
from discopy import Tensor
import jax.numpy as np; import numpy; np.random = numpy.random; np.random.seed(42) = np # this line is necessary when using jax

0. Generate a language#

We first build the pregroup diagrams for a simple subject-verb-object language.

from discopy import Ty, Word, Cup, Id

nouns = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Diane", "Eve", "Fred", "George", "Isabel"]
verbs = ["loves", "hates", "kills"]

s, n = Ty('s'), Ty('n')
tv = n.r @ s @ n.l

vocab = [Word(noun, n) for noun in nouns] + [Word(verb, tv) for verb in verbs]

grammar = Cup(n, n.r) @ Id(s) @ Cup(n.l, n)

sentences = [
    "{} {} {}".format(subj, verb, obj)
    for subj in nouns for verb in verbs for obj in nouns]

print("{}*{}*{} = {} sentences:\n{}\n".format(
    len(nouns), len(verbs), len(nouns), len(sentences), "\n".join(sentences[:3] + ["..."] + sentences[-3:])))

diagrams = {
    sentence: Word(subj, n) @ Word(verb, tv) @ Word(obj, n) >> grammar
    for sentence in sentences for subj, verb, obj in [sentence.split(' ')]}

print("Pregroup diagram for '{}'".format(sentences[1]))
8*3*8 = 192 sentences:
Alice loves Alice
Alice loves Bob
Alice loves Charlie
Isabel kills Fred
Isabel kills George
Isabel kills Isabel

Pregroup diagram for 'Alice loves Bob'

1. Build a random dataset#

We then generate a toy dataset with scalars attached to each diagram.

In order to do so, we apply a random functor from Pregroup to Tensor to each diagram in the corpus.

A TensorFunctor is defined by two mappings ob from types to dimension (i.e. hyper-parameters) and ar from words to matrices (i.e. parameters).

from discopy import TensorFunctor

# N.B. defining ob[tv] is not necessary, indeed F(tv) == F(n) * F(s) * F(n)
ob = {n: 2, s: 1, tv: 4}
ar0 = {word: np.random.randn(ob[word.cod]) for word in vocab}
F0 = TensorFunctor(ob, ar0)

def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

dataset = {sentence: sigmoid(F0(diagram).array) for sentence, diagram in diagrams.items()}
y_true = [float(y) for y in dataset.values()]
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)

Let’s have a look at what this random dataset looks like:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.hist(y_true, bins=100)
from random import shuffle

delta = 0.1

true_sentences = [sentence for sentence in dataset if dataset[sentence] > 0.5 + delta]
print("{} true sentences:\n{}\n".format(
    len(true_sentences), "\n".join(true_sentences[:3] + ['...'] + true_sentences[-3:])))
61 true sentences:
Fred hates Isabel
Eve loves George
Charlie loves Bob
Charlie kills Diane
Isabel loves Diane
George kills Diane

print("Does Alice love Bob?\n{}".format(
    "Yes" if dataset["Alice loves Bob"] > 0.5 + delta else "No"))
Does Alice love Bob?

2. Learn the functor from data#

We split the dataset into training and testing. We forget F0 and initialise some new random functor.

We define the mean squared loss on testing and training set and compile them just-in-time.

We use automatic differentiation and vanilla gradient descent to learn the parameters for the functor.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

training, testing = train_test_split(sentences, test_size=0.25, random_state=42)

def loss(ar, sample=training):
    F = TensorFunctor(ob, ar)
    y_pred = [sigmoid(F(diagrams[sentence]).array) for sentence in sample]
    y_true = [dataset[sentence] for sentence in sample]
    return np.mean((np.array(y_true) - np.array(y_pred)) ** 2)

ar = {word: np.random.randn(ob[word.cod]) for word in vocab}

print("Initial training loss: {}\nInitial testing loss: {}".format(loss(ar), loss(ar, testing)))
Initial training loss: 0.12394741922616959
Initial testing loss: 0.10969964414834976
from time import time
from jax import jit, grad

training_loss = jit(loss)
testing_loss = jit(lambda ar: loss(ar, testing))
gradient = jit(grad(training_loss))
start = time()

print("{1:.0f} seconds to just-in-time compile the gradient:\n{0}".format("\n".join(
    "{}: {}".format(word, dx) for word, dx in gradient(ar).items()), time() - start))
178 seconds to just-in-time compile the gradient:
Alice: [-0.01686156 -0.01012888]
Bob: [-0.0085393   0.00930784]
Charlie: [-0.00412429 -0.01343251]
Diane: [ 0.00908923 -0.00716087]
Eve: [-0.00673484 -0.0107691 ]
Fred: [-0.01174346 -0.00308988]
George: [0.01267174 0.01413585]
Isabel: [-0.00672528 -0.02229434]
hates: [-0.00208589 -0.00725513  0.00607718 -0.00264032]
kills: [-0.00403996  0.00772784  0.00631926  0.00695181]
loves: [-0.00456121 -0.0044004  -0.00093371  0.01333533]
learning_rate = 1
epochs = 10
iterations = 100

training_losses = []
testing_losses = []

for i in range(epochs):
    start = time()
    for _ in range(iterations):
        g = gradient(ar)
        for word in vocab:
            ar[word] = ar[word] - g[word] * learning_rate
    print("Epoch {} ({:.3f} seconds)".format(i + 1, time() - start))

F = TensorFunctor(ob, ar)
y_pred = [float(sigmoid(F(diagrams[sentence]).array)) for sentence in sentences]


Epoch 1 (29.078 seconds)
Epoch 2 (0.598 seconds)
Epoch 3 (0.511 seconds)
Epoch 4 (0.469 seconds)
Epoch 5 (0.493 seconds)
Epoch 6 (0.476 seconds)
Epoch 7 (0.466 seconds)
Epoch 8 (0.467 seconds)
Epoch 9 (0.472 seconds)
Epoch 10 (0.472 seconds)

3. Evaluate the learnt functor on some task#

Here we show the results for a binary classification task, i.e. yes-no question answering:

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

print(classification_report(np.array(y_true) > .5 + delta, np.array(y_pred) > .5 + delta))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

       False       0.99      1.00      1.00       131
        True       1.00      0.98      0.99        61

    accuracy                           0.99       192
   macro avg       1.00      0.99      0.99       192
weighted avg       0.99      0.99      0.99       192

print("Does Alice love Bob?\n{}".format(
    "Yes" if y_pred[sentences.index("Alice loves Bob")] > 0.5 + delta else "No"))
Does Alice love Bob?