Define your own category#

Using DisCoPy as a starting point, you can define whatever category is needed for your own project. In Python, the definition of your custom category requires the following data:

  • A subclass of for the objects in your category.

  • A subclass of for the arrows in your category, with attributes dom and cod for domain and codomain and methods id and then for identity and composition.

That’s it! However with so little data, you can’t do much with your category yet: you can only define functors from the free category into it, i.e. evaluate arbitrary compositions of arrows. In order to make use of DisCoPy’s features, you will need a bit more structure: at least a premonoidal category. Concretely, this means you need the following data:

  • A subclass of discopy.monoidal.Ty for the objects in your category, with a method tensor.

  • A subclass of discopy.monoidal.Diagram or discopy.monoidal.Box for the arrows in your category, with attributes dom and cod for domain and codomain and methods id, then and tensor for identity, composition and tensor.

DisCoPy distinguishes two kinds of categories: syntax categories and semantic categories. How do you know of which kind your category is? The rule of thumb is: if you can draw its arrows as diagrams, it’s syntax, otherwise it must be semantics. Syntax categories should subclass Diagram while semantic categories subclass Box. In most applications you will need both syntax and semantic categories, together with a monoidal functor from syntax to semantics.

In this notebook, we will take a simple example of abstract nonsense — the Lawvere theory of sets — and make it concrete by implementing it in DisCoPy.

Syntax categories#

In DisCoPy, a syntax category is one where the arrows are subclass of monoidal.Diagram.

Lawvere diagrams#

A Lawvere theory is a Cartesian monoidal category generated by a single object x. The tensor product being Cartesian is equivalent to x being equipped with a natural cocommutative comonoid, this is something we can implement in terms of Copy, Delete and Swap boxes.

from discopy import monoidal, drawing

x = monoidal.Ty('x')

class Lawvere(monoidal.Diagram):
    """ A diagram in a Lawvere theory. """
    def __init__(self, dom, cod, boxes, offsets, layers=None):
        """ We check that the domain and codomain are generated by `x`. """
        assert all( == 'x' for obj in dom @ cod)
        super().__init__(dom, cod, boxes, offsets, layers)

    def __repr__(self):
        return super().__repr__().replace("Diagram", "Lawvere")

    def draw(self, **params):
        """ No need to draw the labels for types, they're all xs. """
        return super().draw(**dict(params, draw_type_labels=False))

class Id(monoidal.Id, Lawvere):
    """ Identity diagram in a Lawvere theory. """ = Id  # We need to attach Id to the Diagram class

class Box(monoidal.Box, Lawvere):
    """ Box in a Lawvere theory. """

class Structure(Box, Lawvere):
    """ Structural morphism in a Lawvere theory, drawn as black spiders. """
    draw_as_spider, drawing_name, color = True, "", "black"

class Copy(Structure):
    """ The diagonal map from `x` to `x ** 2`."""
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(name="COPY", dom=x, cod=x ** 2)

class Delete(Structure):
    """ The unique map from `x` to the unit `x ** 0`."""
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(name="DEL", dom=x, cod=x ** 0)

class Swap(monoidal.Swap, Lawvere):
    """ The symmetry from `x @ x` to itself. """

COPY, DEL, SWAP = Copy(), Delete(), Swap(x, x)

f = Box('f', x, x)

axioms = {
    "cocommutativity": (COPY >> SWAP, COPY),
    "coassociativity": (COPY >> Id(x) @ COPY, COPY >> COPY @ Id(x)),
    "counitality": (COPY >> Id(x) @ DEL, Id(x), COPY >> DEL @ Id(x)),
    "copy naturality": (f >> COPY, COPY >> f @ f),
    "delete naturality": (f >> DEL, DEL)

for name, axiom in axioms.items():
    drawing.equation(*axiom, figsize=(4, 2))
copy naturality
delete naturality

Structural morphisms#

For now, we only have structure for the generating object x. In order to complete the definition, we need the same structure for x ** n for each n >= 0 in a coherent way. Concretely, we need to attach static methods copy, delete and swap to the Lawvere class. The one for symmetry is already implemented by monoidal.Diagram.swap, we show the definition for copy and delete.

