if is_dagger else f"({left}, {right})") dom, cod = left @ right, right @ left Box.__init__( self, name, dom, cod, is_dagger=is_dagger, draw_as_braid=True) BinaryBoxConstructor.__init__(self, left, right) def __repr__(self): str_is_dagger = ", is_dagger=True" if self.is_dagger else "" return factory_name(type(self)) + \ f"({repr(self.left)}, {repr(self.right)}{str_is_dagger})" def dagger(self): return type(self)(self.right, self.left, not self.is_dagger)
[docs] def hexagon(cls: type, factory: Callable) -> Callable[[Ty, Ty], Diagram]: """ Take a ``factory`` for braids of atomic types and extend it recursively. Parameters: cls : A diagram factory, e.g. :class:`Diagram`. factory : A factory for braids of atomic types, e.g. :class:`Braid`. """ def method(left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Diagram: if len(left) == 0: return if len(right) == 0: return if len(left) == len(right) == 1: return factory(left[0], right[0]) if len(left) == 1: return method(left, right[:1]) @ right[1:]\ >> right[:1] @ method(left, right[1:]) return left[:1] @ method(left[1:], right)\ >> method(left[:1], right) @ left[1:] return method
[docs] class Sum(monoidal.Sum, Box): """ A braided sum is a monoidal sum and a braided box. Parameters: terms (tuple[Diagram, ...]) : The terms of the formal sum. dom (Ty) : The domain of the formal sum. cod (Ty) : The codomain of the formal sum. """ __ambiguous_inheritance__ = (monoidal.Sum, )
[docs] class Category(monoidal.Category): """ A braided category is a monoidal category with a method :code:`braid`. Parameters: ob : The objects of the category, default is :class:`Ty`. ar : The arrows of the category, default is :class:`Diagram`. """ ob, ar = Ty, Diagram
[docs] class Functor(monoidal.Functor): """ A braided functor is a monoidal functor that preserves braids. Parameters: ob (Mapping[monoidal.Ty, monoidal.Ty]) : Map from :class:`monoidal.Ty` to :code:`cod.ob`. ar (Mapping[Box, Diagram]) : Map from :class:`Box` to :code:``. cod (Category) : The codomain, :code:`Category(Ty, Diagram)` by default. """ dom = cod = Category(Ty, Diagram) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Braid) and not other.is_dagger: return[0]), self(other.dom[1])) return super().__call__(other)
Diagram.braid_factory = Braid Diagram.sum_factory = Sum Id =