def swap(left, right):
    return monoidal.Diagram.swap(left, right, ar_factory=Lawvere, swap_factory=Swap)

def copy(xs):
    if not xs:  # xs is the unit `Ty()`
        return Id(xs)
    if len(xs) == 1:
        return COPY
    left, right = xs[:1], xs[:1]
    return copy(left) @ copy(right)\
        >> Id(left) @ swap(left, right) @ Id(right)

def delete(xs):
    if not xs:
        return Id(xs)
    if len(xs) == 1:
        return DEL
    left, right = xs[:1], xs[:1]
    return delete(left) @ delete(right)

Lawvere.swap, Lawvere.copy, Lawvere.delete = swap, copy, delete

copy_naturality = lambda f: (f >> copy(f.cod), copy(f.dom) >> f @ f)
delete_naturality = lambda f: (f >> delete(f.cod), delete(f.dom))

more_axioms = lambda xs: {
    "cocommutativity": (copy(xs) >> swap(xs, xs), copy(xs)),
    "coassociativity": (copy(xs) >> Id(xs) @ copy(xs), copy(xs) >> copy(xs) @ Id(xs)),
    "counitality": (copy(xs) >> Id(xs) @ delete(xs), Id(xs), copy(xs) >> delete(xs) @ Id(xs)),
    "copy naturality": copy_naturality(Box('f', xs, x)),
    "delete naturality": delete_naturality(Box('f', xs, x))

xs = x ** 2
for name, axiom in more_axioms(xs).items():
    print("{} for {}".format(name, xs))
    drawing.equation(*axiom, figsize=(4, 3))
cocommutativity for x @ x
coassociativity for x @ x
counitality for x @ x
copy naturality for x @ x
delete naturality for x @ x

Structure-preserving functors#

Now that we have structural morphisms for all objects, we can define structure-preserving functors by subclassing monoidal.Functor.

class CartesianFunctor(monoidal.Functor):
    def __init__(self, ob, ar, ob_factory=monoidal.Ty, ar_factory=Lawvere):
        super().__init__(ob, ar, ob_factory, ar_factory)

    def __call__(self, diagram):
        if isinstance(diagram, Copy):
            return self.ar_factory.copy(self(diagram.dom))
        if isinstance(diagram, Delete):
            return self.ar_factory.delete(self(diagram.dom))
        return super().__call__(diagram)

f, g = Box('f', x, x), Box('g', x ** 2, x ** 2)
diagram = copy_naturality(f)[1]

F = CartesianFunctor(ob={x: x ** 2}, ar={f: g})

drawing.equation(diagram, F(diagram), symbol="$\\mapsto$", figsize=(4, 3))

Equality of diagrams#

By default, the equality between DisCoPy diagrams is that of premonoidal categories: two diagrams are equal if and only if they are drawn exactly the same way. Therefore, the axioms we have drawn for Lawvere theories are not implemented yet:

assert f >> DEL != DEL
drawing.equation(f >> DEL, DEL, symbol="!=", figsize=(4, 2))

In the abstract, we would like to implement a quotient of the free premonoidal category, where some diagrams get equated. In practice, these extra axioms can be implemented by redefining the equality method so that it first computes a normal form. For example, the interchanger axiom:

g = Box('g', x, x)
lhs = f @ Id(x) >> Id(x) @ g
rhs = Id(x) @ g >> f @ Id(x)
drawing.equation(lhs, rhs, figsize=(4, 2))

is implemented by the monoidal.Diagram.normalize generator. When we let gen = d.normalize(), calling next(gen) will output the next step in the rewriting process:

gen = rhs.normalize()
drawing.equation(rhs, next(gen), symbol="$\\mapsto$", figsize=(4, 2))

The method monoidal.Diagram.normal_form will return the last step of the process, if it ever terminates. Thus we can check for equality of monoidal diagrams with lhs.normal_form() == rhs.normal_form():

assert lhs.normal_form() == rhs.normal_form()

Exercice: Implement the Lawvere theory of groups by adding generators for multiplication and inverse.

Exercice: Tweak the definition of Lawvere diagrams so that you can have multiple generating objects, i.e. implement colored Lawvere theories. Use that to implement the Lawvere theory of modules.

Exercice (hard): Take the rules from Lafont’s Algebraic Theory of Boolean Circuits (2003) and implement equality for diagrams in Lawvere theories.

In practice, computing normal forms for diagrams can become unfeasible: think of diagrams for quantum circuits, computing the normal form would amount to simulating the circuit. In most applications, what we care about isn’t whether diagrams are equal syntactically, but whether their evaluations are equal in a semantic category.

For the case of our Lawvere diagrams, there is a semantic category of choice: \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\), the opposite of the category of finite sets and functions. This is what we implement in the next section.

Semantic categories#

In DisCoPy, a semantic category is one where the arrows are subclass of monoidal.Box. In that case, then and tensor will return the result of some computation, rather than a diagram representing it. We can then evaluate the diagrams in our syntax category by applying a functor into the semantic category.

Finite sets as types#

The objects of our category \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\) are natural numbers with addition as tensor. In order to make the most of DisCoPy’s feature, we can represent a natural number n as a type with objects=n * [1].

class FinSet(monoidal.Ty):
    """ A finite set is uniquely defined by its number of elements. """
    def __init__(self, n=0):
        super().__init__(*(n * [1]))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "FinSet({})".format(len(self))

    def tensor(self, *others):
        """ We take addition as tensor. """
        return FinSet(sum(len(t) for t in (self, ) + others))

Functions as boxes#

The arrows \(m \to n\) in \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\) are functions \(\{0, \dots, n - 1\} \to \{0, \dots, m - 1\}\), with disjoint union as tensor. We can encode those as Python dictionaries from range(n) to range(m). Thus, we can implement the arrows of our category as a subclass of monoidal.Box, with this mapping as data attribute. We define id, then and tensor, as well as the structural morphisms swap, copy and delete.

class Map(monoidal.Box):
    """ The opposite of a function is defined by a dict from range(cod) to range(dom). """
    def __init__(self, dom, cod, data):
        name = "Function({}, {}, {})".format(dom, cod, data)
        assert set(data.keys()) == set(range(cod))
        assert all(i < dom for i in data.values())
        super().__init__(name, FinSet(dom), FinSet(cod), data=data)

    def id(dom):
        return Map(len(dom), len(dom), {i: i for i in range(len(dom))})

    def then(self, *others):
        if len(others) != 1:
            return super().then(*others)
        other, = others
        data = {i:[j] for i, j in}
        return Map(len(self.dom), len(other.cod), data)

    def tensor(self, *others):
        if len(others) != 1:
            return super().tensor(*others)
        other, = others
        dom, cod = len(self.dom @ other.dom), len(self.cod @ other.cod)
        data = {
            if i < len(self.cod)
            else[i - len(self.cod)]
            for i in range(cod)}
        return Map(dom, cod, data)

    def swap(left, right):
        data = {
            i: i + len(left) if i < len(left) else i - len(left)
            for i in range(len(left @ right))}
        return Map(len(left @ right), len(left @ right), data)

    def copy(dom):
        data = {i: i for i in range(len(dom))}
        data.update({i + len(dom): i for i in range(len(dom))})
        return Map(len(dom), len(dom ** 2), data)

    def delete(dom):
        return Map(len(dom), 0, {})

Equality now works on the nose!

X = FinSet(2)
m = Map.copy(X) >> @ Map.delete(X)
assert m ==

However, drawing a Map will only print it in a box.

m.draw(figsize=(3, 1))
Function(2, 2, {0: 0, 1: 1})

### Algebras as functors

Now that we have our concrete category \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\) implemented, we can define a structure-preserving functor from Lawvere diagrams into it, sending the generating object x to FinSet(1). In this particular example, this is enough to define equality of diagrams (assuming there are no boxes other than copy, delete and swap). We can now check the axioms for cocommutative comonoids by evaluating their diagrams in \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\).

F = CartesianFunctor(
    ob={x: FinSet(1)},
    ar={f: Map(1, 1, {0: 0}), g: Map(2, 2, {0: 1, 1: 0})},
    ob_factory=FinSet, ar_factory=Map)

def true_equal(self, other):
    return F(self) == F(other)

def all_equal(xs):
    return all(true_equal(x, xs[0]) for x in xs[1:])

for name, axiom in axioms.items():
    print("{}: {}".format(name, all_equal(axiom)))
cocommutativity: True
coassociativity: True
counitality: True
copy naturality: True
delete naturality: True

Exercice: Our functor F is one side of an equivalence from the Lawvere theory of sets to \(\text{FinSet}^\text{op}\), try to implement the other side! That is, implement a functor which sends FinSet(n) to x ** n and Map boxes to Lawvere diagrams.

Hint: Try to draw the mapping that defines a Map as a graph, that’s your Lawvere diagram!